1 /*
3  *
4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *
8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11  * and limitations under the License.
12  *
13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
18  *
20  */
22 /*
23  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
24  * Copyright 2017 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
25  */
27 /*
28  * Functions supporting Solaris Extended Attributes,
29  * used to provide access to CIFS "named streams".
30  */
32 #include <sys/systm.h>
33 #include <sys/inttypes.h>
34 #include <sys/cred.h>
35 #include <sys/vnode.h>
36 #include <sys/vfs.h>
37 #include <sys/filio.h>
38 #include <sys/uio.h>
39 #include <sys/dirent.h>
40 #include <sys/errno.h>
41 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
42 #include <sys/kmem.h>
43 #include <sys/stat.h>
44 #include <sys/cmn_err.h>
45 #include <sys/u8_textprep.h>
47 #include <netsmb/smb_osdep.h>
48 #include <netsmb/smb.h>
49 #include <netsmb/smb_conn.h>
50 #include <netsmb/smb_subr.h>
51 #include <netsmb/smb_rq.h>
53 #include <smbfs/smbfs.h>
54 #include <smbfs/smbfs_node.h>
55 #include <smbfs/smbfs_subr.h>
57 #include <fs/fs_subr.h>
59 /*
60  * Solaris wants there to be a directory node to contain
61  * all the extended attributes.  The SMB protocol does not
62  * really support a directory here, and uses very different
63  * operations to list attributes, etc. so we "fake up" an
64  * smbnode here to represent the attributes directory.
65  *
66  * We need to give this (fake) directory a unique identity,
67  * and since we're using the full remote pathname as the
68  * unique identity of all nodes, the easiest thing to do
69  * here is append a colon (:) to the given pathname.
70  *
71  * There are several places where smbfs_fullpath and its
72  * callers must decide what separator to use when building
73  * a remote path name, and the rule is now as follows:
74  * 1: When no XATTR involved, use "\\" as the separator.
75  * 2: Traversal into the (fake) XATTR dir adds one ":"
76  * 3: Children of the XATTR dir add nothing (sep=0)
77  * The result should be _one_ colon before the attr name.
78  */
80 /* ARGSUSED */
81 int
82 smbfs_get_xattrdir(vnode_t *pvp, vnode_t **vpp, cred_t *cr, int flags)
83 {
84 	vnode_t *xvp;
85 	smbnode_t *pnp, *xnp;
87 	pnp = VTOSMB(pvp);
89 	/*
90 	 * We don't allow recursive extended attributes
91 	 * (xattr under xattr dir.) so the "parent" node
92 	 * (pnp) must NOT be an XATTR directory or file.
93 	 */
94 	if (pnp->n_flag & N_XATTR)
95 		return (EINVAL);
97 	xnp = smbfs_node_findcreate(pnp->n_mount,
98 	    pnp->n_rpath, pnp->n_rplen, NULL, 0, ':',
99 	    &smbfs_fattr0); /* force create */
100 	ASSERT(xnp != NULL);
101 	xvp = SMBTOV(xnp);
102 	/* Note: xvp has a VN_HOLD, which our caller expects. */
104 	/* If it's a new node, initialize. */
105 	if (xvp->v_type == VNON) {
107 		mutex_enter(&xvp->v_lock);
108 		xvp->v_type = VDIR;
109 		xvp->v_flag |= V_XATTRDIR;
110 		mutex_exit(&xvp->v_lock);
112 		mutex_enter(&xnp->r_statelock);
113 		xnp->n_flag |= N_XATTR;
114 		mutex_exit(&xnp->r_statelock);
115 	}
117 	/* Success! */
118 	*vpp = xvp;
119 	return (0);
120 }
122 /*
123  * Find the parent of an XATTR directory or file,
124  * by trimming off the ":attrname" part of rpath.
125  * Called on XATTR files to get the XATTR dir, and
126  * called on the XATTR dir to get the real object
127  * under which the (faked up) XATTR dir lives.
128  */
129 int
130 smbfs_xa_parent(vnode_t *vp, vnode_t **vpp)
131 {
132 	smbnode_t *np = VTOSMB(vp);
133 	smbnode_t *pnp;
134 	int rplen;
136 	*vpp = NULL;
138 	if ((np->n_flag & N_XATTR) == 0)
139 		return (EINVAL);
141 	if (vp->v_flag & V_XATTRDIR) {
142 		/*
143 		 * Want the parent of the XATTR directory.
144 		 * That's easy: just remove trailing ":"
145 		 */
146 		rplen = np->n_rplen - 1;
147 		if (rplen < 1) {
148 			SMBVDEBUG("rplen < 1?");
149 			return (ENOENT);
150 		}
151 		if (np->n_rpath[rplen] != ':') {
152 			SMBVDEBUG("last is not colon");
153 			return (ENOENT);
154 		}
155 	} else {
156 		/*
157 		 * Want the XATTR directory given
158 		 * one of its XATTR files (children).
159 		 * Find the ":" and trim after it.
160 		 */
161 		for (rplen = 1; rplen < np->n_rplen; rplen++)
162 			if (np->n_rpath[rplen] == ':')
163 				break;
164 		/* Should have found ":stream_name" */
165 		if (rplen >= np->n_rplen) {
166 			SMBVDEBUG("colon not found");
167 			return (ENOENT);
168 		}
169 		rplen++; /* keep the ":" */
170 		if (rplen >= np->n_rplen) {
171 			SMBVDEBUG("no stream name");
172 			return (ENOENT);
173 		}
174 	}
176 	pnp = smbfs_node_findcreate(np->n_mount,
177 	    np->n_rpath, rplen, NULL, 0, 0,
178 	    &smbfs_fattr0); /* force create */
179 	ASSERT(pnp != NULL);
180 	/* Note: have VN_HOLD from smbfs_node_findcreate */
181 	*vpp = SMBTOV(pnp);
182 	return (0);
183 }
185 /*
186  * This is called by smbfs_pathconf to find out
187  * if some file has any extended attributes.
188  * There's no short-cut way to find out, so we
189  * just list the attributes the usual way and
190  * check for an empty result.
191  *
192  * Returns 1: (exists) or 0: (none found)
193  */
194 int
195 smbfs_xa_exists(vnode_t *vp, cred_t *cr)
196 {
197 	smbnode_t *xnp;
198 	vnode_t *xvp;
199 	struct smb_cred scred;
200 	struct smbfs_fctx ctx;
201 	int error, rc = 0;
203 	/* Get the xattr dir */
204 	error = smbfs_get_xattrdir(vp, &xvp, cr, LOOKUP_XATTR);
205 	if (error)
206 		return (0);
207 	/* NB: have VN_HOLD on xpv */
208 	xnp = VTOSMB(xvp);
210 	smb_credinit(&scred, cr);
212 	bzero(&ctx, sizeof (ctx));
213 	ctx.f_flags = SMBFS_RDD_FINDFIRST;
214 	ctx.f_dnp = xnp;
215 	ctx.f_scred = &scred;
216 	ctx.f_ssp = xnp->n_mount->smi_share;
218 	error = smbfs_xa_findopen(&ctx, xnp, "*", 1);
219 	if (error)
220 		goto out;
222 	error = smbfs_xa_findnext(&ctx, 1);
223 	if (error)
224 		goto out;
226 	/* Have at least one named stream. */
227 	SMBVDEBUG("ctx.f_name: %s\n", ctx.f_name);
228 	rc = 1;
230 out:
231 	/* NB: Always call findclose, error or not. */
232 	(void) smbfs_xa_findclose(&ctx);
233 	smb_credrele(&scred);
234 	VN_RELE(xvp);
235 	return (rc);
236 }
239 /*
240  * This is called to get attributes (size, etc.) of either
241  * the "faked up" XATTR directory or a named stream.
242  */
243 int
244 smbfs_xa_getfattr(struct smbnode *xnp, struct smbfattr *fap,
245 	struct smb_cred *scrp)
246 {
247 	vnode_t *xvp;	/* xattr */
248 	vnode_t *pvp;	/* parent */
249 	smbnode_t *pnp;	/* parent */
250 	int error, nlen;
251 	const char *name, *sname;
253 	xvp = SMBTOV(xnp);
255 	/*
256 	 * Simulate smbfs_smb_getfattr() for a named stream.
257 	 * OK to leave a,c,m times zero (expected w/ XATTR).
258 	 * The XATTR directory is easy (all fake).
259 	 */
260 	if (xvp->v_flag & V_XATTRDIR) {
261 		fap->fa_attr = SMB_FA_DIR;
262 		fap->fa_size = DEV_BSIZE;
263 		return (0);
264 	}
266 	/*
267 	 * Do a lookup in the XATTR directory,
268 	 * using the stream name (last part)
269 	 * from the xattr node.
270 	 */
271 	error = smbfs_xa_parent(xvp, &pvp);
272 	if (error)
273 		return (error);
274 	/* Note: pvp has a VN_HOLD */
275 	pnp = VTOSMB(pvp);
277 	/* Get stream name (ptr and length) */
278 	ASSERT(xnp->n_rplen > pnp->n_rplen);
279 	nlen = xnp->n_rplen - pnp->n_rplen;
280 	name = xnp->n_rpath + pnp->n_rplen;
281 	sname = name;
283 	/* Note: this can allocate a new "name" */
284 	error = smbfs_smb_lookup(pnp, &name, &nlen, fap, scrp);
285 	if (error == 0 && name != sname)
286 		smbfs_name_free(name, nlen);
288 	VN_RELE(pvp);
290 	return (error);
291 }
293 /*
294  * Fetch the entire attribute list here in findopen.
295  * Will parse the results in findnext.
296  *
297  * This is called on the XATTR directory, so we
298  * have to get the (real) parent object first.
299  */
300 /* ARGSUSED */
301 int
302 smbfs_xa_findopen(struct smbfs_fctx *ctx, struct smbnode *dnp,
303 	const char *wildcard, int wclen)
304 {
305 	vnode_t *pvp;	/* parent */
306 	smbnode_t *pnp;
307 	struct smb_t2rq *t2p;
308 	struct smb_vc *vcp = SSTOVC(ctx->f_ssp);
309 	struct mbchain *mbp;
310 	int error;
312 	ASSERT(dnp->n_flag & N_XATTR);
314 	ctx->f_type = ft_XA;
315 	ctx->f_namesz = SMB_MAXFNAMELEN + 1;
316 	if (SMB_UNICODE_STRINGS(SSTOVC(ctx->f_ssp)))
317 		ctx->f_namesz *= 2;
318 	ctx->f_name = kmem_alloc(ctx->f_namesz, KM_SLEEP);
320 	error = smbfs_xa_parent(SMBTOV(dnp), &pvp);
321 	if (error)
322 		return (error);
323 	ASSERT(pvp);
324 	/* Note: pvp has a VN_HOLD */
325 	pnp = VTOSMB(pvp);
327 	if (ctx->f_t2) {
328 		smb_t2_done(ctx->f_t2);
329 		ctx->f_t2 = NULL;
330 	}
332 	error = smb_t2_alloc(SSTOCP(ctx->f_ssp),
334 	    ctx->f_scred, &t2p);
335 	if (error)
336 		goto out;
337 	ctx->f_t2 = t2p;
339 	mbp = &t2p->t2_tparam;
340 	(void) mb_init(mbp);
341 	(void) mb_put_uint16le(mbp, SMB_QFILEINFO_STREAM_INFO);
342 	(void) mb_put_uint32le(mbp, 0);
343 	error = smbfs_fullpath(mbp, vcp, pnp, NULL, NULL, 0);
344 	if (error)
345 		goto out;
346 	t2p->t2_maxpcount = 2;
347 	t2p->t2_maxdcount = INT16_MAX;
348 	error = smb_t2_request(t2p);
349 	if (error) {
350 		if (t2p->t2_sr_error == NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER)
351 			error = ENOTSUP;
352 	}
353 	/*
354 	 * No returned parameters to parse.
355 	 * Returned data are in t2_rdata,
356 	 * which we'll parse in _findnext.
357 	 * However, save the wildcard.
358 	 */
359 	ctx->f_wildcard = wildcard;
360 	ctx->f_wclen = wclen;
362 out:
363 	VN_RELE(pvp);
364 	return (error);
365 }
367 /*
368  * Get the next name in an XATTR directory into f_name
369  */
370 /* ARGSUSED */
371 int
372 smbfs_xa_findnext(struct smbfs_fctx *ctx, uint16_t limit)
373 {
374 	struct mdchain *mdp;
375 	struct smb_t2rq *t2p;
376 	uint32_t size, next;
377 	uint64_t llongint;
378 	int error, skip, used, nmlen;
380 	t2p = ctx->f_t2;
381 	mdp = &t2p->t2_rdata;
383 	if (ctx->f_flags & SMBFS_RDD_FINDSINGLE) {
384 		ASSERT(ctx->f_wildcard);
385 		SMBVDEBUG("wildcard: %s\n", ctx->f_wildcard);
386 	}
388 again:
389 	if (ctx->f_flags & SMBFS_RDD_EOF)
390 		return (ENOENT);
393 	if ((error = md_get_uint32le(mdp, &next)) != 0)	/* offset to */
394 		return (ENOENT);
395 	if ((error = md_get_uint32le(mdp, &size)) != 0) /* name len */
396 		return (ENOENT);
397 	(void) md_get_uint64le(mdp, &llongint); /* file size */
398 	ctx->f_attr.fa_size = llongint;
399 	(void) md_get_uint64le(mdp, NULL);	/* alloc. size */
400 	used = 4 + 4 + 8 + 8;	/* how much we consumed */
402 	/*
403 	 * Copy the string, but skip the first char (":")
404 	 * Watch out for zero-length strings here.
405 	 */
406 	if (SMB_UNICODE_STRINGS(SSTOVC(ctx->f_ssp))) {
407 		if (size >= 2) {
408 			size -= 2; used += 2;
409 			(void) md_get_uint16le(mdp, NULL);
410 		}
411 		nmlen = min(size, SMB_MAXFNAMELEN * 2);
412 	} else {
413 		if (size >= 1) {
414 			size -= 1; used += 1;
415 			(void) md_get_uint8(mdp, NULL);
416 		}
417 		nmlen = min(size, SMB_MAXFNAMELEN);
418 	}
420 	ASSERT(nmlen < ctx->f_namesz);
421 	ctx->f_nmlen = nmlen;
422 	error = md_get_mem(mdp, ctx->f_name, nmlen, MB_MSYSTEM);
423 	if (error)
424 		return (error);
425 	used += nmlen;
427 	/*
428 	 * Convert UCS-2 to UTF-8
429 	 */
430 	smbfs_fname_tolocal(ctx);
431 	if (nmlen)
432 		SMBVDEBUG("name: %s\n", ctx->f_name);
433 	else
434 		SMBVDEBUG("null name!\n");
436 	/*
437 	 * Skip padding until next offset
438 	 */
439 	if (next > used) {
440 		skip = next - used;
441 		(void) md_get_mem(mdp, NULL, skip, MB_MSYSTEM);
442 	}
443 	if (next == 0)
444 		ctx->f_flags |= SMBFS_RDD_EOF;
446 	/*
447 	 * Chop off the trailing ":$DATA"
448 	 * The 6 here is strlen(":$DATA")
449 	 */
450 	if (ctx->f_nmlen >= 6) {
451 		char *p = ctx->f_name + ctx->f_nmlen - 6;
452 		if (strncmp(p, ":$DATA", 6) == 0) {
453 			*p = '\0'; /* Chop! */
454 			ctx->f_nmlen -= 6;
455 		}
456 	}
458 	/*
459 	 * The Chop above will typically leave
460 	 * an empty name in the first slot,
461 	 * which we will skip here.
462 	 */
463 	if (ctx->f_nmlen == 0)
464 		goto again;
466 	/*
467 	 * If this is a lookup of a specific name,
468 	 * skip past any non-matching names.
469 	 */
470 	if (ctx->f_flags & SMBFS_RDD_FINDSINGLE) {
471 		if (ctx->f_wclen != ctx->f_nmlen)
472 			goto again;
473 		if (u8_strcmp(ctx->f_wildcard, ctx->f_name,
474 		    ctx->f_nmlen, U8_STRCMP_CI_LOWER,
475 		    U8_UNICODE_LATEST, &error) || error)
476 			goto again;
477 	}
479 	return (0);
480 }
482 /*
483  * Find first/next/close for XATTR directories.
484  * NB: also used by smbfs_smb_lookup
485  */
487 int
488 smbfs_xa_findclose(struct smbfs_fctx *ctx)
489 {
491 	if (ctx->f_name)
492 		kmem_free(ctx->f_name, ctx->f_namesz);
493 	if (ctx->f_t2)
494 		smb_t2_done(ctx->f_t2);
496 	return (0);
497 }