1*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define A(x) ## x
2*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define B(x) x ##
3*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define C(x) x ## ## ##
4*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define D(x) x#y
5*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define E x#y
6*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define F(x,y) x x##y #x y
7*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define G a##b
8*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define H 1##2
9*1f5207b7SJohn Levon #define I(x,y,z) x y z
10*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "A(x)"			: A(x)
11*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "B(x)"			: B(x)
12*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "C(x)"			: C(x)
13*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "D(x)"			: D(x)
14*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "x#y"			: E
15*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "ab GH \"G\" 12"	: F(G,H)
16*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "a ## b"		: I(a,##,b)
17*1f5207b7SJohn Levon /*
18*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  * check-name: Preprocessor #8
19*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  * check-command: sparse -E $file
20*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  *
21*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  * check-output-start
22*1f5207b7SJohn Levon 
23*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "A(x)" : A(x)
24*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "B(x)" : B(x)
25*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "C(x)" : C(x)
26*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "D(x)" : D(x)
27*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "x#y" : x#y
28*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "ab GH \"G\" 12" : ab GH "G" 12
29*1f5207b7SJohn Levon "a ## b" : a ## b
30*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  * check-output-end
31*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  *
32*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  * check-error-start
33*1f5207b7SJohn Levon preprocessor/preprocessor8.c:1:14: error: '##' cannot appear at the ends of macro expansion
34*1f5207b7SJohn Levon preprocessor/preprocessor8.c:2:16: error: '##' cannot appear at the ends of macro expansion
35*1f5207b7SJohn Levon preprocessor/preprocessor8.c:3:22: error: '##' cannot appear at the ends of macro expansion
36*1f5207b7SJohn Levon preprocessor/preprocessor8.c:4:15: error: '#' is not followed by a macro parameter
37*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  * check-error-end
38*1f5207b7SJohn Levon  */