1*1f5207b7SJohn Levonfrom collections import defaultdict
2*1f5207b7SJohn Levon
3*1f5207b7SJohn Levon# location of kernel.implicit_dependencies
4*1f5207b7SJohn LevonIMPL_DEP_FILE_STR = "../../smatch_data/kernel.implicit_dependencies"
5*1f5207b7SJohn LevonOUTPUT_FILE_STR = "implicit_dependencies"
6*1f5207b7SJohn Levon
7*1f5207b7SJohn Levon# struct fields to ignore, because they are too common
8*1f5207b7SJohn LevonGLOBAL_BLACKLIST = [
9*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    ('fd', 'file'),
10*1f5207b7SJohn Levon]
11*1f5207b7SJohn Levon
12*1f5207b7SJohn Levon# here we can manually add struct fields that smatch missed
13*1f5207b7SJohn Levonhardcode_syscall_write_fields = {}
14*1f5207b7SJohn Levon
15*1f5207b7SJohn Levon# here we can manually add struct fields that smatch missed
16*1f5207b7SJohn Levonhardcode_syscall_read_fields = {
17*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    "msync": [("vm_area_struct", "vm_flags"), ("vm_area_struct", "vm_file")]
18*1f5207b7SJohn Levon}
19*1f5207b7SJohn Levon
20*1f5207b7SJohn LevonSYSCALL_PREFIXES = [
21*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    "SYSC_",
22*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    "C_SYSC_",
23*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    "sys_",
24*1f5207b7SJohn Levon]
25*1f5207b7SJohn Levon
26*1f5207b7SJohn Levonclass ListType(object):
27*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    READ = "read_list"
28*1f5207b7SJohn Levon    WRITE = "write_list"