1f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#!/usr/bin/ksh -p
2f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
3f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# CDDL HEADER START
4f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
5f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
6f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
7f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
9f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
10f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
11f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
12f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# and limitations under the License.
13f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
14f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
15f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
16f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
17f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
18f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
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20f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# CDDL HEADER END
21f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
22f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
23f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
24f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
25f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# Use is subject to license terms.
26f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
27f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
28f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
29*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy# Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
30f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
31f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
32f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
33f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/inuse/inuse.cfg
34f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
35f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
36f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# DESCRIPTION:
37f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# ZFS will not interfere with devices that are in use by ufsdump or
38f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# ufsrestore.
39f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
40f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# STRATEGY:
41f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 1. newfs a disk
42f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 2. mount the disk
43f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 3. create files and dirs on disk
44f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 4. umount the disk
45f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 5. ufsdump this disk to a backup disk
46f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 6. Try to create a ZFS pool with same disk (also as a spare device)
47f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 7. ufsrestore the disk from backup
48f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy# 8. try to create a zpool during the ufsrestore
49f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy#
50f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
51f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedyverify_runnable "global"
52f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
53f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedyfunction cleanup
54f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy{
55f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	poolexists $TESTPOOL1 && destroy_pool $TESTPOOL1
56f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
57f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	poolexists $TESTPOOL2 && destroy_pool $TESTPOOL2
58f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
59f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	log_note "Kill off ufsdump process if still running"
60*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	kill -0 $PIDUFSDUMP > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
61*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	    log_must kill -9 $PIDUFSDUMP  > /dev/null 2>&1
62f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	#
63f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	# Note: It would appear that ufsdump spawns a number of processes
64f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	# which are not killed when the $PIDUFSDUMP is whacked.  So best bet
65f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	# is to find the rest of the them and deal with them individually.
66f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	#
67*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	for all in `pgrep ufsdump`
68f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	do
69*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy		kill -9 $all > /dev/null 2>&1
70f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	done
71f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
72f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	log_note "Kill off ufsrestore process if still running"
73*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	kill -0 $PIDUFSRESTORE > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
74*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	    log_must kill -9 $PIDUFSRESTORE  > /dev/null 2>&1
75f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
76*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	ismounted $UFSMP ufs && log_must umount $UFSMP
77f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
78*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	rm -rf $UFSMP
79*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	rm -rf $TESTDIR
80f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
81f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	#
82f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	# Tidy up the disks we used.
83f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	#
84f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	log_must cleanup_devices $vdisks $sdisks
85f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy}
86f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
87f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_assert "Ensure ZFS does not interfere with devices that are in use by " \
88f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy    "ufsdump or ufsrestore"
89f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
90f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_onexit cleanup
91f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
92f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedytypeset bigdir="${UFSMP}/bigdirectory"
93f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedytypeset restored_files="${UFSMP}/restored_files"
94f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedytypeset -i dirnum=0
95f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedytypeset -i filenum=0
96f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedytypeset cwd=""
97f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
98f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedyfor num in 0 1 2; do
99f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	eval typeset slice=\${FS_SIDE$num}
100f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	disk=${slice%s*}
101f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	slice=${slice##*s}
1029498083eSYuri Pankov	log_must set_partition $slice "" $FS_SIZE $disk
103f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedydone
104f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
105f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Make a ufs filesystem on source $rawdisk1"
106*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedyecho "y" | newfs -v $rawdisk1 > /dev/null 2>&1
107f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy(($? != 0)) && log_untested "Unable to create ufs filesystem on $rawdisk1"
108f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
109*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must mkdir -p $UFSMP
110f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
111f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "mount source $disk1 on $UFSMP"
112*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must mount $disk1 $UFSMP
113f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
114f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Now create some directories and files to be ufsdump'ed"
115f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedywhile (($dirnum <= 2)); do
116*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy	log_must mkdir $bigdir${dirnum}
117f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	while (( $filenum <= 2 )); do
118*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy		file_write -o create -f $bigdir${dirnum}/file${filenum} \
119f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy		    -b $BLOCK_SIZE -c $BLOCK_COUNT
120f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy		if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
121f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy			if [[ $dirnum -lt 3 ]]; then
122*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy				log_fail "file_write only wrote" \
123f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy				    "<(( $dirnum * 3 + $filenum ))>" \
124f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy				    "files, this is not enough"
125f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy			fi
126f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy		fi
127f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy		((filenum = filenum + 1))
128f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	done
129f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	filenum=0
130f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy	((dirnum = dirnum + 1))
131f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedydone
132f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
133*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must umount $UFSMP
134f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
135f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Start ufsdump in the background"
136*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "ufsdump 0bf 512 $rawdisk0 $disk1"
137*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedyufsdump 0bf 512 $rawdisk0 $disk1 &
138f38cb554SJohn Wren KennedyPIDUFSDUMP=$!
139f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
140447b1e1fSJohn Wren Kennedyunset NOINUSE_CHECK
141f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Attempt to zpool the source device in use by ufsdump"
142*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot zpool create $TESTPOOL1 "$disk1"
143f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL1
144f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
145f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Attempt to take the source device in use by ufsdump as spare device"
146*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot zpool create $TESTPOOL1 "$FS_SIDE2" spare "$disk1"
147f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL1
148f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
149f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedywait $PIDUFSDUMP
150f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedytypeset -i retval=$?
151*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedy(($retval != 0)) && log_fail "ufsdump failed with error code $ret_val"
152f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
153*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must mount $disk1 $UFSMP
154f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
155*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must rm -rf $UFSMP/*
156*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must mkdir $restored_files
157f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
158f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedycwd=$PWD
159f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must cd $restored_files
160f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Start ufsrestore in the background from the target device"
161*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "ufsrestore rbf 512 $rawdisk0"
162*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedyufsrestore rbf 512 $rawdisk0 &
163f38cb554SJohn Wren KennedyPIDUFSRESTORE=$!
164f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_must cd $cwd
165f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
166f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Attempt to zpool the restored device in use by ufsrestore"
167*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot zpool create -f $TESTPOOL2 "$disk1"
168f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL2
169f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
170f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_note "Attempt to take the restored device in use by ufsrestore as spare" \
171f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy    "device"
172*1d32ba66SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot zpool create -f $TESTPOOL2 "$FS_SIDE2" spare "$disk1"
173f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL2
174f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedy
175f38cb554SJohn Wren Kennedylog_pass "Unable to zpool over a device in use by ufsdump or ufsrestore"