1*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter#
2*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter# Common functions used by the zpool_status and zpool_iostat tests for running
3*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter# scripts with the -c option.
4*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter#
5*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter# Copyright (c) 2017 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
6*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter#
7*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
8*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
9*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
10*dd50e0ccSTony Hutterfunction test_zpool_script {
11*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	script="$1"
12*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	testpool="$2"
13*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	cmd="$3"
14*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	wholecmd="$cmd $script $testpool"
15*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	out="$($wholecmd)"
16*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
17*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# Default number of columns that get printed without -c
18*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	if echo "$cmd" | grep -q iostat ; then
19*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		# iostat
20*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		dcols=7
21*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	else
22*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
23*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		# status
24*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		dcols=5
25*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	fi
26*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
27*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# Get the new column name that the script created
28*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	col="$(echo "$out" | \
29*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	    awk '/^pool +alloc +free +read +write +/ {print $8} \
30*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	    /NAME +STATE +READ +WRITE +CKSUM/ {print $6}')"
31*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
32*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	if [ -z "$col" ] ; then
33*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		log_fail "'$wholecmd' created no new columns"
34*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	fi
35*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter
36*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# Count the number of columns for each vdev.  Each script should produce
37*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# at least one new column value.  Even if scripts return blank, zpool
38*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# will convert the blank to a '-' to make things awk-able.  Normal
39*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# zpool iostat -v output is 7 columns, so if the script ran correctly
40*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	# we should see more than that.
41*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	if ! newcols=$(echo "$out" | \
42*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	    awk '/\/dev/{print NF-'$dcols'; if (NF <= '$dcols') {exit 1}}' | \
43*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	    head -n 1) ; \
44*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	    then
45*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		log_fail "'$wholecmd' didn't create a new column value"
46*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	else
47*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter		log_note "'$wholecmd' passed ($newcols new columns)"
48*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter	fi
49*dd50e0ccSTony Hutter}