1*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte /*
2*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * CDDL HEADER START
3*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *
4*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *
8*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * and limitations under the License.
12*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *
13*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
18*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *
19*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * CDDL HEADER END
20*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  */
21*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte /*
22*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
23*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * Use is subject to license terms.
24*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  */
25*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 
26*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 
27*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 
28*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "Trace.h"
29*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "Exceptions.h"
30*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "Handle.h"
31*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "HBA.h"
32*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "TargetEventListener.h"
33*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "sun_fc.h"
34*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #include "EventBridgeFactory.h"
35*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #ifdef	__cplusplus
36*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte extern "C" {
37*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #endif
38*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 
39*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte /**
40*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @memo	    Register for Target Event callbacks
41*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @return	    HBA_STATUS_OK if callback is registered
42*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @param	    callback The routine to call when the event occurs
43*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @param	    userData Opaque data to pass to the callback when the event
44*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *		    occurs.
45*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @param	    callbackHandle Output argument used for later removal of
46*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *		    subscription.
47*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @param	    hbaPortWWN Identifies the HBA port of interest
48*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @param	    discoveredPortWWN Identifies the requested target port
49*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  * @param	    allTargets If non-zero, indicates subscription is for
50*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  *		    all targets, and the discoveredPortWWN argument is ignored
51*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte  */
Sun_fcRegisterForTargetEvents(void (* callback)(void * data,HBA_WWN hbaPortWWN,HBA_WWN discoveredPortWWN,HBA_UINT32 eventType),void * userData,HBA_HANDLE handle,HBA_WWN hbaPortWWN,HBA_WWN discoveredPortWWN,HBA_CALLBACKHANDLE * callbackHandle,HBA_UINT32 allTargets)52*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte HBA_STATUS Sun_fcRegisterForTargetEvents(
53*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    void		(*callback)(
54*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		void		*data,
55*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		HBA_WWN		hbaPortWWN,
56*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		HBA_WWN		discoveredPortWWN,
57*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		HBA_UINT32	eventType),
58*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    void		*userData,
59*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBA_HANDLE		handle,
60*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBA_WWN		hbaPortWWN,
61*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBA_WWN		discoveredPortWWN,
62*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBA_CALLBACKHANDLE	*callbackHandle,
63*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBA_UINT32		allTargets) {
64*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	Trace log("Sun_fcRegisterForTargetEvents");
65*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	bool filter = true;
66*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	try {
67*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    if (callback == NULL) throw BadArgumentException();
68*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    if (callbackHandle == NULL) throw BadArgumentException();
69*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    if (allTargets) filter = false;
70*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    Handle *myHandle = Handle::findHandle(handle);
71*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBA *hba = myHandle->getHBA();
72*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    HBAPort *port = hba->getPort(wwnConversion(hbaPortWWN.wwn));
73*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    TargetEventListener *listener = new TargetEventListener(port,
74*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		    (TargetCallback)callback, userData,
75*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		    wwnConversion(discoveredPortWWN.wwn), filter);
76*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    TargetEventBridge *bridge =
77*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		    EventBridgeFactory::fetchTargetEventBridge();
78*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    bridge->addListener(listener, port,
79*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		wwnConversion(discoveredPortWWN.wwn), filter);
80*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    *callbackHandle = (void *)listener;
81*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    return (HBA_STATUS_OK);
82*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	} catch (HBAException &e) {
83*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    return (e.getErrorCode());
84*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	} catch (...) {
85*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    log.internalError(
86*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 		"Uncaught exception");
87*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	    return (HBA_STATUS_ERROR);
88*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte 	}
89*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte }
90*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #ifdef	__cplusplus
91*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte }
92*fcf3ce44SJohn Forte #endif