2da2e3ebdSchin#                                                                      #
3da2e3ebdSchin#               This software is part of the ast package               #
4*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman#          Copyright (c) 1982-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property          #
5da2e3ebdSchin#                      and is licensed under the                       #
6*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman#                 Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0                  #
77c2fbfb3SApril Chin#                    by AT&T Intellectual Property                     #
8da2e3ebdSchin#                                                                      #
9da2e3ebdSchin#                A copy of the License is available at                 #
10*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman#          http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html           #
11*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman#         (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842)         #
12da2e3ebdSchin#                                                                      #
13da2e3ebdSchin#              Information and Software Systems Research               #
14da2e3ebdSchin#                            AT&T Research                             #
15da2e3ebdSchin#                           Florham Park NJ                            #
16da2e3ebdSchin#                                                                      #
17da2e3ebdSchin#                  David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>                   #
18da2e3ebdSchin#                                                                      #
20da2e3ebdSchinfunction err_exit
22da2e3ebdSchin	print -u2 -n "\t"
23da2e3ebdSchin	print -u2 -r ${Command}[$1]: "${@:2}"
24da2e3ebdSchin	let Errors+=1
26da2e3ebdSchinalias err_exit='err_exit $LINENO'
29da2e3ebdSchininteger Errors=0
3034f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
3134f9b3eeSRoland Mainztmp=$(mktemp -dt) || { err_exit mktemp -dt failed; exit 1; }
3234f9b3eeSRoland Mainztrap "cd /; rm -rf $tmp" EXIT
3334f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
3434f9b3eeSRoland Mainztrap '' FPE # NOTE: osf.alpha requires this (no ieee math)
3534f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
36da2e3ebdSchininteger x=1 y=2 z=3
37da2e3ebdSchinif	(( 2+2 != 4 ))
38da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 2+2!=4
40da2e3ebdSchinif	((x+y!=z))
41da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit x+y!=z
43da2e3ebdSchinif	(($x+$y!=$z))
44da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit $x+$y!=$z
46da2e3ebdSchinif	(((x|y)!=z))
47da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "(x|y)!=z"
49da2e3ebdSchinif	((y >= z))
50da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "y>=z"
52da2e3ebdSchinif	((y+3 != z+2))
53da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "y+3!=z+2"
55da2e3ebdSchinif	((y<<2 != 1<<3))
56da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "y<<2!=1<<3"
58da2e3ebdSchinif	((133%10 != 3))
59da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "133%10!=3"
60da2e3ebdSchin	if	(( 2.5 != 2.5 ))
61da2e3ebdSchin	then	err_exit 2.5!=2.5
62da2e3ebdSchin	fi
65da2e3ebdSchin((d || 1)) || err_exit 'd=0; ((d||1))'
66da2e3ebdSchinif	(( d++!=0))
67da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "d++!=0"
69da2e3ebdSchinif	(( --d!=0))
70da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "--d!=0"
72da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (d++,6)!=6 && d!=1))
73da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(d++,6)!=6 && d!=1'
76da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (1?2+1:3*4+d++)!=3 || d!=0))
77da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(1?2+1:3*4+d++) !=3'
79da2e3ebdSchinfor	((i=0; i < 20; i++))
80da2e3ebdSchindo	:
82da2e3ebdSchinif	(( i != 20))
83da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'for (( expr)) failed'
85da2e3ebdSchinfor	((i=0; i < 20; i++)); do	: ; done
86da2e3ebdSchinif	(( i != 20))
87da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'for (( expr));... failed'
89da2e3ebdSchinfor	((i=0; i < 20; i++)) do	: ; done
90da2e3ebdSchinif	(( i != 20))
91da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'for (( expr))... failed'
93da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (i?0:1) ))
94da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(( (i?0:1) )) failed'
96da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (1 || 1 && 0) != 1 ))
97da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '( (1 || 1 && 0) != 1) failed'
99da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (_=1)+(_x=0)-_ ))
100da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(_=1)+(_x=0)-_ failed'
102da2e3ebdSchinif	((  (3^6) != 5))
103da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '((3^6) != 5) failed'
105da2e3ebdSchininteger x=1
106da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (x=-x) != -1 ))
107da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(x=-x) != -1 failed'
110da2e3ebdSchinif	(( 1$(($i))3 != 123 ))
111da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit ' 1$(($i))3 failed'
115da2e3ebdSchin	float x
116da2e3ebdSchin	float y
118da2e3ebdSchin(( point.x = cos(pi/6), point.y = sin(pi/6) ))
119da2e3ebdSchinif	(( point.x*point.x + point.y*point.y > 1.01 ))
120da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'cos*cos +sin*sin > 1.01'
122da2e3ebdSchinif	(( point.x*point.x + point.y*point.y < .99 ))
123da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'cos*cos +sin*sin < .99'
125da2e3ebdSchinif [[ $((y=x=1.5)) != 1 ]]
126da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'typecast not working in arithmetic evaluation'
128da2e3ebdSchintypeset -E x=1.5
129da2e3ebdSchin( ((x++))  ) 2>/dev/null
130da2e3ebdSchinif [[ $? == 0 ]]
131da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'postincrement of floating point allowed'
133da2e3ebdSchin( ((++x))  ) 2>/dev/null
134da2e3ebdSchinif [[ $? == 0 ]]
135da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'preincrement of floating point allowed'
138da2e3ebdSchin( ((x%1.1))  ) 2>/dev/null
139da2e3ebdSchinif [[ $? == 0 ]]
140da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'floating point allowed with % operator'
14334f9b3eeSRoland Mainzif	[[ $(( 4 * x/2 )) != 0.25 ]]
144da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(( 4 * x/2 )) is not 0.25, with x=.125'
146da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $(( pow(2,3) )) != 8 ]]
147da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '$(( pow(2,3) )) != 8'
149da2e3ebdSchin( [[ $(( pow(2,(3)) )) == 8 ]] ) 2> /dev/null
150da2e3ebdSchinif	(( $? ))
151da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '$(( pow(2,(3)) )) != 8'
153da2e3ebdSchinunset x
154da2e3ebdSchininteger x=1; integer x=1
155da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 1 ]]
156da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'two consecutive integer x=1 not working'
158da2e3ebdSchinunset z
159da2e3ebdSchin{ z=$(typeset -RZ2 z2; (( z2 = 8 )); print $z2) ;} 2>/dev/null
160da2e3ebdSchinif [[ $z != "08" ]]
161da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "typeset -RZ2 leading 0 decimal not working [z=$z]"
163da2e3ebdSchin{ z=$(typeset -RZ3 z3; (( z3 = 8 )); print $z3) ;} 2>/dev/null
164da2e3ebdSchinif [[ $z != "008" ]]
165da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "typeset -RZ3 leading 0 decimal not working [z=$z]"
167da2e3ebdSchinunset z
168da2e3ebdSchintypeset -Z3 z=010
169da2e3ebdSchin(( z=z+1))
170da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $z != 011 ]]
171da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "leading 0's in -Z not treated as decimal"
173da2e3ebdSchinunset x
174da2e3ebdSchininteger x=0
175da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $((x+=1)) != 1  ]] || ((x!=1))
176da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "+= not working"
177da2e3ebdSchin	x=1
180da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $((x*=5)) != 5  ]] || ((x!=5))
181da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "*= not working"
182da2e3ebdSchin	x=5
184da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $((x%=4)) != 1  ]] || ((x!=1))
185da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "%= not working"
186da2e3ebdSchin	x=1
188da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $((x|=6)) != 7  ]] || ((x!=7))
189da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "|= not working"
190da2e3ebdSchin	x=7
192da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $((x&=5)) != 5  ]] || ((x!=5))
193da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "&= not working"
194da2e3ebdSchin	x=5
196da2e3ebdSchinfunction newscope
19834f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	float x=1.5
199da2e3ebdSchin	(( x += 1 ))
200da2e3ebdSchin	print -r -- $x
202da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $(newscope) != 2.5 ]]
203da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "arithmetic using wrong scope"
205da2e3ebdSchinunset x
206da2e3ebdSchininteger y[3]=9 y[4]=2 i=3
207da2e3ebdSchin(( x = y[3] + y[4] ))
208da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 11 ]]
209da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "constant index array arithmetic failure"
211da2e3ebdSchin(( x = $empty y[3] + y[4] ))
212da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 11 ]]
213da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "empty constant index array arithmetic failure"
215da2e3ebdSchin(( x = y[i] + y[i+1] ))
216da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 11 ]]
217da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "variable subscript index array arithmetic failure"
219da2e3ebdSchininteger a[5]=3 a[2]=4
220da2e3ebdSchin(( x = y[a[5]] + y[a[2]] ))
221da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 11 ]]
222da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "nested subscript index array arithmetic failure"
224da2e3ebdSchinunset y
225da2e3ebdSchintypeset -Ai y
226da2e3ebdSchiny[three]=9 y[four]=2
229da2e3ebdSchin(( x = y[three] + y[four] ))
230da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 11 ]]
231da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "constant associative array arithmetic failure"
233da2e3ebdSchin(( x = y[$three] + y[$four] ))
234da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 11 ]]
235da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit "variable subscript associative array arithmetic failure"
237da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -nc '((a = 1))' 2> /dev/null || err_exit "sh -n fails with arithmetic"
238da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -nc '((a.b++))' 2> /dev/null || err_exit "sh -n fails with arithmetic2"
239da2e3ebdSchinunset z
240da2e3ebdSchinfloat z=7.5
241da2e3ebdSchinif	{ (( z%2 != 1));} 2> /dev/null
242da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '% not working on floating point'
244da2e3ebdSchinchr=(a ' ' '=' '\r' '\n' '\\' '\"' '$' "\\'" '[' ']' '(' ')' '<' '\xab' '\040' '`' '{' '}' '*' '\E')
245da2e3ebdSchinif	(('a' == 97))
246da2e3ebdSchinthen	val=(97 32  61 13 10 92 34 36 39 91 93 40 41 60 171 32 96 123 125 42 27)
247da2e3ebdSchinelse	val=(129 64 126 13 21 224 127 91 125 173 189 77 93 76 171 32 121 192 208 92 39 21)
250da2e3ebdSchinfor ((i=0; i < ${#chr[@]}; i++))
251da2e3ebdSchindo	if	(( '${chr[i]}' != ${val[i]} ))
252da2e3ebdSchin	then	err_exit "(( '${chr[i]}'  !=  ${val[i]} ))"
253da2e3ebdSchin	fi
254da2e3ebdSchin	if	[[ $(( '${chr[i]}' )) != ${val[i]} ]]
255da2e3ebdSchin	then	err_exit "(( '${chr[i]}' )) !=  ${val[i]}"
256da2e3ebdSchin	fi
257da2e3ebdSchin	if	[[ $(( L'${chr[i]}' )) != ${val[i]} ]]
258da2e3ebdSchin	then	err_exit "(( '${chr[i]}' )) !=  ${val[i]}"
259da2e3ebdSchin	fi
260da2e3ebdSchin	if	eval '((' "'${chr[i]}'" != ${val[i]} '))'
261da2e3ebdSchin	then	err_exit "eval (( '${chr[i]}'  !=  ${val[i]} ))"
262da2e3ebdSchin	fi
263da2e3ebdSchin	if	eval '((' "'${chr[i]}'" != ${val[i]} ' + $q ))'
264da2e3ebdSchin	then	err_exit "eval (( '${chr[i]}'  !=  ${val[i]} ))"
265da2e3ebdSchin	fi
267da2e3ebdSchinunset x
268da2e3ebdSchintypeset -ui x=4294967293
269da2e3ebdSchin[[ $x != 4294967293 ]]  && err_exit "unsigned integers not working"
272da2e3ebdSchin[[ $x != 32768 ]]  && err_exit "unsigned integer addition not working"
273da2e3ebdSchinunset x
274da2e3ebdSchinfloat x=99999999999999999999999999
275da2e3ebdSchinif	(( x < 1e20 ))
276da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'large integer constants not working'
278da2e3ebdSchinunset x  y
279da2e3ebdSchinfunction foobar
281da2e3ebdSchin	nameref x=$1
282da2e3ebdSchin	(( x +=1 ))
283da2e3ebdSchin	print $x
285da2e3ebdSchinx=0 y=4
286da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $(foobar y) != 5 ]]
287da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'name references in arithmetic statements in functions broken'
289da2e3ebdSchinif	(( 2**3 != pow(2,3) ))
290da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '2**3 not working'
292da2e3ebdSchinif	(( 2**3*2 != pow(2,3)*2 ))
293da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '2**3*2 not working'
295da2e3ebdSchinif	(( 4**3**2 != pow(4,pow(3,2)) ))
296da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '4**3**2 not working'
298da2e3ebdSchinif	(( (4**3)**2 != pow(pow(4,3),2) ))
299da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '(4**3)**2 not working'
301da2e3ebdSchintypeset -Z3 x=11
302da2e3ebdSchintypeset -i x
303da2e3ebdSchinif	(( x != 11 ))
304da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit '-Z3 not treated as decimal'
306da2e3ebdSchinunset x
307da2e3ebdSchintypeset -ui x=-1
308da2e3ebdSchin(( x >= 0 )) || err_exit 'unsigned integer not working'
309da2e3ebdSchin(( $x >= 0 )) || err_exit 'unsigned integer not working as $x'
310da2e3ebdSchinunset x
311da2e3ebdSchintypeset -ui42 x=50
312da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $x != 42#18 ]]
313da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'display of unsigned integers in non-decimal bases wrong'
315da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -c 'i=0;(( ofiles[i] != -1 && (ofiles[i] < mins || mins == -1) ));exit 0' 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'lexical error with arithemtic expression'
316da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -c '(( +1 == 1))' 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'unary + not working'
317da2e3ebdSchintypeset -E20 val=123.01234567890
318da2e3ebdSchin[[ $val == 123.0123456789 ]] || err_exit "rounding error val=$val"
319da2e3ebdSchinif	[[ $(print x$((10))=foo) != x10=foo ]]
320da2e3ebdSchinthen	err_exit 'parsing error with x$((10))=foo'
322da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -c 'typeset x$((10))=foo' 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'typeset x$((10)) parse error'
323da2e3ebdSchinunset x
324da2e3ebdSchinx=$(( exp(log(2.0)) ))
325da2e3ebdSchin(( x > 1.999 && x < 2.001 )) || err_exit 'composite functions not working'
326da2e3ebdSchinunset x y n
327da2e3ebdSchintypeset -Z8 x=0 y=0
328da2e3ebdSchininteger n
329da2e3ebdSchinfor	(( n=0; n < 20; n++ ))
330da2e3ebdSchindo	let "x = $x+1"
331da2e3ebdSchin	(( y = $y+1 ))
333da2e3ebdSchin(( x == n ))  || err_exit 'let with zero filled fields not working'
334da2e3ebdSchin(( y == n ))  || err_exit '((...)) with zero filled fields not working'
3357c2fbfb3SApril Chintypeset -RZ3 x=10
336da2e3ebdSchin[[ $(($x)) == 10 && $((1$x)) == 1010 ]] || err_exit 'zero filled fields not preserving leading zeros'
337da2e3ebdSchinunset y
338da2e3ebdSchin[[ $(let y=$x;print $y) == 10 && $(let y=1$x;print $y) == 1010 ]] || err_exit 'zero filled fields not preserving leading zeros with let'
339da2e3ebdSchinunset i ip ipx
340da2e3ebdSchintypeset -i hex=( 172 30 18 1)
341*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -ui ip=0 ipx=0
342da2e3ebdSchininteger i
343da2e3ebdSchinfor	((i=0; i < 4; i++))
344da2e3ebdSchindo	(( ip =  (ip<<8) | hex[i]))
346da2e3ebdSchinfor ((i=0; i < 4; i++))
347da2e3ebdSchindo	(( ipx = ip % 256 ))
348da2e3ebdSchin	(( ip /= 256 ))
349da2e3ebdSchin	(( ipx != hex[3-i] )) && err_exit "hex digit $((3-i)) not correct"
35034f9b3eeSRoland Mainzdone
351da2e3ebdSchinunset x
353*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( x == 10 )) || err_exit 'leading zeros in x treated as octal arithmetic with $((x))'
354da2e3ebdSchin(( $x == 8 )) || err_exit 'leading zeros not treated as octal arithmetic with $x'
355da2e3ebdSchinunset x
356da2e3ebdSchintypeset -Z x=010
357da2e3ebdSchin(( x == 10 )) || err_exit 'leading zeros not ignored for arithmetic'
358da2e3ebdSchin(( $x == 10 )) || err_exit 'leading zeros not ignored for arithmetic with $x'
359da2e3ebdSchintypeset -i i=x
360da2e3ebdSchin(( i == 10 )) || err_exit 'leading zeros not ignored for arithmetic assignment'
361da2e3ebdSchin(( ${x:0:1} == 0 )) || err_exit 'leading zero should not be stripped for x:a:b'
363da2e3ebdSchin(( c$x  == 3 )) || err_exit 'leading zero with variable should not be stripped'
364*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $( ($SHELL -c '((++1))' 2>&1) 2>/dev/null ) == *++1:* ]] || err_exit "((++1)) not generating error message"
366da2e3ebdSchin(( "22" == 22 )) || err_exit "double quoted constants fail"
367da2e3ebdSchin(( "2$i" == 22 )) || err_exit "double quoted variables fail"
368da2e3ebdSchin(( "18+$i+2" == 22 )) || err_exit "double quoted expressions fail"
369da2e3ebdSchin# 04-04-28 bug fix
370da2e3ebdSchinunset i; typeset -i i=01-2
371da2e3ebdSchin(( i == -1 )) || err_exit "01-2 is not -1"
37334f9b3eeSRoland Mainzcat > $tmp/script <<-\!
375da2e3ebdSchintypeset -A blop
376da2e3ebdSchinfunction blop.get
378da2e3ebdSchin	.sh.value=777
380da2e3ebdSchinfunction mkobj
382da2e3ebdSchin	nameref obj=$1
383da2e3ebdSchin	obj=()
384da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *1* ]] && {
385da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.foo = 1 ))
386da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.bar = 2 ))
387da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.baz = obj.foo + obj.bar ))	# ok
388da2e3ebdSchin		echo $obj
389da2e3ebdSchin	}
390da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *2* ]] && {
391da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.faz = faz = obj.foo + obj.bar ))	# ok
392da2e3ebdSchin		echo $obj
393da2e3ebdSchin	}
394da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *3* ]] && {
395da2e3ebdSchin		# case 3, 'active' variable involved, w/ intermediate variable
396da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.foz = foz = ${blop[1]} ))	# coredump
397da2e3ebdSchin		echo $obj
398da2e3ebdSchin	}
399da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *4* ]] && {
400da2e3ebdSchin		# case 4, 'active' variable, in two steps
401da2e3ebdSchin		(( foz = ${blop[1]} ))	# ok
402da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.foz = foz ))		# ok
403da2e3ebdSchin		echo $obj
404da2e3ebdSchin	}
405da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *5* ]] && {
406da2e3ebdSchin		# case 5, 'active' variable involved, w/o intermediate variable
407da2e3ebdSchin		(( obj.fuz = ${blop[1]} ))	# coredump
408da2e3ebdSchin		echo $obj
409da2e3ebdSchin	}
410da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *6* ]] && {
411da2e3ebdSchin		echo $(( obj.baz = obj.foo + obj.bar ))	# coredump
412da2e3ebdSchin	}
413da2e3ebdSchin	[[ $tests == *7* ]] && {
414da2e3ebdSchin		echo $(( obj.foo + obj.bar ))	# coredump
415da2e3ebdSchin	}
417da2e3ebdSchinmkobj bla
41934f9b3eeSRoland Mainzchmod +x $tmp/script
42034f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 1) != '( bar=2 baz=3 foo=1 )' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
42134f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 2) != '( faz=0 )' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
42234f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 3) != '( foz=777 )' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
42334f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 4) != '( foz=777 )' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
42434f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 5) != '( fuz=777 )' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
42534f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 6) != '0' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
42634f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $($tmp/script 7) != '0' ]] 2>/dev/null && err_exit 'compound var arithmetic failed'
427da2e3ebdSchinunset foo
428da2e3ebdSchintypeset -F1 foo=123456789.19
429da2e3ebdSchin[[ $foo == 123456789.2 ]] || err_exit 'typeset -F1 not working correctly'
431da2e3ebdSchin# divide by zero
433da2e3ebdSchinfor expr in '1/(1/2)' '8%(1/2)' '8%(1.0/2)'
434da2e3ebdSchindo	[[ $( ( $SHELL -c "( (($expr)) )  || print ok" ) 2>/dev/null ) == ok ]] || err_exit "divide by zero not trapped: $expr"
437da2e3ebdSchinfor expr in '1/(1.0/2)' '1/(1/2.0)'
438da2e3ebdSchindo	[[ $( ( $SHELL -c "( print -r -- \$(($expr)) )" ) 2>/dev/null ) == 2 ]] || err_exit "invalid value for: $expr"
440da2e3ebdSchin[[ $((5||0)) == 1 ]] || err_exit '$((5||0))'" == $((5||0)) should be 1"
44134f9b3eeSRoland Mainz$SHELL -c 'integer x=3 y=2; (( (y += x += 2) == 7  && x==5))' 2> /dev/null || err_exit '((y += x += 2)) not working'
442da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -c 'b=0; [[ $((b?a=1:b=9)) == 9 ]]' 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'b?a=1:b=9 not working'
443da2e3ebdSchinunset x
444da2e3ebdSchin(( x = 4*atan(1.0) ))
445da2e3ebdSchin[[ $x == "$((x))" ]] || err_exit  '$x !- $((x)) when x is pi'
446da2e3ebdSchin$SHELL -c  "[[  ${x//./} == {14,100}(\d) ]]" 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'pi has less than 14 significant places'
447da2e3ebdSchinif	(( Inf+1 == Inf ))
4487c2fbfb3SApril Chinthen	set \
4497c2fbfb3SApril Chin		Inf		inf	\
4507c2fbfb3SApril Chin		-Inf		-inf	\
4517c2fbfb3SApril Chin		Nan		nan	\
4527c2fbfb3SApril Chin		-Nan		-nan	\
4537c2fbfb3SApril Chin		1.0/0.0		inf
4547c2fbfb3SApril Chin	while	(( $# >= 2 ))
4557c2fbfb3SApril Chin	do	x=$(printf "%g\n" $(($1)))
4567c2fbfb3SApril Chin		[[ $x == $2 ]] || err_exit "printf '%g\\n' \$(($1)) failed -- expected $2, got $x"
4577c2fbfb3SApril Chin		x=$(printf "%g\n" $1)
4587c2fbfb3SApril Chin		[[ $x == $2 ]] || err_exit "printf '%g\\n' $1 failed -- expected $2, got $x"
4597c2fbfb3SApril Chin		x=$(printf -- $(($1)))
4607c2fbfb3SApril Chin		[[ $x == $2 ]] || err_exit "print -- \$(($1)) failed -- expected $2, got $x"
4617c2fbfb3SApril Chin		shift 2
4627c2fbfb3SApril Chin	done
463da2e3ebdSchin	(( 1.0/0.0 == Inf )) || err_exit '1.0/0.0 != Inf'
4647c2fbfb3SApril Chin	[[ $(print -- $((0.0/0.0))) == ?(-)nan ]] || err_exit '0.0/0.0 != NaN'
465da2e3ebdSchin	(( Inf*Inf == Inf )) || err_exit 'Inf*Inf != Inf'
466da2e3ebdSchin	(( NaN != NaN )) || err_exit 'NaN == NaN'
467da2e3ebdSchin	(( -5*Inf == -Inf )) || err_exit '-5*Inf != -Inf'
4687c2fbfb3SApril Chin	[[ $(print -- $((sqrt(-1.0)))) == ?(-)nan ]]|| err_exit 'sqrt(-1.0) != NaN'
469da2e3ebdSchin	(( pow(1.0,Inf) == 1.0 )) || err_exit 'pow(1.0,Inf) != 1.0'
470da2e3ebdSchin	(( pow(Inf,0.0) == 1.0 )) || err_exit 'pow(Inf,0.0) != 1.0'
4717c2fbfb3SApril Chin	[[ $(print -- $((NaN/Inf))) == ?(-)nan ]] || err_exit 'NaN/Inf != NaN'
472da2e3ebdSchin	(( 4.0/Inf == 0.0 )) || err_exit '4.0/Inf != 0.0'
473da2e3ebdSchinelse	err_exit 'Inf and NaN not working'
4757c2fbfb3SApril Chinunset x y n r
4767c2fbfb3SApril Chinn=14.555
4777c2fbfb3SApril Chinfloat x=$n y
478da2e3ebdSchiny=$(printf "%a" x)
4797c2fbfb3SApril Chinr=$y
4807c2fbfb3SApril Chin[[ $r == $n ]] || err_exit "output of printf %a not self preserving -- expected $x, got $y"
4817c2fbfb3SApril Chinunset x y r
482*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfloat x=-0 y=-0.0
483*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanr=-0
484*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $((-0)) == 0 ]] || err_exit '$((-0)) should be 0'
485*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $(( -1*0)) == 0 ]] || err_exit '$(( -1*0)) should be 0'
486*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $(( -1.0*0)) == -0 ]] || err_exit '$(( -1.0*0)) should be -0'
487*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $(printf "%g %g %g\n" x $x $((x)) ) == '-0 -0 -0' ]] || err_exit '%g of x $x $((x)) for x=-0 should all be -0'
488*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $(printf "%g %g %g\n" y $x $((y)) ) == '-0 -0 -0' ]] || err_exit '%g of y $y $((y)) for y=-0.0 should all be -0'
4897c2fbfb3SApril Chin$SHELL -c '(( x=));:' 2> /dev/null && err_exit '((x=)) should be an error'
4907c2fbfb3SApril Chin$SHELL -c '(( x+=));:' 2> /dev/null && err_exit '((x+=)) should be an error'
4917c2fbfb3SApril Chin$SHELL -c '(( x=+));:' 2> /dev/null && err_exit '((x=+)) should be an error'
4927c2fbfb3SApril Chin$SHELL -c 'x=();x.arr[0]=(z=3); ((x.arr[0].z=2))' 2> /dev/null || err_exit '(((x.arr[0].z=2)) should not be an error'
49334f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
49434f9b3eeSRoland Mainzfloat t
49534f9b3eeSRoland Mainztypeset a b r
49634f9b3eeSRoland Mainzv="-0.0 0.0 +0.0 -1.0 1.0 +1.0"
49734f9b3eeSRoland Mainzfor a in $v
49834f9b3eeSRoland Mainzdo	for b in $v
49934f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	do	(( r = copysign(a,b) ))
50034f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		(( t = copysign(a,b) ))
50134f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		[[ $r == $t ]] || err_exit $(printf "float t=copysign(%3.1f,%3.1f) => %3.1f -- expected %3.1f\n" a b t r)
50234f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	done
50334f9b3eeSRoland Mainzdone
50434f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
50534f9b3eeSRoland Mainztypeset -l y y_ascii
50634f9b3eeSRoland Mainz(( y=sin(90) ))
50734f9b3eeSRoland Mainzy_ascii=$y
50834f9b3eeSRoland Mainz(( y == y_ascii )) || err_exit "no match,\n\t$(printf "%a\n" y)\n!=\n\t$(printf "%a\n" y_ascii)"
50934f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
51034f9b3eeSRoland Mainz( $SHELL  <<- \EOF
51134f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	p=5
51234f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	t[p]=6
51334f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	while (( t[p] != 0 )) ; do
51434f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		((
51534f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		p+=1 ,
51634f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		t[p]+=2 ,
51734f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		p+=3 ,
51834f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		t[p]+=5 ,
51934f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		p+=1 ,
52034f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		t[p]+=2 ,
52134f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		p+=1 ,
52234f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		t[p]+=1 ,
52334f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		p-=6  ,
52434f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		t[p]-=1
52534f9b3eeSRoland Mainz		))
52634f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	:
52734f9b3eeSRoland Mainz	done
52834f9b3eeSRoland MainzEOF) 2> /dev/null ||  err_exit 'error with comma expression'
52934f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
53034f9b3eeSRoland MainzN=(89551 89557)
53134f9b3eeSRoland Mainzi=0 j=1
53234f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $(printf "%d" N[j]-N[i]) == 6 ]] || err_exit 'printf %d N[i]-N[j] failed'
53334f9b3eeSRoland Mainz[[ $((N[j]-N[i])) == 6 ]] || err_exit  '$((N[j]-N[i])) incorrect'
53434f9b3eeSRoland Mainz
5353e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerunset a x
5363e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerx=0
5373e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner((a[++x]++))
5383e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( x==1)) || err_exit '((a[++x]++)) should only increment x once'
5393e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( a[1]==1))  || err_exit 'a[1] not incremented'
5403e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerunset a
5413e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerx=0
5423e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner((a[x++]++))
5433e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( x==1)) || err_exit '((a[x++]++)) should only increment x once'
5443e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( a[0]==1))  || err_exit 'a[0] not incremented'
5453e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerunset a
5463e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerx=0
5473e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner((a[x+=2]+=1))
5483e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( x==2)) || err_exit '((a[x+=2]++)) should result in x==2'
5493e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( a[2]==1))  || err_exit 'a[0] not 1'
5503e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner
5513e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerunset a i
5523e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknertypeset -a a
5533e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkneri=1
5543e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( a[i]=1 ))
5553e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( a[0] == 0 )) || err_exit 'a[0] not 0'
5563e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( a[1] == 1 )) || err_exit 'a[1] not 1'
5573e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner
5583e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerunset a
5593e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknertypeset -i a
5603e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerfor ((i=0;i<1000;i++))
5613e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerdo ((a[RANDOM%2]++))
5623e14f97fSRoger A. Faulknerdone
5633e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner(( (a[0]+a[1])==1000)) || err_exit '(a[0]+a[1])!=1000'
5643e14f97fSRoger A. Faulkner
565*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( 4.**3/10 == 6.4 )) || err_exit '4.**3/10!=6.4'
566*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( (.5+3)/7 == .5 )) || err_exit '(.5+3)/7!==.5'
567*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
568*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfunction .sh.math.mysin x
569*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
570*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman        ((.sh.value = x - x**3/6. + x**5/120.-x**7/5040. + x**9/362880.))
571*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
572*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
573*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( abs(sin(.5)-mysin(.5)) < 1e-6 )) || err_exit 'mysin() not close to sin()'
574*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
575*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman$SHELL 2> /dev/null  <<- \EOF || err_exit "arithmetic functions defined and referenced in compound command not working"
576*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
577*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	function .sh.math.mysin x
578*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	{
579*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	        ((.sh.value = x-x**3/6. + x**5/120.-x**7/5040. + x**9/362880.))
580*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	}
581*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	(( abs(sin(.5)-mysin(.5)) < 1e-6 ))
582*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	exit 0
583*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
584*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanEOF
585*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
586*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
587*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
588*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfunction .sh.math.max x y z
589*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
590*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	.sh.value=x
591*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	(( y > x )) && .sh.value=y
592*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	(( z > .sh.value )) && .sh.value=z
593*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
594*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( max(max(3,8,5),7,5)==8)) || err_exit 'max(max(3,8,5),7,5)!=8'
595*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( max(max(3,8,5),7,9)==9)) || err_exit 'max(max(3,8,9),7,5)!=9'
596*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( max(6,max(3,9,5),7)==9 )) || err_exit 'max(6,max(3,8,5),7)!=9'
597*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( max(6,7, max(3,8,5))==8 )) || err_exit 'max(6,7,max(3,8,5))!=8'
598*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
599*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanenum color_t=(red green blue yellow)
600*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamancolor_t shirt pants=blue
601*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( pants == blue )) || err_exit 'pants should be blue'
602*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( shirt == red )) || err_exit 'pants should be red'
603*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( shirt != green )) || err_exit 'shirt should not be green'
604*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( pants != shirt )) || err_exit 'pants should be the same as shirt'
605*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( pants = yellow ))
606*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( pants == yellow )) || err_exit 'pants should be yellow'
607*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
608*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset z
609*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamaninteger -a z=( [1]=90 )
610*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfunction x
611*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
612*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	nameref nz=$1
613*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	float x y
614*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	float x=$((log10(nz))) y=$((log10($nz)))
615*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	(( abs(x-y) < 1e-10 )) || err_exit '$nz and nz differs in arithmetic expression when nz is reference to array instance'
616*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
617*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx z[1]
618*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
619*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset x
620*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfloat x
621*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=$( ($SHELL -c 'print -- $(( asinh(acosh(atanh(sin(cos(tan(atan(acos(asin(tanh(cosh(sinh(asinh(acosh(atanh(sin(cos(tan(atan(acos(asin(tanh(cosh(sinh(.5)))))))))))))))))))))))) )) ';:) 2> /dev/null)
622*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( abs(x-.5) < 1.e-10 )) || err_exit 'bug in composite function evaluation'
623*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
624*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset x
625*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -X x=16
626*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{ (( $x == 16 )) ;} 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'expansions of hexfloat not working in arithmetic expansions'
627*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
628*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset foo
629*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfunction foobar
630*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
631*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman	(( foo = 8))
632*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
633*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -i foo
634*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfoobar
635*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( foo == 8 )) || err_exit  'arithmetic assignment binding to the wrong scope'
636*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
637*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( tgamma(4)/12 )) || err_exit 'floating point attribute for functions not preserved'
638*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
639*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset F
640*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfunction f
641*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
642*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman ((F=1))
643*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
644*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanf
645*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $F == 1 ]] || err_exit 'scoping bug with arithmetic expression'
646*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
647*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanF=1
648*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfunction f
649*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman{
650*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman typeset F
651*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman ((F=2))
652*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman}
653*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $F == 1 ]] || err_exit 'scoping bug2 with arithmetic expression'
654*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
655*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset play foo x z
656*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -A play
657*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=foo
658*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanplay[$x]=(x=2)
659*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfor ((i=0; i < 2; i++))
660*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamando	(( play[$x].y , z++  ))
661*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamandone
662*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z==2 )) || err_exit 'unset compound array variable error with for loop optimization'
663*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
664*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $($SHELL 2> /dev/null -c 'print -- $(( ldexp(1, 4) ))' ) == 16 ]] || err_exit 'function ldexp not implement or not working correctly'
665*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
666*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
667*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman$SHELL 2> /dev/null -c 'str="0x1.df768ed398ee1e01329a130627ae0000p-1";typeset -l -E x;((x=str))' || err_exit '((x=var)) fails for hexfloat with var begining with 0x1.nnn'
668*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
669*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=(3 6 12)
670*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( x[2] /= x[0]))
671*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( x[2] == 4 ))  || err_exit '(( x[2] /= x[0])) fails for index array'
672*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
673*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=([0]=3 [1]=6 [2]=12)
674*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( x[2] /= x[0]))
675*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( x[2] == 4 )) || err_exit '(( x[2] /= x[0])) fails for associative array'
676*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
677*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamangot=$($SHELL 2> /dev/null -c 'compound -a x;compound -a x[0].y; integer -a x[0].y[0].z; (( x[0].y[0].z[2]=3 )); typeset -p x')
678*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanexp='typeset -C -a x=((typeset -C -a y=( [0]=(typeset -a -l -i z=([2]=3);));))'
679*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $got == "$exp" ]] || err_exit '(( x[0].y[0].z[2]=3 )) not working'
680*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
681*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset x
682*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanlet x=010
683*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $x == 10 ]] || err_exit 'let treating 010 as octal'
684*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanset -o letoctal
685*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanlet x=010
686*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $x == 8 ]] || err_exit 'let not treating 010 as octal with letoctal on'
687*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
688*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfloat z=0
689*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamaninteger aa=2 a=1
690*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -A A
691*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a]=(typeset -A AA)
692*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a].AA[aa]=1
693*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z= A[a].AA[aa]++ ))
694*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z == 1 )) ||  err_exit "z should be 1 but is $z for associative array of
695*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanassociative array arithmetic"
696*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ ${A[a].AA[aa]} == 2 ]] || err_exit '${A[a].AA[aa]} should be 2 after ++ operation for associative array of associative array arithmetic'
697*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset A[a]
698*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
699*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a]=(typeset -a AA)
700*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a].AA[aa]=1
701*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z += A[a].AA[aa++]++ ))
702*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z == 2 )) ||  err_exit "z should be 2 but is $z for associative array of
703*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanindex array arithmetic"
704*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( aa == 3 )) || err_exit "subscript aa should be 3 but is $aa after ++"
705*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ ${A[a].AA[aa-1]} == 2 ]] || err_exit '${A[a].AA[aa]} should be 2 after ++ operation for ssociative array of index array arithmetic'
706*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset A
707*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
708*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -a A
709*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a]=(typeset -A AA)
710*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a].AA[aa]=1
711*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z += A[a].AA[aa]++ ))
712*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z == 3 )) ||  err_exit "z should be 3 but is $z for index array of
713*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanassociative array arithmetic"
714*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ ${A[a].AA[aa]} == 2 ]] || err_exit '${A[a].AA[aa]} should be 2 after ++ operation for index array of associative array arithmetic'
715*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset A[a]
716*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
717*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a]=(typeset -a AA)
718*b30d1939SAndy FiddamanA[a].AA[aa]=1
719*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z += A[a++].AA[aa++]++ ))
720*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( z == 4 )) ||  err_exit "z should be 4 but is $z for index array of
721*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanindex array arithmetic"
722*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ ${A[a-1].AA[aa-1]} == 2 ]] || err_exit '${A[a].AA[aa]} should be 2 after ++ operation for index array of index array arithmetic'
723*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( aa == 4 )) || err_exit "subscript aa should be 4 but is $aa after ++"
724*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( a == 2 )) || err_exit "subscript a should be 2 but is $a after ++"
725*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset A
726*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
727*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset r x
728*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamaninteger x
729*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanr=020
730*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(($r == 16)) || err_exit 'leading 0 not treated as octal inside ((...))'
731*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=$(($r))
732*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( x == 16 )) || err_exit 'leading 0 not treated as octal inside $((...))'
733*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=$r
734*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman((x == 20 )) || err_exit 'leading 0 should not be treated as octal outside ((...))'
735*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanprint -- -020 | read x
736*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman((x == -20)) || err_exit 'numbers with leading -0 should not be treated as octal outside ((...))'
737*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanprint -- -8#20 | read x
738*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman((x == -16)) || err_exit 'numbers with leading -8# should be treated as octal'
739*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
740*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset x
741*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=0x1
742*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanlet "$x==1" || err_exit 'hex constants not working with let'
743*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( $x == 1 )) || err_exit 'arithmetic with $x, where $x is hex constant not working'
744*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanfor i in 1
745*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamando	(($x == 1)) || err_exit 'arithmetic in for loop with $x, where $x is hex constant not working'
746*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamandone
747*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=010
748*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanlet "$x==10" || err_exit 'arithmetic with $x where $x is 010 should be decimal in let'
749*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( 9.$x == 9.01 )) || err_exit 'arithmetic with 9.$x where x=010 should be 9.01'
750*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( 9$x == 9010 )) || err_exit 'arithmetic with 9$x where x=010 should be 9010'
751*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx010=99
752*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman((x$x == 99 )) || err_exit 'arithtmetic with x$x where x=010 should be $x010'
753*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( 3+$x == 11 )) || err_exit '3+$x where x=010 should be 11 in ((...))'
754*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanlet "(3+$x)==13" || err_exit 'let should not recognize leading 0 as octal'
755*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset x
756*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamantypeset -RZ3 x=10
757*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman(( $x == 10 )) || err_exit 'leading 0 in -RZ should not create octal constant with ((...))'
758*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanlet "$x==10" || err_exit 'leading 0 in -RZ should not create octal constant with let'
759*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
760*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanunset v x
761*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanx=0x1.0000000000000000000000000000p+6
762*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanv=$(printf $'%.28a\n' 64)
763*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman[[ $v == "$x" ]] || err_exit "'printf %.28a 64' failed -- expected '$x', got '$v'"
764*b30d1939SAndy Fiddaman
765*b30d1939SAndy Fiddamanexit $((Errors<125?Errors:125))