1 /*
2   Copyright (C) 2000,2002,2003,2004,2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3   Portions Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Arxan Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4   Portions Copyright (C) 2009-2019 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved.
5   Portions Copyright (C) 2010-2012 SN Systems Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
7   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8   under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
12   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
16   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
17   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
18   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
19   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
20   other software, or any other product whatsoever.
22   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
23   License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software
24   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301,
25   USA.
27 */
29 #include "config.h"
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <sys/stat.h>
32 #include <sys/types.h>
33 #include <string.h>
34 #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
35 #include <stdlib.h>
36 #endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
37 #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H
38 /* Useful include for some Windows compilers. */
39 #include <malloc.h>
40 #endif /* HAVE_MALLOC_H */
41 #include "dwarf_incl.h"
42 #include "dwarf_alloc.h"
43 #include "dwarf_error.h"
44 #include "dwarf_util.h"
45 #include "memcpy_swap.h"
46 #include "dwarf_harmless.h"
47 #include "dwarfstring.h"
49 /* For consistency, use the HAVE_LIBELF_H symbol */
50 #ifdef HAVE_LIBELF_H
51 #include <libelf.h>
52 #else
54 #include <libelf/libelf.h>
55 #endif
56 #endif
57 #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
58 #include "zlib.h"
59 #endif
63 #endif
65 /*  If your mingw elf.h is missing SHT_RELA and you do not
66     need SHT_RELA support
67     this define should work for you.
68     It is the elf value, hopefully it will
69     not cause trouble. If does not work, try -1
70     or something else
71     and let us know what works.  */
72 #ifndef SHT_RELA
73 #define SHT_RELA 4
74 #endif
75 #ifndef SHT_REL
76 #define SHT_REL 9
77 # endif
78 /*  For COMDAT GROUPS. Guarantees we can compile. We hope. */
79 #ifndef SHT_GROUP
80 #define SHT_GROUP 17
81 #endif
84 /*  This from ubuntu xenial. Is in top of trunk binutils
85     as of February 2016. Elf Section Flag */
86 #define SHF_COMPRESSED (1 << 11)
87 #endif
90 #define DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg,errval,retval) \
91     _dwarf_error(dbg, error, errval); return(retval);
93 #define FALSE 0
94 #define TRUE  1
96 /*  Global definition of the function pointer type, typedef
97     in dwarf_opaque.h */
98 _dwarf_get_elf_flags_func_ptr_type _dwarf_get_elf_flags_func_ptr;
100 /* This static is copied to the dbg on dbg init
101    so that the static need not be referenced at
102    run time, preserving better locality of
103    reference.
104    Value is 0 means do the string check.
105    Value non-zero means do not do the check.
106 */
107 static Dwarf_Small _dwarf_assume_string_in_bounds;
108 static Dwarf_Small _dwarf_apply_relocs = 1;
110 /*  Call this after calling dwarf_init but before doing anything else.
111     It applies to all objects, not just the current object.  */
112 int
dwarf_set_reloc_application(int apply)113 dwarf_set_reloc_application(int apply)
114 {
115     int oldval = _dwarf_apply_relocs;
116     _dwarf_apply_relocs = apply;
117     return oldval;
118 }
120 int
dwarf_set_stringcheck(int newval)121 dwarf_set_stringcheck(int newval)
122 {
123     int oldval = _dwarf_assume_string_in_bounds;
125     _dwarf_assume_string_in_bounds = newval;
126     return oldval;
127 }
129 static int
startswith(const char * input,char * ckfor)130 startswith(const char * input, char* ckfor)
131 {
132     size_t cklen = strlen(ckfor);
134     if (! strncmp(input,ckfor,cklen)) {
135         return TRUE;
136     }
137     return FALSE;
138 }
139 #if 0
140 static int
141 endswith(const char * input, char* ckfor)
142 {
143     size_t inlen = strlen(input);
144     size_t endlen = strlen(ckfor);
145     const char * endck = 0;
147     if (endlen > inlen) {
148         return FALSE;
149     }
150     endck = input+inlen - endlen;
152     if (! strcmp(endck,ckfor) ) {
153         return TRUE;
154     }
155     return FALSE;
156 }
157 #endif
159 /* Unifies the basic duplicate/empty testing and section
160    data setting to one place. */
161 static int
get_basic_section_data(Dwarf_Debug dbg,struct Dwarf_Section_s * secdata,struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s * doas,Dwarf_Half section_index,unsigned group_number,Dwarf_Error * error,int duperr,int emptyerr)162 get_basic_section_data(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
163     struct Dwarf_Section_s *secdata,
164     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s *doas,
165     Dwarf_Half section_index,
166     unsigned group_number,
167     Dwarf_Error* error,
168     int duperr, int emptyerr )
169 {
170     /*  There is an elf convention that section index 0  is reserved,
171         and that section is always empty.
172         Non-elf object formats must honor that by ensuring that
173         (when they assign numbers to 'sections' or 'section-like-things')
174         they never assign a real section section-number  0 to dss_index. */
175     if (secdata->dss_index != 0) {
176         DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, duperr, DW_DLV_ERROR);
177     }
178     if (doas->size == 0) {
179         /*  As of 2018 it seems impossible to detect
180             (via dwarfdump) whether emptyerr has any
181             practical effect, whether TRUE or FALSE.  */
182         if (emptyerr == 0 ) {
183             /*  Allow empty section. */
184             return DW_DLV_OK;
185         }
186         /* Know no reason to allow section */
187         DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, emptyerr, DW_DLV_ERROR);
188     }
189     secdata->dss_index = section_index;
190     secdata->dss_size = doas->size;
191     secdata->dss_group_number = group_number;
192     secdata->dss_addr = doas->addr;
193     secdata->dss_link = doas->link;
194     secdata->dss_entrysize = doas->entrysize;
195     if (_dwarf_get_elf_flags_func_ptr) {
196         /*  We do this so we do not need to update the public struct
197             Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s and thereby cause
198             binary and source incompatibility. */
199         Dwarf_Unsigned flags = 0;
200         Dwarf_Unsigned addralign = 0;
201         int res = 0;
202         int interr = 0;
203         struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s *o = 0;
205         o = dbg->de_obj_file;
206         res = _dwarf_get_elf_flags_func_ptr(
207             o->object, section_index,
208             &flags,&addralign,
209             &interr);
210         if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
211             /*  Should never get here. */
212             DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, interr, DW_DLV_ERROR);
213         }
214         if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) {
215             return res;
216         }
217         secdata->dss_flags = flags;
218         secdata->dss_addralign = addralign;
219         if (flags & SHF_COMPRESSED) {
220             secdata->dss_shf_compressed = TRUE;
221         }
222         /*  We are not looking at section bytes so we
223             do not know if the first 4 bytes are ZLIB */
224     }
225     return DW_DLV_OK;
226 }
229 static void
add_relx_data_to_secdata(struct Dwarf_Section_s * secdata,struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s * doas,Dwarf_Half section_index,int is_rela)230 add_relx_data_to_secdata( struct Dwarf_Section_s *secdata,
231     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s *doas,
232     Dwarf_Half section_index,int is_rela)
233 {
234     secdata->dss_reloc_index = section_index;
235     secdata->dss_reloc_size = doas->size;
236     secdata->dss_reloc_entrysize = doas->entrysize;
237     secdata->dss_reloc_addr = doas->addr;
238     secdata->dss_reloc_symtab = doas->link;
239     secdata->dss_reloc_link = doas->link;
240     secdata->dss_is_rela = is_rela;
241 }
245 /*  Used to add the specific information for a debug related section
246     Called on each section of interest by section name.
247     DWARF_MAX_DEBUG_SECTIONS must be large enough to allow
248     that all sections of interest fit in the table.
249     returns DW_DLV_ERROR or DW_DLV_OK.
250     */
251 static int
add_debug_section_info(Dwarf_Debug dbg,const char * name,const char * standard_section_name,unsigned obj_sec_num,struct Dwarf_Section_s * secdata,unsigned groupnum,int duperr,int emptyerr,int have_dwarf,int havezdebug,int * err)252 add_debug_section_info(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
253     /* Name as seen in object file. */
254     const char *name,
255     const char *standard_section_name,
256     unsigned obj_sec_num,
257     struct Dwarf_Section_s *secdata,
258     unsigned groupnum,
259     /*  The have_dwarf flag is a somewhat imprecise
260         way to determine if there is at least one 'meaningful'
261         DWARF information section present in the object file.
262         If not set on some section we claim (later) that there
263         is no DWARF info present. see 'foundDwarf' in this file */
264     int duperr,int emptyerr,int have_dwarf,
265     int havezdebug,
266     int *err)
267 {
268     unsigned total_entries = dbg->de_debug_sections_total_entries;
269     if (secdata->dss_is_in_use) {
270         *err = duperr;
271         return DW_DLV_ERROR;
272     }
273     if (total_entries < DWARF_MAX_DEBUG_SECTIONS) {
274         struct Dwarf_dbg_sect_s *debug_section =
275             &dbg->de_debug_sections[total_entries];
276         secdata->dss_is_in_use = TRUE;
277         debug_section->ds_name = name;
278         debug_section->ds_number = obj_sec_num;
279         debug_section->ds_secdata = secdata;
280         debug_section->ds_groupnumber =  groupnum;
281         secdata->dss_name = name; /* Actual name from object file. */
282         secdata->dss_standard_name = standard_section_name;
283         secdata->dss_number = obj_sec_num;
284         secdata->dss_zdebug_requires_decompress = havezdebug;
285         /* We don't yet know about SHF_COMPRESSED */
286         debug_section->ds_duperr = duperr;
287         debug_section->ds_emptyerr = emptyerr;
288         debug_section->ds_have_dwarf = have_dwarf;
289         debug_section->ds_have_zdebug = havezdebug;
290         ++dbg->de_debug_sections_total_entries;
291         return DW_DLV_OK;
292     }
293     /*  This represents a bug in libdwarf.
294         Mis-setup-DWARF_MAX_DEBUG_SECTIONS.
295         Or possibly a use of section groups that is
296         not supported.  */
297     *err = DW_DLE_TOO_MANY_DEBUG;
298     return DW_DLV_ERROR;
299 }
302 #if 0
303 static void
304 dump_bytes(const char *msg,Dwarf_Small * start, long len)
305 {
306     Dwarf_Small *end = start + len;
307     Dwarf_Small *cur = start;
309     printf("dump_bytes: %s ",msg);
310     for (; cur < end; cur++) {
311         printf("%02x",*cur);
312     }
313     printf("\n");
314 }
316 static int
317 all_sig8_bits_zero(Dwarf_Sig8 *val)
318 {
319     unsigned u = 0;
320     for(  ; u < sizeof(*val); ++u) {
321         if (val->signature[u] != 0) {
322             return FALSE;
323         }
324     }
325     return TRUE;
326 }
327 #endif
330 /* Return DW_DLV_OK etc. */
331 static int
set_up_section(Dwarf_Debug dbg,const char * secname,const char * sec_standard_name,unsigned obj_sec_num,const char * targname,unsigned groupnum_of_sec,struct Dwarf_Section_s * secdata,int duperr,int emptyerr,int have_dwarf,int * err)332 set_up_section(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
333     /*  Section name from object format.
334         Might start with .zdebug not .debug if compressed section. */
335     const char *secname,
336     /*  Standard section name, such as .debug_info */
337     const char *sec_standard_name,
338     /*  Section number from object format  */
339     unsigned obj_sec_num,
340     /*  The name associated with this secdata in libdwarf */
341     const char *targname,
342     /*  DW_GROUPNUMBER_ANY or BASE or DWO or some other group num */
343     unsigned  groupnum_of_sec,
344     struct Dwarf_Section_s *secdata,
345     int duperr,int emptyerr,int have_dwarf,
346     int *err)
347 {
348     /*  Here accomodate the .debug or .zdebug version, (and of
349         course non- .debug too, but those never zlib) .
350         SECNAMEMAX should be a little bigger than any section
351         name we care about as possibly compressed, which
352         is to say bigger than any standard section name. */
353 #define SECNAMEMAX 30
354     int secnamelen = strlen(secname);
355     /* static const char *dprefix = ".debug_"; */
356 #define DPREFIXLEN 7
357     static const char *zprefix = ".zdebug_";
358 #define ZPREFIXLEN 8
359     int havezdebug = FALSE;
360     int namesmatch = FALSE;
362     /*  For example, if the secname is .zdebug_info
363         we update the finaltargname to .debug_info
364         to match with the particular (known, predefined)
365         object section name.
366         We add one character, so check
367         to see if it will, in the end, fit.
368         See the SET_UP_SECTION macro.  */
370     if(secnamelen >= SECNAMEMAX) {
371         /*  This is not the target section.
372             our caller will keep looking. */
373         return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
374     }
375     if((secnamelen+1) < SECNAMEMAX &&
376         !strncmp(secname,zprefix,ZPREFIXLEN) &&
377         !strcmp(secname+ZPREFIXLEN,targname+DPREFIXLEN)) {
378             /*  zprefix version matches the object section
379                 name so the section is compressed and is
380                 the section this targname applies to. */
381             havezdebug = TRUE;
382             namesmatch = TRUE;
383     } else if (!strcmp(secname,targname)) {
384         namesmatch = TRUE;
385     }
386 #undef ZPREFIXLEN
387 #undef DPREFIXLEN
388 #undef SECNAMEMAX
389     if(!namesmatch) {
390         /*  This is not the target section.
391             our caller will keep looking. */
392             return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
393     }
396     {
397         /*  The section name is a match with targname, or
398             the .zdebug version of targname. */
399         int sectionerr = 0;
401         sectionerr = add_debug_section_info(dbg,secname,
402             sec_standard_name,
403             obj_sec_num,
404             secdata,
405             groupnum_of_sec,
406             duperr,emptyerr, have_dwarf,
407             havezdebug,err);
408         if (sectionerr != DW_DLV_OK) {
409             /* *err is set already */
410             return sectionerr;
411         }
412     }
413     return DW_DLV_OK;
414 }
416 #define SET_UP_SECTION(mdbg,mname,mtarg,mgrp,minfo,me1,me2,mdw,mer) \
417     {                                           \
418     int lerr = 0;                               \
419     lerr =  set_up_section(mdbg,                \
420         mname,  /* actual section name */       \
421         mtarg,    /* std section name */        \
422         /* scn_number from macro use context */ \
423         scn_number,mtarg,mgrp,                  \
424         minfo,                                  \
425         me1,me2,mdw,mer);                       \
426     if (lerr != DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) {              \
427         return lerr;                            \
428     }    /* else fall through. */               \
429     }
431 /*  If running this long set of tests is slow
432     enough to matter one could set up a local
433     tsearch tree with all this content and search
434     it instead of this set of sequential tests.
435     Or use a switch(){} here with a search tree
436     to to turn name into index for the switch(). */
437 static int
enter_section_in_de_debug_sections_array(Dwarf_Debug dbg,const char * scn_name,unsigned scn_number,unsigned group_number,int * err)438 enter_section_in_de_debug_sections_array(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
439     const char *scn_name,
440     /* This is the number of the section in the object file. */
441     unsigned scn_number,
442     unsigned group_number,
443     int *err)
444 {
445     /*  Setup the table that contains the basic information about the
446         sections that are DWARF related. The entries are very unlikely
447         to change very often. */
448     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_info",
449         group_number,
450         &dbg->de_debug_info,
452         TRUE,err);
453     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_info.dwo",
455         &dbg->de_debug_info,
457         TRUE,err);
458     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_types",
459         group_number,
460         &dbg->de_debug_types,
462         TRUE,err);
463     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_types.dwo",
465         &dbg->de_debug_types,
467         TRUE,err);
468     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_abbrev",
469         group_number,
470         &dbg->de_debug_abbrev, /*03*/
472         TRUE,err);
473     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_abbrev.dwo",
475         &dbg->de_debug_abbrev, /*03*/
477         TRUE,err);
478     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_aranges",
479         group_number,
480         &dbg->de_debug_aranges,
482         FALSE,err);
483     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_line",
484         group_number,
485         &dbg->de_debug_line,
487         TRUE,err);
488     /* DWARF5 */
489     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_line_str",
490         group_number,
491         &dbg->de_debug_line_str,
493         FALSE,err);
494     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_line.dwo",
496         &dbg->de_debug_line,
498         TRUE,err);
499     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_frame",
500         group_number,
501         &dbg->de_debug_frame,
503         TRUE,err);
504     /* gnu egcs-1.1.2 data */
505     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".eh_frame",
506         group_number,
507         &dbg->de_debug_frame_eh_gnu,
509         TRUE,err);
510     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_loc",
511         group_number,
512         &dbg->de_debug_loc,
514         FALSE,err);
515     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_loc.dwo",
517         &dbg->de_debug_loc,
519         FALSE,err);
520     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_pubnames",
521         group_number,
522         &dbg->de_debug_pubnames,
524         FALSE,err);
525     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_str",
526         group_number,
527         &dbg->de_debug_str,
529         FALSE,err);
530     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_str.dwo",
532         &dbg->de_debug_str,
534         FALSE,err);
535     /* Section new in DWARF3.  */
536     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_pubtypes",
537         group_number,
538         &dbg->de_debug_pubtypes,
540         FALSE,err);
541     /* DWARF5 */
542     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_names",
543         group_number,
544         &dbg->de_debug_names,
545         /*13*/ DW_DLE_DEBUG_NAMES_DUPLICATE,0,
546         FALSE,err);
547     /* DWARF5 */
548     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_loclists",
549         group_number,
550         &dbg->de_debug_loclists,
551         /*13*/ DW_DLE_DEBUG_LOClISTS_DUPLICATE,0,
552         FALSE,err);
553     /* DWARF5 */
554     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_loclists.dwo",
556         &dbg->de_debug_loclists,
557         /*13*/ DW_DLE_DEBUG_LOClISTS_DUPLICATE,0,
558         FALSE,err);
559     /* DWARF5 */
560     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_rnglists",
561         group_number,
562         &dbg->de_debug_rnglists,
564         FALSE,err);
565     /* DWARF5 */
566     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_rnglists.dwo",
568         &dbg->de_debug_rnglists,
570         FALSE,err);
571     /* DWARF5 */
572     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_str_offsets",
573         group_number,
574         &dbg->de_debug_str_offsets,
576         FALSE,err);
577     /* DWARF5 */
578     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_str_offsets.dwo",
580         &dbg->de_debug_str_offsets,
582         FALSE,err);
584     /* SGI IRIX-only. */
585     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_funcnames",
586         group_number,
587         &dbg->de_debug_funcnames,
589         FALSE,err);
590     /*  SGI IRIX-only, created years before DWARF3. Content
591         essentially identical to .debug_pubtypes.  */
592     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_typenames",
593         group_number,
594         &dbg->de_debug_typenames,
596         FALSE,err);
597     /* SGI IRIX-only.  */
598     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_varnames",
599         group_number,
600         &dbg->de_debug_varnames,
602         FALSE,err);
603     /* SGI IRIX-only. */
604     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_weaknames",
605         group_number,
606         &dbg->de_debug_weaknames,
608         FALSE,err);
610     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_macinfo",
611         group_number,
612         &dbg->de_debug_macinfo,
614         TRUE,err);
615     /*  ".debug_macinfo.dwo" is not allowed.  */
618     /* DWARF5 */
619     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_macro",
620         group_number,
621         &dbg->de_debug_macro,
623         TRUE,err);
624     /* DWARF5 */
625     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_macro.dwo",
627         &dbg->de_debug_macro,
629         TRUE,err);
630     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_ranges",
631         group_number,
632         &dbg->de_debug_ranges,
634         TRUE,err);
635     /*  No .debug_ranges.dwo allowed. */
637     /* New DWARF5 */
638     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_sup",
639         group_number,
640         &dbg->de_debug_sup,
642         TRUE,err);
643     /* No .debug_sup.dwo allowed. */
645     /*  .symtab and .strtab have to be in any group.  */
646     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".symtab",
647         group_number,
648         &dbg->de_elf_symtab,
649         DW_DLE_DEBUG_SYMTAB_ERR,0,
650         FALSE,err);
651     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".strtab",
652         group_number,
653         &dbg->de_elf_strtab,
654         DW_DLE_DEBUG_STRTAB_ERR,0,
655         FALSE,err);
657     /* New DWARF5 */
658     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_addr",
659         group_number,
660         &dbg->de_debug_addr,
662         TRUE,err);
663     /*  No .debug_addr.dwo allowed.  */
665     /* gdb added this. */
666     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".gdb_index",
667         group_number,
668         &dbg->de_debug_gdbindex,
670         FALSE,err);
672     /* New DWARF5 */
673     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_names",
674         group_number,
675         &dbg->de_debug_names,
677         FALSE,err);
678     /* No .debug_names.dwo allowed. */
680     /* gdb added this in DW4. It is in standard DWARF5  */
681     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_cu_index",
683         &dbg->de_debug_cu_index,
685         FALSE,err);
686     /* gdb added this in DW4. It is in standard DWARF5 */
687     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".debug_tu_index",
689         &dbg->de_debug_tu_index,
691         FALSE,err);
693     /* GNU added this. It is not part of DWARF */
694     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".gnu_debuglink",
696         &dbg->de_gnu_debuglink,
698         FALSE,err);
700     /* GNU added this. It is not part of DWARF */
701     SET_UP_SECTION(dbg,scn_name,".note.gnu.build-id",
703         &dbg->de_note_gnu_buildid,
705         FALSE,err);
706     return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
707 }
708 static int
is_section_name_known_already(Dwarf_Debug dbg,const char * scn_name)709 is_section_name_known_already(Dwarf_Debug dbg, const char *scn_name)
710 {
711     unsigned i = 0;
712     for ( ; i < dbg->de_debug_sections_total_entries; ++i) {
713         struct Dwarf_dbg_sect_s *section = &dbg->de_debug_sections[i];
714         if (!strcmp(scn_name, section->ds_name)) {
715             /*  The caller will declare this a duplicate, an error. */
716             return DW_DLV_OK;
717         }
718     }
719     /* This is normal, we expect we've not accepted scn_name already. */
720     return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
721 }
723 /*  Given an Elf ptr, set up dbg with pointers
724     to all the Dwarf data sections.
725     Return NULL on error.
727     This function is also responsible for determining
728     whether the given object contains Dwarf information
729     or not.  The test currently used is that it contains
730     either a .debug_info or a .debug_frame section.  If
731     not, it returns DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY causing dwarf_init() also to
732     return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY.  Earlier, we had thought of using only
733     the presence/absence of .debug_info to test, but we
734     added .debug_frame since there could be stripped objects
735     that have only a .debug_frame section for exception
736     processing.
739     This does not allow for section-groups in object files,
740     for which many .debug_info (and other DWARF) sections may exist.
742     We process. .rela (SHT_RELA) and .rel (SHT_REL)
743     sections because with .rela the referencing section
744     offset value is zero whereas with .rel the
745     referencing section value is already correct for
746     the object itself.  In other words, we do it because
747     of the definition of .rela relocations in Elf.
749     However!  In some cases clang emits  a .rel section (at least
750     for .rel.debug_info) where symtab entries have an st_value
751     that must be treated like an addend: the compiler did not
752     bother to backpatch the DWARF information for these.
753 */
756 /*  These help us ignore some sections that are
757     irrelevant to libdwarf.  Maybe should use a hash
758     table instead of sequential search? */
759 int
_dwarf_ignorethissection(const char * scn_name)760 _dwarf_ignorethissection(const char *scn_name) {
761     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".bss")) {
762         return TRUE;
763     }
764     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".comment")) {
765         return TRUE;
766     }
767     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".sbss")) {
768         return TRUE;
769     }
770     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".jcr")) {
771         return TRUE;
772     }
773     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".init")) {
774         return TRUE;
775     }
776     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".fini_array")) {
777         return TRUE;
778     }
779     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".fini")) {
780         return TRUE;
781     }
782     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".fini_array")) {
783         return TRUE;
784     }
785     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".interp")) {
786         return TRUE;
787     }
788     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".text")) {
789         return TRUE;
790     }
791     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rela.text")) {
792         return TRUE;
793     }
794     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rel.text")) {
795         return TRUE;
796     }
798     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".plt")) {
799         return TRUE;
800     }
801     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rela.plt")) {
802         return TRUE;
803     }
804     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rel.plt")) {
805         return TRUE;
806     }
808     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".data")) {
809         return TRUE;
810     }
811     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rel.data")) {
812         return TRUE;
813     }
814     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rela.data")) {
815         return TRUE;
816     }
818     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".got")) {
819         return TRUE;
820     }
821     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rela.got")) {
822         return TRUE;
823     }
824     if(!strcmp(scn_name,".rel.got")) {
825         return TRUE;
826     }
828     return FALSE;
829 }
830 /*  For an object file with an incorrect rela section name,
831     readelf prints correct debug information,
832     as the tool takes the section type instead
833     of the section name. So check the
834     section name but test section type. */
835 static int
is_a_relx_section(const char * scn_name,int type,int * is_rela)836 is_a_relx_section(const char *scn_name,int type,int *is_rela)
837 {
838     if(startswith(scn_name,".rela.")) {
840         *is_rela = TRUE;
841         return TRUE;
842     }
843     if(startswith(scn_name,".rel.")) {
844         *is_rela = FALSE;
845         return TRUE;
846     }
847     if (type == SHT_RELA) {
848         *is_rela = TRUE;
849         return TRUE;
850     }
851     if (type == SHT_REL) {
852         *is_rela = FALSE;
853         return TRUE;
854     }
855     *is_rela = FALSE;
856     return FALSE;
857 }
859 /*  ASSERT: names like .debug_ or .zdebug_ never passed in here! */
860 static int
is_a_special_section_semi_dwarf(const char * scn_name)861 is_a_special_section_semi_dwarf(const char *scn_name)
862 {
863     if (!strcmp(scn_name,".strtab") ||
864         !strcmp(scn_name,".symtab")) {
865         return TRUE;
866     }
867     /*  It's not one of these special sections referenced in
868         the test. */
869     return FALSE;
870 }
872 static int
this_section_dwarf_relevant(const char * scn_name,int type,int * is_rela)873 this_section_dwarf_relevant(const char *scn_name,int type, int *is_rela)
874 {
875     /* A small helper function for _dwarf_setup(). */
876     if (startswith(scn_name, ".zdebug_") ||
877         startswith(scn_name, ".debug_")) {
878         /* standard debug */
879         return TRUE;
880     }
881     if (_dwarf_ignorethissection(scn_name)) {
882         return FALSE;
883     }
884     /* Now check if a special section could be
885         in a section_group, but though seems unlikely. */
886     if (!strcmp(scn_name, ".eh_frame")) {
887         /*  This is not really a group related file, but
888             it is harmless to consider it such. */
889         return TRUE;
890     }
891     if (!strcmp(scn_name, ".gnu_debuglink")) {
892         /*  This is not a group or DWARF related file, but
893             it is useful for split dwarf. */
894         return TRUE;
895     }
896     if (!strcmp(scn_name, ".note.gnu.build-id")) {
897         /*  This is not a group or DWARF related file, but
898             it is useful for split dwarf. */
899         return TRUE;
900     }
901     if(!strcmp(scn_name, ".gdb_index")) {
902         return TRUE;
903     }
904     if(is_a_special_section_semi_dwarf(scn_name)) {
905         return TRUE;
906     }
907     if(is_a_relx_section(scn_name,type,is_rela)) {
908         return TRUE;
909     }
910     /*  All sorts of sections are of no interest: .text
911         .rel. and many others. */
912     return FALSE;
913 }
915 /*  This assumes any non-Elf object files have no SHT_GROUP
916     sections. So this code will not be invoked on non-Elf objects.
917     One supposes this is unlikely to match any non-Elf
918     version of COMDAT. */
919 static int
insert_sht_list_in_group_map(Dwarf_Debug dbg,struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s * doas,unsigned comdat_group_number,unsigned section_number,Dwarf_Unsigned section_count,struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj,unsigned * did_add_map,Dwarf_Error * error)920 insert_sht_list_in_group_map(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
921     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s *doas,
922     unsigned comdat_group_number,
923     unsigned section_number,
924     Dwarf_Unsigned section_count,
925     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj,
926     unsigned *did_add_map,
927     Dwarf_Error *error)
928 {
929     struct Dwarf_Section_s secdata;
930     Dwarf_Small * data = 0;
931     int           res = 0;
932     Dwarf_Small*  secend = 0;
934     memset(&secdata,0,sizeof(secdata));
935     secdata.dss_size = doas->size;
936     secdata.dss_entrysize = doas->entrysize;
937     secdata.dss_group_number = 1; /* arbitrary. */
938     secdata.dss_index = section_number;
939     secdata.dss_name = ".group";
940     secdata.dss_standard_name = ".group";
941     secdata.dss_number = section_number;
942     secdata.dss_ignore_reloc_group_sec = TRUE;
943     res = _dwarf_load_section(dbg,&secdata,error);
944     if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
945         if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
946             free(secdata.dss_data);
947         }
948         return res;
949     }
950     if (!secdata.dss_data) {
951         _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
952         return DW_DLV_ERROR;
953     }
954     if (doas->entrysize != 4) {
955         if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
956             free(secdata.dss_data);
957         }
958         _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
959         return DW_DLV_ERROR;
960     }
961     /*  So now pick up the data in dss_data.
962         It is an array of 32 bit fields.
963         Entry zero is just a constant 1.
964         Each additional is a section number. */
965     data = secdata.dss_data;
966     secend = data + secdata.dss_size;
967     {
968         unsigned i = 1;
969         unsigned count = doas->size/doas->entrysize;
970         Dwarf_Unsigned  fval = 0;
972         /*  The fields treatments with  regard
973             to endianness is unclear.  In any case a single
974             bit should be on, as 0x01000000
975             without any endiannes swapping.
976             Or so it seems given limited evidence.
977             We read with length checking and allow the
978             reader to byte swap and then fix things.
979             At least one test case has big-endian
980             data but little-endian SHT_GROUP data. */
981         if ((data+DWARF_32BIT_SIZE) > secend) {
982             /* Duplicates the check in READ_UNALIGNED_CK
983                 so we can free allocated memory bere. */
984             free(secdata.dss_data);
985             _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
986             return DW_DLV_ERROR;
987         }
988         READ_UNALIGNED_CK(dbg,fval,Dwarf_Unsigned,
989             data,
990             DWARF_32BIT_SIZE,
991             error,
992             secend);
993         if (fval != 1 && fval != 0x1000000) {
994             /*  Could be corrupted elf object. */
995             if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
996                 free(secdata.dss_data);
997             }
998             _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
999             return DW_DLV_ERROR;
1000         }
1002         data = data + doas->entrysize;
1003         for (i = 1 ; i < count ; ++i) {
1004             Dwarf_Unsigned  val = 0;
1006             if ((data+DWARF_32BIT_SIZE) > secend) {
1007                 /* Duplicates the check in READ_UNALIGNED_CK
1008                     so we can free allocated memory bere. */
1009                 if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
1010                     free(secdata.dss_data);
1011                 }
1012                 _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
1013                 return DW_DLV_ERROR;
1014             }
1015             READ_UNALIGNED_CK(dbg,val,Dwarf_Unsigned,
1016                 data,
1017                 DWARF_32BIT_SIZE,
1018                 error,
1019                 secend);
1020             if (val > section_count) {
1021                 /*  Might be confused endianness by
1022                     the compiler generating the SHT_GROUP.
1023                     This is pretty horrible. */
1024                 Dwarf_Unsigned valr = 0;
1025                 _dwarf_memcpy_swap_bytes(&valr,&val,
1026                     DWARF_32BIT_SIZE);
1027                 if (valr > section_count) {
1028                     if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
1029                         free(secdata.dss_data);
1030                     }
1031                     _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
1032                     return DW_DLV_ERROR;
1033                 }
1034                 /* Ok. Yes, ugly. */
1035                 val = valr;
1036             }
1037             {
1038                 /*  Ensure this group entry DWARF relevant before
1039                     adding to group map */
1040                 struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s doasx;
1041                 int resx = DW_DLV_ERROR;
1042                 int err = 0;
1043                 int is_rela = FALSE;
1045                 memset(&doasx,0,sizeof(doasx));
1046                 resx = obj->methods->get_section_info(obj->object,
1047                     val,
1048                     &doasx, &err);
1049                 if (resx == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY){
1050                     /*  Should we really ignore this? */
1051                     continue;
1052                 } else if (resx == DW_DLV_ERROR){
1053                     if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
1054                         free(secdata.dss_data);
1055                     }
1056                     _dwarf_error(dbg,error,err);
1057                     return resx;
1058                 }
1059                 if (!this_section_dwarf_relevant(doasx.name,
1060                     doasx.type,&is_rela) ) {
1061                     continue;
1062                 }
1063                 data += DWARF_32BIT_SIZE;
1064                 *did_add_map = TRUE;
1065                 res = _dwarf_insert_in_group_map(dbg,
1066                     comdat_group_number,val,
1067                     doasx.name,
1068                     error);
1069                 if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
1070                     free(secdata.dss_data);
1071                     return res;
1072                 }
1073             }
1074         }
1075     }
1076     if (secdata.dss_data_was_malloc) {
1077         free(secdata.dss_data);
1078     }
1079     return DW_DLV_OK;
1080 }
1084 /*  Split dwarf CUs can be in an object with non-split
1085     or split may be in a separate object.
1086     If all in one object the default is to deal with group_number
1087     and ignore DW_GROUPNUMBER_DWO.
1088     If only .dwo the default is DW_GROUPNUMBER_DWO(2).
1089     Otherwise use DW_GROUP_NUMBER_BASE(1).
1091     If there are COMDAT SHT_GROUP sections, these
1092     are assigned group numbers 3-N as needed.
1094     At present this makes the assumption that COMDAT group
1095     (ie, SHT_GROUP) sections
1096     have lower section numbers than the sections COMDAT refers to.
1097     It is not clear whether this is guaranteed, COMDAT is not
1098     an official Elf thing and documentation is scarce.
1099     In the 1990's SGI folks and others formed a committee
1100     and attempted to get COMDAT and a feature allowing section
1101     numbers  greater than 16 bits into Elf, but there was no
1102     group that was able to approve such things.
1104     This is called once at dbg init  time.
1105 */
1107 static int
determine_target_group(Dwarf_Unsigned section_count,struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj,unsigned * group_number_out,Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Error * error)1108 determine_target_group(Dwarf_Unsigned section_count,
1109     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj,
1110     unsigned *group_number_out,
1111     Dwarf_Debug dbg,
1112     Dwarf_Error *error)
1113 {
1114     unsigned obj_section_index = 0;
1115     int found_group_one = 0;
1116     int found_group_two = 0;
1117     struct Dwarf_Group_Data_s *grp = 0;
1118     unsigned comdat_group_next = 3;
1119     unsigned lowest_comdat_groupnum = 0;
1121     grp = &dbg->de_groupnumbers;
1122     grp->gd_number_of_groups = 0;
1123     grp->gd_number_of_sections = section_count;
1124     if (grp->gd_map) {
1125         _dwarf_error(dbg,error,DW_DLE_GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
1126         return DW_DLV_OK;
1127     }
1128     for (obj_section_index = 0; obj_section_index < section_count;
1129         ++obj_section_index) {
1131         struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s doas;
1132         int res = DW_DLV_ERROR;
1133         int err = 0;
1134         const char *scn_name = 0;
1135         unsigned groupnumber = 0;
1136         unsigned mapgroupnumber = 0;
1137         int is_rela = FALSE;
1139         memset(&doas,0,sizeof(doas));
1140         res = obj->methods->get_section_info(obj->object,
1141             obj_section_index,
1142             &doas, &err);
1143         if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY){
1144             return res;
1145         } else if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR){
1146             _dwarf_error(dbg, error,err);
1147             return res;
1148         }
1150         if (doas.type == SHT_GROUP) {
1151             /*  See assumptions in function comment above. */
1152             unsigned did_add_map = 0;
1153             /*  Add to our map. Here we
1154                 are assuming SHT_GROUP records come first.
1155                 Till proven wrong. */
1156             res = insert_sht_list_in_group_map(dbg,&doas,
1157                 comdat_group_next,
1158                 obj_section_index,
1159                 section_count,
1160                 obj,
1161                 &did_add_map,error);
1162             if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
1163                 return res;
1164             }
1165             if (!lowest_comdat_groupnum) {
1166                 lowest_comdat_groupnum = comdat_group_next;
1167             }
1168             if (did_add_map) {
1169                 ++grp->gd_number_of_groups;
1170                 ++comdat_group_next;
1171             }
1172             continue;
1173         }
1174         scn_name = doas.name;
1175         if (!this_section_dwarf_relevant(scn_name,doas.type,&is_rela) ) {
1176             continue;
1177         }
1179         /*  Now at a 'normal' section, though we do not
1180             quite know what group it is. */
1182         res = _dwarf_section_get_target_group_from_map(dbg,
1183             obj_section_index,&groupnumber,error);
1184         if (res == DW_DLV_OK ) {
1185             /*  groupnumber is set. Fall through.
1186                 All COMDAT group should get here. */
1187             mapgroupnumber = groupnumber;
1188         } else if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1189             return res;
1190         } else { /* DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY */
1191             /* Normal non-COMDAT. groupnumber is zero.  */
1192         }
1196         if (!groupnumber) {
1197             res =_dwarf_dwo_groupnumber_given_name(scn_name,
1198                 &groupnumber);
1199             /* DW_DLV_ERROR impossible here. */
1200             if (res == DW_DLV_OK) {
1201                 /* groupnumber set 2 */
1202             } else {
1203                 /*  This is what it has to be.
1204                     .rela in here too.  */
1205                 groupnumber = DW_GROUPNUMBER_BASE;
1206             }
1207         }
1208         if (is_a_relx_section(scn_name,doas.type,&is_rela)) {
1209             continue;
1210         }
1212         /*  ASSERT: groupnumber non-zero now */
1213         if (!is_a_special_section_semi_dwarf(scn_name)) {
1214             if (mapgroupnumber) {
1215                 /* Already in group map */
1216                 continue;
1217             }
1218             /* !mapgroupnumber */
1219             res = _dwarf_insert_in_group_map(dbg,
1220                 groupnumber,obj_section_index,
1221                 scn_name,
1222                 error);
1223             if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
1224                 return res;
1225             }
1226             if (groupnumber == 1) {
1227                 found_group_one++;
1228             } else if (groupnumber == 2) {
1229                 found_group_two++;
1230             }
1231             continue;
1232         }
1233     }
1234     if (found_group_two) {
1235         ++grp->gd_number_of_groups;
1236     }
1237     if (found_group_one) {
1238         *group_number_out = DW_GROUPNUMBER_BASE;
1239         ++grp->gd_number_of_groups;
1240     } else {
1241         if (found_group_two) {
1242             *group_number_out = DW_GROUPNUMBER_DWO;
1243         } else {
1244             if (lowest_comdat_groupnum) {
1245                 *group_number_out = lowest_comdat_groupnum;
1246             } else {
1247                 *group_number_out = DW_GROUPNUMBER_BASE;
1248             }
1249         }
1250     }
1251     return DW_DLV_OK;
1252 }
1256 static int
_dwarf_setup(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Error * error)1257 _dwarf_setup(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Error * error)
1258 {
1259     const char *scn_name = 0;
1260     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj = 0;
1261     int resn = 0;
1262     struct Dwarf_Section_s **sections = 0;
1263     Dwarf_Endianness endianness;
1264     Dwarf_Unsigned section_count = 0;
1265     unsigned default_group_number = 0;
1266     unsigned foundDwarf = FALSE;
1267     unsigned obj_section_index = 0;
1269     dbg->de_assume_string_in_bounds =
1270         _dwarf_assume_string_in_bounds;
1271     /* First make an arbitrary assumption. */
1272     dbg->de_same_endian = 1;
1273     dbg->de_copy_word = _dwarf_memcpy_noswap_bytes;
1274     obj = dbg->de_obj_file;
1275     endianness = obj->methods->get_byte_order(obj->object);
1276     /* Then adjust any changes we need. */
1278     dbg->de_big_endian_object = 1;
1279     if (endianness == DW_OBJECT_LSB ) {
1280         dbg->de_same_endian = 0;
1281         dbg->de_big_endian_object = 0;
1282         dbg->de_copy_word = _dwarf_memcpy_swap_bytes;
1283     }
1284 #else /* little endian */
1285     dbg->de_big_endian_object = 0;
1286     if (endianness == DW_OBJECT_MSB ) {
1287         dbg->de_same_endian = 0;
1288         dbg->de_big_endian_object = 1;
1289         dbg->de_copy_word = _dwarf_memcpy_swap_bytes;
1290     }
1291 #endif /* !WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
1294     /*  The following de_length_size is Not Too Significant. Only used
1295         one calculation, and an approximate one at that. */
1296     dbg->de_length_size = obj->methods->get_length_size(obj->object);
1297     dbg->de_pointer_size = obj->methods->get_pointer_size(obj->object);
1299     section_count = obj->methods->get_section_count(obj->object);
1300     resn = determine_target_group(section_count,obj,
1301         &default_group_number,dbg,error);
1302     if (resn == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1303         return DW_DLV_ERROR;
1304     }
1305     if (dbg->de_groupnumber == DW_GROUPNUMBER_ANY) {
1306         dbg->de_groupnumber = default_group_number;
1307     }
1308     /*  Allocate space to record references to debug sections, that can
1309         be referenced by RELA sections in the 'sh_info' field. */
1310     sections = (struct Dwarf_Section_s **)calloc(section_count + 1,
1311         sizeof(struct Dwarf_Section_s *));
1312     if (!sections) {
1313         /* Impossible case, we hope. Give up. */
1314         _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_SECTION_ERROR);
1315         return DW_DLV_ERROR;
1316     }
1318     /*  We can skip index 0 when considering ELF files, but not other
1319         object types.  Indeed regardless of the object type we should
1320         skip section 0 here.
1321         This is a convention.  We depend on it.
1322         Non-elf object access code should
1323         (in itself) understand we will index beginning at 1 and adjust
1324         itself to deal with this Elf convention.    Without this
1325         convention various parts of the code in this file won't work correctly.
1326         A dss_index of 0 must not be used, even though we start at 0
1327         here.  So the get_section_info() must adapt to the situation
1328         (the elf version does automatically as a result of Elf having
1329         a section zero with zero length and an empty name). */
1331     /* ASSERT: all group map entries set up. */
1333     for (obj_section_index = 0; obj_section_index < section_count;
1334         ++obj_section_index) {
1336         struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s doas;
1337         int res = DW_DLV_ERROR;
1338         int err = 0;
1339         unsigned groupnumber = 0;
1340         unsigned mapgroupnumber = 0;
1341         int is_rela = FALSE;
1343         res = _dwarf_section_get_target_group_from_map(dbg,obj_section_index,
1344             &groupnumber,error);
1345         if (res == DW_DLV_OK ) {
1346             /* groupnumber is set. Fall through */
1347             mapgroupnumber = groupnumber;
1348         } else if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1349             free(sections);
1350             return res;
1351         } else { /* DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY */
1352             /* fall through, a BASE or DWO group, possibly */
1353         }
1354         memset(&doas,0,sizeof(doas));
1355         res = obj->methods->get_section_info(obj->object,
1356             obj_section_index,
1357             &doas, &err);
1358         if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY){
1359             free(sections);
1360             return res;
1361         } else if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR){
1362             free(sections);
1363             DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, DW_DLV_ERROR);
1364         }
1365         scn_name = doas.name;
1366         if (!groupnumber) {
1367             /* This finds dwo sections, group 2 */
1368             res = _dwarf_dwo_groupnumber_given_name(scn_name,
1369                 &groupnumber);
1370             if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) {
1371                 /* No, must be group 1 */
1372                 groupnumber = DW_GROUPNUMBER_BASE;
1373             }
1374         }
1375         if (!this_section_dwarf_relevant(scn_name,doas.type,&is_rela) ) {
1376             continue;
1377         }
1378         if (!is_a_relx_section(scn_name,doas.type,&is_rela)
1379             && !is_a_special_section_semi_dwarf(scn_name)) {
1380             /*  We do these actions only for group-related
1381                 sections.  Do for  .debug_info etc,
1382                 never for .strtab or .rela.*
1383                 We already tested for relevance, so that part
1384                 is not news. */
1385             if(mapgroupnumber == dbg->de_groupnumber) {
1386                 /*  OK. Mapped. Part of the group.. This will
1387                     catch the cases where there are versions of
1388                     a section in multiple COMDATs and in BASE
1389                     an DWO to get the right one */
1390             } else {
1391                 /* This section not mapped into this group. */
1392                 if (groupnumber == 1 && dbg->de_groupnumber > 2 &&
1393                     !_dwarf_section_in_group_by_name(dbg,scn_name,
1394                         dbg->de_groupnumber)) {
1395                     /* Load the section (but as group 1) */
1396                 } else {
1397                     continue;
1398                 }
1399             }
1400         }
1402         {
1403             /*  Build up the sections table and the
1404                 de_debug* etc pointers in Dwarf_Debug. */
1405             struct Dwarf_dbg_sect_s *section;
1407             int found_match = FALSE;
1409             res = is_section_name_known_already(dbg,scn_name);
1410             if (res == DW_DLV_OK) {
1411                 /* DUPLICATE */
1412                 free(sections);
1414                     DW_DLV_ERROR);
1415             } else if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1416                 free(sections);
1417                 DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, DW_DLV_ERROR);
1418             }
1419             /* No entry: new-to-us section, the normal case. */
1420             res = enter_section_in_de_debug_sections_array(dbg,scn_name,
1421                 obj_section_index, groupnumber,&err);
1422             if (res == DW_DLV_OK) {
1423                 section = &dbg->de_debug_sections[
1424                     dbg->de_debug_sections_total_entries-1];
1425                 res = get_basic_section_data(dbg,
1426                     section->ds_secdata, &doas,
1427                     obj_section_index,
1428                     groupnumber,
1429                     error,
1430                     section->ds_duperr,
1431                     section->ds_emptyerr);
1432                 if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
1433                     free(sections);
1434                     return res;
1435                 }
1436                 sections[obj_section_index] = section->ds_secdata;
1437                 foundDwarf += section->ds_have_dwarf;
1438                 found_match = TRUE;
1439                 /*  Normal section set up.
1440                     Fall through. */
1441             } else if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) {
1442                 /*  We get here for relocation sections.
1443                     Fall through. */
1444             } else {
1445                 free(sections);
1446                 DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, DW_DLV_ERROR);
1447             }
1449             if (!found_match) {
1450                 /*  For an object file with incorrect rel[a] section name,
1451                     the 'readelf' tool, prints correct debug information,
1452                     as the tool takes the section type instead
1453                     of the section name. If the current section
1454                     is a RELA one and the 'sh_info'
1455                     refers to a debug section, add the relocation data. */
1456                 if (is_a_relx_section(scn_name,doas.type,&is_rela)) {
1457                     if ( doas.info < section_count) {
1458                         if (sections[doas.info]) {
1459                             add_relx_data_to_secdata(sections[doas.info],
1460                                 &doas,
1461                                 obj_section_index,is_rela);
1462                         }
1463                     } else {
1464                         /* Something is wrong with the ELF file. */
1465                         free(sections);
1466                         DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, DW_DLE_ELF_SECT_ERR, DW_DLV_ERROR);
1467                     }
1468                 }
1469             }
1470             /* Fetch next section */
1471         }
1472     }
1474     /* Free table with section information. */
1475     free(sections);
1476     if (foundDwarf) {
1477         return DW_DLV_OK;
1478     }
1479     return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
1480 }
1482 /*  There is one table per CU and one per TU, and each
1483     table refers to the associated other DWARF data
1484     for that CU or TU.
1485     See DW_SECT_*
1487     In DWARF4 the type units are in .debug_types
1488     In DWARF5 the type units are in .debug_info.
1489 */
1491 static int
load_debugfission_tables(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Error * error)1492 load_debugfission_tables(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Error *error)
1493 {
1494     int i = 0;
1495     if (dbg->de_debug_cu_index.dss_size ==0 &&
1496         dbg->de_debug_tu_index.dss_size ==0) {
1497         /*  This is the normal case.
1498             No debug fission. Not a .dwp object. */
1499         return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
1500     }
1502     for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1503         Dwarf_Xu_Index_Header xuptr = 0;
1504         struct Dwarf_Section_s* dwsect = 0;
1505         Dwarf_Unsigned version = 0;
1506         Dwarf_Unsigned number_of_cols /* L */ = 0;
1507         Dwarf_Unsigned number_of_CUs /* N */ = 0;
1508         Dwarf_Unsigned number_of_slots /* M */ = 0;
1509         const char *secname = 0;
1510         int res = 0;
1511         const char *type = 0;
1513         if (i == 0) {
1514             dwsect = &dbg->de_debug_cu_index;
1515             type = "cu";
1516         } else {
1517             dwsect = &dbg->de_debug_tu_index;
1518             type = "tu";
1519         }
1520         if ( !dwsect->dss_size ) {
1521             continue;
1522         }
1523         res = dwarf_get_xu_index_header(dbg,type,
1524             &xuptr,&version,&number_of_cols,
1525             &number_of_CUs,&number_of_slots,
1526             &secname,error);
1527         if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) {
1528             continue;
1529         }
1530         if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
1531             return res;
1532         }
1533         if (i == 0) {
1534             dbg->de_cu_hashindex_data = xuptr;
1535         } else {
1536             dbg->de_tu_hashindex_data = xuptr;
1537         }
1538     }
1539     return DW_DLV_OK;
1540 }
1542 /*
1543     Use a Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface to kick things off. All other
1544     init routines eventually use this one.
1545     The returned Dwarf_Debug contains a copy of *obj
1546     the callers copy of *obj may be freed whenever the caller
1547     wishes.
1548 */
1549 int
dwarf_object_init(Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface * obj,Dwarf_Handler errhand,Dwarf_Ptr errarg,Dwarf_Debug * ret_dbg,Dwarf_Error * error)1550 dwarf_object_init(Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface* obj,
1551     Dwarf_Handler errhand,
1552     Dwarf_Ptr errarg, Dwarf_Debug* ret_dbg,
1553     Dwarf_Error* error)
1554 {
1555     return dwarf_object_init_b(obj,errhand,errarg,
1556         DW_GROUPNUMBER_ANY,ret_dbg,error);
1557 }
1559 /*  New March 2017. Enables dealing with DWARF5 split dwarf more fully.  */
1560 int
dwarf_object_init_b(Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface * obj,Dwarf_Handler errhand,Dwarf_Ptr errarg,unsigned groupnumber,Dwarf_Debug * ret_dbg,Dwarf_Error * error)1561 dwarf_object_init_b(Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface* obj, Dwarf_Handler errhand,
1562     Dwarf_Ptr errarg,
1563     unsigned groupnumber,
1564     Dwarf_Debug* ret_dbg,
1565     Dwarf_Error* error)
1566 {
1567     Dwarf_Debug dbg = 0;
1568     int setup_result = DW_DLV_OK;
1570     dbg = _dwarf_get_debug();
1571     if (dbg == NULL) {
1573     }
1574     dbg->de_errhand = errhand;
1575     dbg->de_errarg = errarg;
1576     dbg->de_frame_rule_initial_value = DW_FRAME_REG_INITIAL_VALUE;
1577     dbg->de_frame_reg_rules_entry_count = DW_FRAME_LAST_REG_NUM;
1579     /*  DW_FRAME_CFA_COL is really only suitable for old libdwarf frame
1580         interfaces and its value of 0 there is only usable where
1581         (as in MIPS) register 0 has no value other than 0 so
1582         we can use the frame table column 0 for the CFA value
1583         (and rely on client software to know when 'register 0'
1584         is the cfa and when to just use a value 0 for register 0).
1585     */
1586     dbg->de_frame_cfa_col_number = DW_FRAME_CFA_COL;
1587 #else
1588     dbg->de_frame_cfa_col_number = DW_FRAME_CFA_COL3;
1589 #endif
1590     dbg->de_frame_same_value_number = DW_FRAME_SAME_VAL;
1591     dbg->de_frame_undefined_value_number  = DW_FRAME_UNDEFINED_VAL;
1593     dbg->de_obj_file = obj;
1594     dbg->de_groupnumber = groupnumber;
1595     setup_result = _dwarf_setup(dbg, error);
1596     if (setup_result == DW_DLV_OK) {
1597         int fission_result = load_debugfission_tables(dbg,error);
1598         /*  In most cases we get
1599             setup_result == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY here
1600             as having debugfission (.dwp objects)
1601             is fairly rare. */
1602         if (fission_result == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1603             /*  Something is very wrong. */
1604             setup_result = fission_result;
1605         }
1606     }
1607     if (setup_result != DW_DLV_OK) {
1608         int freeresult = 0;
1609         int myerr = 0;
1610         dwarfstring msg;
1612         dwarfstring_constructor(&msg);
1613         /* We cannot use any _dwarf_setup()
1614             error here as
1615             we are freeing dbg, making that error (setup
1616             as part of dbg) stale.
1617             Hence we have to make a new error without a dbg.
1618             But error might be NULL and the init call
1619             error-handler function might be set.
1620         */
1621         if ( (setup_result == DW_DLV_ERROR) && *error ) {
1622             /*  Preserve our _dwarf_setup error number, but
1623                 this does not apply if error NULL. */
1624             myerr = dwarf_errno(*error);
1625             dwarfstring_append(&msg,dwarf_errmsg(*error));
1626             /*  deallocate the soon-stale error pointer. */
1627             dwarf_dealloc(dbg,*error,DW_DLA_ERROR);
1628             *error = 0;
1629         }
1630         /*  The status we want to return  here is of _dwarf_setup,
1631             not of the  _dwarf_free_all_of_one_debug(dbg) call.
1632             So use a local status variable for the free.  */
1633         freeresult = _dwarf_free_all_of_one_debug(dbg);
1634         dbg = 0;
1635         /* DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY not possible in freeresult */
1636         if (freeresult == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1637             /*  Use the _dwarf_setup error number.
1638                 If error is NULL the following will issue
1639                 a message on stderr and abort(), as without
1640                 dbg there is no error-handler function.
1641                 */
1642             _dwarf_error_string(dbg,error,DW_DLE_DBG_ALLOC,
1643                 dwarfstring_string(&msg));
1644             dwarfstring_destructor(&msg);
1645             return DW_DLV_ERROR;
1646         }
1647         if (setup_result == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1648             /*  Use the _dwarf_setup error number.
1649                 If error is NULL the following will issue
1650                 a message on stderr and abort(), as without
1651                 dbg there is no error-handler function.
1652                 */
1653             _dwarf_error_string(dbg,error,myerr,
1654                 dwarfstring_string(&msg));
1655         }
1656         dwarfstring_destructor(&msg);
1657         return setup_result;
1658     }
1659     dwarf_harmless_init(&dbg->de_harmless_errors,
1661     *ret_dbg = dbg;
1662     return DW_DLV_OK;
1663 }
1665 /*  A finish routine that is completely unaware of ELF.
1667     Frees all memory that was not previously freed by
1668     dwarf_dealloc.
1669     Aside from certain categories.  */
1670 int
dwarf_object_finish(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Error * error)1671 dwarf_object_finish(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Error * error)
1672 {
1673     int res = 0;
1675     res = _dwarf_free_all_of_one_debug(dbg);
1676     if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1678     }
1679     return res;
1680 }
1682 #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
1683 /*  case 1:
1684     The input stream is assumed to contain
1685     the four letters
1686     ZLIB
1687     Followed by 8 bytes of the size of the
1688     uncompressed stream. Presented as
1689     a big-endian binary number.
1690     Following that is the stream to decompress.
1692     case 2:
1693     The section flag bit  SHF_COMPRESSED (1 << 11)
1694     must be set.
1695     we then do the eqivalent of reading a
1696         Elf32_External_Chdr
1697     or
1698         Elf64_External_Chdr
1699     to get the type (which must be 1)
1700     and the decompressed_length.
1701     Then what follows the implicit Chdr is decompressed.
1702     */
1704 /*  ALLOWED_ZLIB_INFLATION is a heuristic, not necessarily right.
1705     The test case klingler2/compresseddebug.amd64 actually
1706     inflates about 8 times. */
1708 static int
do_decompress_zlib(Dwarf_Debug dbg,struct Dwarf_Section_s * section,Dwarf_Error * error)1709 do_decompress_zlib(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
1710     struct Dwarf_Section_s *section,
1711     Dwarf_Error * error)
1712 {
1713     Bytef *basesrc = (Bytef *)section->dss_data;
1714     Bytef *src = (Bytef *)basesrc;
1715     uLong srclen = section->dss_size;
1716     Dwarf_Unsigned flags = section->dss_flags;
1717     Dwarf_Small *endsection = 0;
1718     int res = 0;
1719     Bytef *dest = 0;
1720     uLongf destlen = 0;
1721     Dwarf_Unsigned uncompressed_len = 0;
1723     endsection = basesrc + srclen;
1724     if ((src + 12) >endsection) {
1726     }
1727     section->dss_compressed_length = section->dss_size;
1728     if(!strncmp("ZLIB",(const char *)src,4)) {
1729         unsigned i = 0;
1730         unsigned l = 8;
1731         unsigned char *c = src+4;
1732         for( ; i < l; ++i,c++) {
1733             uncompressed_len <<= 8;
1734             uncompressed_len += *c;
1735         }
1736         src = src + 12;
1737         srclen -= 12;
1738         section->dss_uncompressed_length = uncompressed_len;
1739         section->dss_ZLIB_compressed = TRUE;
1740     } else  if (flags & SHF_COMPRESSED) {
1741         /*  The prefix is a struct:
1742             unsigned int type; followed by pad if following are 64bit!
1743             size-of-target-address size
1744             size-of-target-address
1745         */
1746         Dwarf_Small *ptr    = (Dwarf_Small *)src;
1747         Dwarf_Unsigned type = 0;
1748         Dwarf_Unsigned size = 0;
1749         /* Dwarf_Unsigned addralign = 0; */
1750         unsigned fldsize    = dbg->de_pointer_size;
1751         unsigned structsize = 3* fldsize;
1753         READ_UNALIGNED_CK(dbg,type,Dwarf_Unsigned,ptr,
1754             DWARF_32BIT_SIZE,
1755             error,endsection);
1756         ptr += fldsize;
1757         READ_UNALIGNED_CK(dbg,size,Dwarf_Unsigned,ptr,fldsize,
1758             error,endsection);
1759         if (type != ELFCOMPRESS_ZLIB) {
1761                 DW_DLV_ERROR);
1762         }
1763         uncompressed_len = size;
1764         section->dss_uncompressed_length = uncompressed_len;
1765         src    += structsize;
1766         srclen -= structsize;
1767         section->dss_shf_compressed = TRUE;
1768     } else {
1770             DW_DLV_ERROR);
1771     }
1772     {
1773         /*  According to zlib.net zlib essentially never expands
1774             the data when compressing.  There is no statement
1775             about  any effective limit in the compression factor
1776             though we, here, assume  such a limit to check
1777             for sanity in the object file.
1778             These tests are heuristics.  */
1779         Dwarf_Unsigned max_inflated_len = srclen*ALLOWED_ZLIB_INFLATION;
1781         if (srclen > 50)  {
1782             /*  If srclen not super tiny lets check the following. */
1783             if (uncompressed_len < (srclen/2)) {
1784                 /*  Violates the approximate invariant about
1785                     compression not actually inflating. */
1787                     DW_DLV_ERROR);
1788             }
1789         }
1790         if (max_inflated_len < srclen) {
1791             /* The calculation overflowed. */
1793         }
1794         if (uncompressed_len > max_inflated_len) {
1796         }
1797     }
1798     if( (src +srclen) > endsection) {
1800     }
1801     destlen = uncompressed_len;
1802     dest = malloc(destlen);
1803     if(!dest) {
1805     }
1806     res = uncompress(dest,&destlen,src,srclen);
1807     if (res == Z_BUF_ERROR) {
1808         free(dest);
1810     } else if (res == Z_MEM_ERROR) {
1811         free(dest);
1813     } else if (res != Z_OK) {
1814         free(dest);
1815         /* Probably Z_DATA_ERROR. */
1817     }
1818     /* Z_OK */
1819     section->dss_data = dest;
1820     section->dss_size = destlen;
1821     section->dss_data_was_malloc = TRUE;
1822     section->dss_did_decompress = TRUE;
1823     return DW_DLV_OK;
1824 }
1825 #endif /* HAVE_ZLIB */
1828 /*  Load the ELF section with the specified index and set its
1829     dss_data pointer to the memory where it was loaded.  */
1830 int
_dwarf_load_section(Dwarf_Debug dbg,struct Dwarf_Section_s * section,Dwarf_Error * error)1831 _dwarf_load_section(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
1832     struct Dwarf_Section_s *section,
1833     Dwarf_Error * error)
1834 {
1835     int res  = DW_DLV_ERROR;
1836     int err = 0;
1837     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s *o = 0;
1839     /* check to see if the section is already loaded */
1840     if (section->dss_data !=  NULL) {
1841         return DW_DLV_OK;
1842     }
1843     o = dbg->de_obj_file;
1844     /*  There is an elf convention that section index 0
1845         is reserved, and that section is always empty.
1846         Non-elf object formats must honor
1847         that by ensuring that (when they
1848         assign numbers to 'sections' or
1849         'section-like-things') they never
1850         assign a real section section-number
1851         0 to dss_index.
1853         There is also a convention for 'bss' that that section
1854         and its like sections have no data but do have a size.
1855         That is never true of DWARF sections */
1856     res = o->methods->load_section(
1857         o->object, section->dss_index,
1858         &section->dss_data, &err);
1859     if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1860         DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, DW_DLV_ERROR);
1861     }
1862     /*  For PE and mach-o all section data was always
1863         malloc'd. We do not need to set dss_data_was_malloc
1864         though as the o->object data will eventually free
1865         the original section data.
1866         The first character of any o->object struct gives the type. */
1868     if (res == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) {
1869         /*  Gets this for section->dss_index 0.
1870             Which by ELF definition is a section index
1871             which is not used (reserved by Elf to
1872             mean no-section-index).
1873             Otherwise NULL dss_data gets error.
1874             BSS would legitimately have no data, but
1875             no DWARF related section could possbly be bss. */
1876         return res;
1877     }
1878     if (section->dss_ignore_reloc_group_sec) {
1879         /* Neither zdebug nor reloc apply to .group sections. */
1880         return res;
1881     }
1882     if ((section->dss_zdebug_requires_decompress ||
1883         section->dss_shf_compressed ||
1884         section->dss_ZLIB_compressed) &&
1885         !section->dss_did_decompress) {
1886         if (!section->dss_data) {
1887             /*  Impossible. This makes no sense.
1888                 Corrupt object. */
1890         }
1891 #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
1892         res = do_decompress_zlib(dbg,section,error);
1893         if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
1894             return res;
1895         }
1896         section->dss_did_decompress = TRUE;
1897 #else
1899 #endif
1900     }
1901     if (_dwarf_apply_relocs == 0) {
1902         return res;
1903     }
1904     if (section->dss_reloc_size == 0) {
1905         return res;
1906     }
1907     if (!o->methods->relocate_a_section) {
1908         return res;
1909     }
1910     /*apply relocations */
1911     res = o->methods->relocate_a_section( o->object,
1912         section->dss_index, dbg, &err);
1913     if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
1914         DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, res);
1915     }
1916     return res;
1917 }
1919 /* This is a hack so clients can verify offsets.
1920    Added April 2005 so that debugger can detect broken offsets
1921    (which happened in an IRIX  -64 executable larger than 2GB
1922     using MIPSpro compilers. A couple .debug_pubnames
1923     offsets were wrong.).
1924 */
1925 int
dwarf_get_section_max_offsets(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size)1926 dwarf_get_section_max_offsets(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
1927     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,
1928     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,
1929     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,
1930     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,
1931     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,
1932     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,
1933     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,
1934     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,
1935     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,
1936     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,
1937     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size)
1938 {
1939     *debug_info_size = dbg->de_debug_info.dss_size;
1940     *debug_abbrev_size = dbg->de_debug_abbrev.dss_size;
1941     *debug_line_size = dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size;
1942     *debug_loc_size = dbg->de_debug_loc.dss_size;
1943     *debug_aranges_size = dbg->de_debug_aranges.dss_size;
1944     *debug_macinfo_size = dbg->de_debug_macinfo.dss_size;
1945     *debug_pubnames_size = dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_size;
1946     *debug_str_size = dbg->de_debug_str.dss_size;
1947     *debug_frame_size = dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_size;
1948     *debug_ranges_size = dbg->de_debug_ranges.dss_size;
1949     *debug_typenames_size = dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_size;
1950     return DW_DLV_OK;
1951 }
1952 /*  This adds the new types size (new section) to the output data.
1953     Oct 27, 2011. */
1954 int
dwarf_get_section_max_offsets_b(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_types_size)1955 dwarf_get_section_max_offsets_b(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
1956     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,
1957     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,
1958     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,
1959     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,
1960     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,
1961     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,
1962     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,
1963     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,
1964     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,
1965     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,
1966     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size,
1967     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_types_size)
1968 {
1969     *debug_info_size = dbg->de_debug_info.dss_size;
1970     *debug_abbrev_size = dbg->de_debug_abbrev.dss_size;
1971     *debug_line_size = dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size;
1972     *debug_loc_size = dbg->de_debug_loc.dss_size;
1973     *debug_aranges_size = dbg->de_debug_aranges.dss_size;
1974     *debug_macinfo_size = dbg->de_debug_macinfo.dss_size;
1975     *debug_pubnames_size = dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_size;
1976     *debug_str_size = dbg->de_debug_str.dss_size;
1977     *debug_frame_size = dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_size;
1978     *debug_ranges_size = dbg->de_debug_ranges.dss_size;
1979     *debug_typenames_size = dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_size;
1980     *debug_types_size = dbg->de_debug_types.dss_size;
1981     return DW_DLV_OK;
1982 }
1984 /*  Now with sections new to DWARF5 (unofficial list,preliminary) */
1985 int
dwarf_get_section_max_offsets_c(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_types_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macro_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_offsets_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_sup_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_cu_index_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_tu_index_size)1986 dwarf_get_section_max_offsets_c(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
1987     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,
1988     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,
1989     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,
1990     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,
1991     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,
1992     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,
1993     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,
1994     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,
1995     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,
1996     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,
1997     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size,
1998     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_types_size,
1999     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macro_size,
2000     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_offsets_size,
2001     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_sup_size,
2002     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_cu_index_size,
2003     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_tu_index_size)
2004 {
2005     *debug_info_size = dbg->de_debug_info.dss_size;
2006     *debug_abbrev_size = dbg->de_debug_abbrev.dss_size;
2007     *debug_line_size = dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size;
2008     *debug_loc_size = dbg->de_debug_loc.dss_size;
2009     *debug_aranges_size = dbg->de_debug_aranges.dss_size;
2010     *debug_macinfo_size = dbg->de_debug_macinfo.dss_size;
2011     *debug_pubnames_size = dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_size;
2012     *debug_str_size = dbg->de_debug_str.dss_size;
2013     *debug_frame_size = dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_size;
2014     *debug_ranges_size = dbg->de_debug_ranges.dss_size;
2015     *debug_typenames_size = dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_size;
2016     *debug_types_size = dbg->de_debug_types.dss_size;
2017     *debug_macro_size = dbg->de_debug_macro.dss_size;
2018     *debug_str_offsets_size = dbg->de_debug_str_offsets.dss_size;
2019     *debug_sup_size = dbg->de_debug_sup.dss_size;
2020     *debug_cu_index_size = dbg->de_debug_cu_index.dss_size;
2021     *debug_tu_index_size = dbg->de_debug_tu_index.dss_size;
2022     return DW_DLV_OK;
2023 }
2025 /*  Now with final sections new to DWARF5 (final) */
2026 int
dwarf_get_section_max_offsets_d(Dwarf_Debug dbg,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_types_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macro_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_offsets_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_sup_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_cu_index_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_tu_index_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_names_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loclists_size,Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_rnglists_size)2027 dwarf_get_section_max_offsets_d(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
2028     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_info_size,
2029     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_abbrev_size,
2030     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_line_size,
2031     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loc_size,
2032     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_aranges_size,
2033     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macinfo_size,
2034     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_pubnames_size,
2035     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_size,
2036     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_frame_size,
2037     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_ranges_size,
2038     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_typenames_size,
2039     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_types_size,
2040     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_macro_size,
2041     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_str_offsets_size,
2042     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_sup_size,
2043     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_cu_index_size,
2044     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_tu_index_size,
2045     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_names_size,
2046     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_loclists_size,
2047     Dwarf_Unsigned * debug_rnglists_size)
2048 {
2049     *debug_info_size = dbg->de_debug_info.dss_size;
2050     *debug_abbrev_size = dbg->de_debug_abbrev.dss_size;
2051     *debug_line_size = dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size;
2052     *debug_loc_size = dbg->de_debug_loc.dss_size;
2053     *debug_aranges_size = dbg->de_debug_aranges.dss_size;
2054     *debug_macinfo_size = dbg->de_debug_macinfo.dss_size;
2055     *debug_pubnames_size = dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_size;
2056     *debug_str_size = dbg->de_debug_str.dss_size;
2057     *debug_frame_size = dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_size;
2058     *debug_ranges_size = dbg->de_debug_ranges.dss_size;
2059     *debug_typenames_size = dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_size;
2060     *debug_types_size = dbg->de_debug_types.dss_size;
2061     *debug_macro_size = dbg->de_debug_macro.dss_size;
2062     *debug_str_offsets_size = dbg->de_debug_str_offsets.dss_size;
2063     *debug_sup_size = dbg->de_debug_sup.dss_size;
2064     *debug_cu_index_size = dbg->de_debug_cu_index.dss_size;
2065     *debug_tu_index_size = dbg->de_debug_tu_index.dss_size;
2066     *debug_names_size = dbg->de_debug_names.dss_size;
2067     *debug_loclists_size = dbg->de_debug_loclists.dss_size;
2068     *debug_rnglists_size = dbg->de_debug_rnglists.dss_size;
2069     return DW_DLV_OK;
2070 }
2072 /*  Given a section name, get its size and address */
2073 int
dwarf_get_section_info_by_name(Dwarf_Debug dbg,const char * section_name,Dwarf_Addr * section_addr,Dwarf_Unsigned * section_size,Dwarf_Error * error)2074 dwarf_get_section_info_by_name(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
2075     const char *section_name,
2076     Dwarf_Addr *section_addr,
2077     Dwarf_Unsigned *section_size,
2078     Dwarf_Error * error)
2079 {
2080     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s doas;
2081     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj = 0;
2082     Dwarf_Unsigned section_count = 0;
2083     Dwarf_Half section_index = 0;
2085     *section_addr = 0;
2086     *section_size = 0;
2088     obj = dbg->de_obj_file;
2089     if (NULL == obj) {
2090         return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
2091     }
2093     section_count = obj->methods->get_section_count(obj->object);
2095     /*  We can skip index 0 when considering ELF files, but not other
2096         object types. */
2097     for (section_index = 0; section_index < section_count;
2098         ++section_index) {
2099         int err = 0;
2100         int res = obj->methods->get_section_info(obj->object,
2101             section_index, &doas, &err);
2102         if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) {
2103             DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, DW_DLV_ERROR);
2104         }
2106         if (!strcmp(section_name,doas.name)) {
2107             *section_addr = doas.addr;
2108             *section_size = doas.size;
2109             return DW_DLV_OK;
2110         }
2111     }
2113     return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
2114 }
2116 /*  Given a section index, get its size and address */
2117 int
dwarf_get_section_info_by_index(Dwarf_Debug dbg,int section_index,const char ** section_name,Dwarf_Addr * section_addr,Dwarf_Unsigned * section_size,Dwarf_Error * error)2118 dwarf_get_section_info_by_index(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
2119     int section_index,
2120     const char **section_name,
2121     Dwarf_Addr *section_addr,
2122     Dwarf_Unsigned *section_size,
2123     Dwarf_Error * error)
2124 {
2125     *section_addr = 0;
2126     *section_size = 0;
2127     *section_name = NULL;
2129     /* Check if we have a valid section index */
2130     if (section_index >= 0 && section_index < dwarf_get_section_count(dbg)) {
2131         int res = 0;
2132         int err = 0;
2133         struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_s doas;
2134         struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj = dbg->de_obj_file;
2135         if (NULL == obj) {
2136             return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
2137         }
2138         res = obj->methods->get_section_info(obj->object,
2139             section_index, &doas, &err);
2140         if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR){
2141             DWARF_DBG_ERROR(dbg, err, DW_DLV_ERROR);
2142         }
2144         *section_addr = doas.addr;
2145         *section_size = doas.size;
2146         *section_name = doas.name;
2147         return DW_DLV_OK;
2148     }
2149     return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
2150 }
2152 /*  Get section count */
2153 int
dwarf_get_section_count(Dwarf_Debug dbg)2154 dwarf_get_section_count(Dwarf_Debug dbg)
2155 {
2156     struct Dwarf_Obj_Access_Interface_s * obj = dbg->de_obj_file;
2157     if (NULL == obj) {
2158         /*  -1  */
2159         return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY;
2160     }
2161     return obj->methods->get_section_count(obj->object);
2162 }
2164 Dwarf_Cmdline_Options dwarf_cmdline_options = {
2165     FALSE /* Use quiet mode by default. */
2166 };
2168 /* Lets libdwarf reflect a command line option, so we can get details
2169    of some errors printed using libdwarf-internal information. */
2170 void
dwarf_record_cmdline_options(Dwarf_Cmdline_Options options)2171 dwarf_record_cmdline_options(Dwarf_Cmdline_Options options)
2172 {
2173     dwarf_cmdline_options = options;
2174 }