/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt */ /* * The plan here is to save all the possible values store to a given struct * member. * * We will load all the values in to the function_type_val table first then * run a script on that and load all the resulting values into the type_val * table. * * So in this file we want to take the union of everything assigned to the * struct member and insert it into the function_type_val at the end. * * You would think that we could use smatch_modification_hooks.c or * extra_modification_hook() here to get the information here but in the end we * need to code everything again a third time. * */ #include "smatch.h" #include "smatch_slist.h" #include "smatch_extra.h" static int my_id; struct stree_stack *fn_type_val_stack; struct stree *fn_type_val; struct stree *global_type_val; static int get_vals(void *_db_vals, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { char **db_vals = _db_vals; *db_vals = alloc_string(argv[0]); return 0; } static void match_inline_start(struct expression *expr) { push_stree(&fn_type_val_stack, fn_type_val); fn_type_val = NULL; } static void match_inline_end(struct expression *expr) { free_stree(&fn_type_val); fn_type_val = pop_stree(&fn_type_val_stack); } struct expr_rl { struct expression *expr; struct range_list *rl; }; static struct expr_rl cached_results[10]; static int res_idx; static int get_cached(struct expression *expr, struct range_list **rl, int *ret) { int i; *ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cached_results); i++) { if (expr == cached_results[i].expr) { if (cached_results[i].rl) { *rl = clone_rl(cached_results[i].rl); *ret = 1; } return 1; } } return 0; } int get_db_type_rl(struct expression *expr, struct range_list **rl) { char *db_vals = NULL; char *member; struct range_list *tmp; struct symbol *type; int ret; if (get_cached(expr, rl, &ret)) return ret; member = get_member_name(expr); if (!member) return 0; res_idx = (res_idx + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(cached_results); cached_results[res_idx].expr = expr; cached_results[res_idx].rl = NULL; run_sql(get_vals, &db_vals, "select value from type_value where type = '%s';", member); free_string(member); if (!db_vals) return 0; type = get_type(expr); str_to_rl(type, db_vals, &tmp); free_string(db_vals); if (is_whole_rl(tmp)) return 0; *rl = tmp; cached_results[res_idx].rl = clone_rl(tmp); return 1; } static void add_type_val(char *member, struct range_list *rl) { struct smatch_state *old, *add, *new; member = alloc_string(member); old = get_state_stree(fn_type_val, my_id, member, NULL); add = alloc_estate_rl(rl); if (old) new = merge_estates(old, add); else new = add; set_state_stree(&fn_type_val, my_id, member, NULL, new); } static void add_fake_type_val(char *member, struct range_list *rl, int ignore) { struct smatch_state *old, *add, *new; member = alloc_string(member); old = get_state_stree(fn_type_val, my_id, member, NULL); if (old && strcmp(old->name, "min-max") == 0) return; if (ignore && old && strcmp(old->name, "ignore") == 0) return; add = alloc_estate_rl(rl); if (old) { new = merge_estates(old, add); } else { new = add; if (ignore) new->name = alloc_string("ignore"); else new->name = alloc_string("min-max"); } set_state_stree(&fn_type_val, my_id, member, NULL, new); } static void add_global_type_val(char *member, struct range_list *rl) { struct smatch_state *old, *add, *new; member = alloc_string(member); old = get_state_stree(global_type_val, my_id, member, NULL); add = alloc_estate_rl(rl); if (old) new = merge_estates(old, add); else new = add; new = clone_estate_perm(new); set_state_stree_perm(&global_type_val, my_id, member, NULL, new); } static int has_link_cb(void *has_link, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { *(int *)has_link = 1; return 0; } static int is_ignored_fake_assignment(void) { struct expression *expr; struct symbol *type; char *member_name; int has_link = 0; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) return 0; if (!is_void_pointer(expr->right)) return 0; member_name = get_member_name(expr->right); if (!member_name) return 0; type = get_type(expr->left); if (!type || type->type != SYM_PTR) return 0; type = get_real_base_type(type); if (!type || type->type != SYM_STRUCT) return 0; run_sql(has_link_cb, &has_link, "select * from data_info where type = %d and data = '%s' and value = '%s';", TYPE_LINK, member_name, type_to_str(type)); return has_link; } static int is_container_of(void) { /* We already check the macro name in is_ignored_macro() */ struct expression *expr; int offset; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) return 0; offset = get_offset_from_container_of(expr->right); if (offset < 0) return 0; return 1; } static bool is_driver_data(void) { static struct expression *prev_expr; struct expression *expr; char *name; static bool prev_ret; bool ret = false; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) return false; if (expr == prev_expr) return prev_ret; prev_expr = expr; name = expr_to_str(expr->right); if (!name) { prev_ret = false; return false; } if (strstr(name, "get_drvdata(") || strstr(name, "dev.driver_data") || strstr(name, "dev->driver_data")) ret = true; free_string(name); prev_ret = ret; return ret; } static int is_ignored_macro(void) { struct expression *expr; char *name; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT || expr->op != '=') return 0; name = get_macro_name(expr->right->pos); if (!name) return 0; if (strcmp(name, "container_of") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "rb_entry") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "list_entry") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "list_first_entry") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "hlist_entry") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "per_cpu_ptr") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "raw_cpu_ptr") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "this_cpu_ptr") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "TRACE_EVENT") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(name, "DEFINE_EVENT") == 0) return 1; if (strstr(name, "for_each")) return 1; return 0; } static int is_ignored_function(void) { struct expression *expr; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) return 0; expr = strip_expr(expr->right); if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_CALL || expr->fn->type != EXPR_SYMBOL) return 0; if (sym_name_is("kmalloc", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("vmalloc", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("kvmalloc", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("kmalloc_array", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("vmalloc_array", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("kvmalloc_array", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("mmu_memory_cache_alloc", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("kmem_alloc", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("alloc_pages", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("netdev_priv", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("dev_get_drvdata", expr->fn)) return 1; if (sym_name_is("i2c_get_clientdata", expr->fn)) return 1; return 0; } static int is_uncasted_pointer_assign(void) { struct expression *expr; struct symbol *left_type, *right_type; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (!expr) return 0; if (expr->type == EXPR_PREOP || expr->type == EXPR_POSTOP) { if (expr->op == SPECIAL_INCREMENT || expr->op == SPECIAL_DECREMENT) return 1; } if (expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) return 0; left_type = get_type(expr->left); right_type = get_type(expr->right); if (!left_type || !right_type) return 0; if (left_type->type == SYM_STRUCT && left_type == right_type) return 1; if (left_type->type != SYM_PTR && left_type->type != SYM_ARRAY) return 0; if (right_type->type != SYM_PTR && right_type->type != SYM_ARRAY) return 0; left_type = get_real_base_type(left_type); right_type = get_real_base_type(right_type); if (left_type == right_type) return 1; return 0; } static int set_param_type(void *_type_str, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { char **type_str = _type_str; static char type_buf[128]; if (*type_str) { if (strcmp(*type_str, argv[0]) == 0) return 0; strncpy(type_buf, "unknown", sizeof(type_buf)); return 0; } strncpy(type_buf, argv[0], sizeof(type_buf)); *type_str = type_buf; return 0; } static char *db_get_parameter_type(int param) { char *ret = NULL; if (!cur_func_sym) return NULL; run_sql(set_param_type, &ret, "select value from fn_data_link where " "file = '%s' and function = '%s' and static = %d and type = %d and parameter = %d and key = '$';", (cur_func_sym->ctype.modifiers & MOD_STATIC) ? get_base_file() : "extern", cur_func_sym->ident->name, !!(cur_func_sym->ctype.modifiers & MOD_STATIC), PASSES_TYPE, param); return ret; } static int is_uncasted_fn_param_from_db(void) { struct expression *expr, *right; struct symbol *left_type; char left_type_name[128]; int param; char *right_type_name; static struct expression *prev_expr; static int prev_ans; expr = get_faked_expression(); if (expr == prev_expr) return prev_ans; prev_expr = expr; prev_ans = 0; if (!expr || expr->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) return 0; left_type = get_type(expr->left); if (!left_type || left_type->type != SYM_PTR) return 0; left_type = get_real_base_type(left_type); if (!left_type || left_type->type != SYM_STRUCT) return 0; snprintf(left_type_name, sizeof(left_type_name), "%s", type_to_str(left_type)); right = strip_expr(expr->right); param = get_param_num(right); if (param < 0) return 0; right_type_name = db_get_parameter_type(param); if (!right_type_name) return 0; if (strcmp(right_type_name, left_type_name) == 0) { prev_ans = 1; return 1; } return 0; } static void match_assign_value(struct expression *expr) { char *member, *right_member; struct range_list *rl; struct symbol *type; if (!cur_func_sym) return; type = get_type(expr->left); if (type && type->type == SYM_STRUCT) return; member = get_member_name(expr->left); if (!member) return; /* if we're saying foo->mtu = bar->mtu then that doesn't add information */ right_member = get_member_name(expr->right); if (right_member && strcmp(right_member, member) == 0) goto free; if (is_fake_call(expr->right)) { if (is_ignored_macro()) goto free; if (is_ignored_function()) goto free; if (is_uncasted_pointer_assign()) goto free; if (is_uncasted_fn_param_from_db()) goto free; if (is_container_of()) goto free; if (is_driver_data()) goto free; add_fake_type_val(member, alloc_whole_rl(get_type(expr->left)), is_ignored_fake_assignment()); goto free; } if (expr->op == '=') { get_absolute_rl(expr->right, &rl); rl = cast_rl(type, rl); } else { /* * This is a bit cheating. We order it so this will already be set * by smatch_extra.c and we just look up the value. */ get_absolute_rl(expr->left, &rl); } add_type_val(member, rl); free: free_string(right_member); free_string(member); } /* * If we too: int *p = &my_struct->member then abandon all hope of tracking * my_struct->member. */ static void match_assign_pointer(struct expression *expr) { struct expression *right; char *member; struct range_list *rl; struct symbol *type; right = strip_expr(expr->right); if (right->type != EXPR_PREOP || right->op != '&') return; right = strip_expr(right->unop); member = get_member_name(right); if (!member) return; type = get_type(right); rl = alloc_whole_rl(type); add_type_val(member, rl); free_string(member); } static void match_global_assign(struct expression *expr) { char *member; struct range_list *rl; struct symbol *type; type = get_type(expr->left); if (type && (type->type == SYM_ARRAY || type->type == SYM_STRUCT)) return; member = get_member_name(expr->left); if (!member) return; get_absolute_rl(expr->right, &rl); rl = cast_rl(type, rl); add_global_type_val(member, rl); free_string(member); } static void unop_expr(struct expression *expr) { struct range_list *rl; char *member; if (expr->op != SPECIAL_DECREMENT && expr->op != SPECIAL_INCREMENT) return; expr = strip_expr(expr->unop); member = get_member_name(expr); if (!member) return; rl = alloc_whole_rl(get_type(expr)); add_type_val(member, rl); free_string(member); } static void asm_expr(struct statement *stmt) { struct expression *expr; struct range_list *rl; char *member; FOR_EACH_PTR(stmt->asm_outputs, expr) { member = get_member_name(expr->expr); if (!member) continue; rl = alloc_whole_rl(get_type(expr->expr)); add_type_val(member, rl); free_string(member); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(expr); } static void db_param_add(struct expression *expr, int param, char *key, char *value) { struct expression *arg; struct symbol *type; struct range_list *rl; char *member; if (strcmp(key, "*$") != 0) return; while (expr->type == EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) expr = strip_expr(expr->right); if (expr->type != EXPR_CALL) return; arg = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, param); arg = strip_expr(arg); if (!arg) return; type = get_member_type_from_key(arg, key); /* * The situation here is that say we memset() a void pointer to zero * then that's returned to the called as "*$ = 0;" but on the caller's * side it's not void, it's a struct. * * So the question is should we be passing that slightly bogus * information back to the caller? Maybe, maybe not, but either way we * are not going to record it here because a struct can't be zero. * */ if (type && type->type == SYM_STRUCT) return; if (arg->type != EXPR_PREOP || arg->op != '&') return; arg = strip_expr(arg->unop); member = get_member_name(arg); if (!member) return; call_results_to_rl(expr, type, value, &rl); add_type_val(member, rl); free_string(member); } static void match_end_func_info(struct symbol *sym) { struct sm_state *sm; FOR_EACH_SM(fn_type_val, sm) { sql_insert_function_type_value(sm->name, sm->state->name); } END_FOR_EACH_SM(sm); } static void clear_cache(struct symbol *sym) { memset(cached_results, 0, sizeof(cached_results)); } static void match_after_func(struct symbol *sym) { free_stree(&fn_type_val); } static void match_end_file(struct symbol_list *sym_list) { struct sm_state *sm; FOR_EACH_SM(global_type_val, sm) { sql_insert_function_type_value(sm->name, sm->state->name); } END_FOR_EACH_SM(sm); } void register_type_val(int id) { my_id = id; add_hook(&clear_cache, AFTER_FUNC_HOOK); if (!option_info) return; add_hook(&match_assign_value, ASSIGNMENT_HOOK_AFTER); add_hook(&match_assign_pointer, ASSIGNMENT_HOOK); add_hook(&unop_expr, OP_HOOK); add_hook(&asm_expr, ASM_HOOK); select_return_states_hook(PARAM_ADD, &db_param_add); select_return_states_hook(PARAM_SET, &db_param_add); add_hook(&match_inline_start, INLINE_FN_START); add_hook(&match_inline_end, INLINE_FN_END); add_hook(&match_end_func_info, END_FUNC_HOOK); add_hook(&match_after_func, AFTER_FUNC_HOOK); add_hook(&match_global_assign, GLOBAL_ASSIGNMENT_HOOK); add_hook(&match_end_file, END_FILE_HOOK); }