/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2001-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ // RequestHandler.java: Handle an incoming request in a separate thread. // Author: James Kempf // Created On: Mon May 18 14:00:27 1998 // Last Modified By: James Kempf // Last Modified On: Mon Mar 8 16:12:13 1999 // Update Count: 173 // package com.sun.slp; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; /** * Handle an incoming request in a separate thread. The request * may have arrived via datagram, or it may have arrived via * stream. * * @author James Kempf, Erik Guttman */ class RequestHandler extends Thread { private SLPConfig config; // Config for system properties. private ServerDATable daTable; // DA table in server for reg and dereg private InetAddress interfac = null; // Interface on which request came in. private Socket sock = null; // Socket for incoming stream request. private DatagramPacket packet = null; // Packet for datagram requests. private InetAddress clientAddr = null; // Internet address of the client. private int port = 0; // Port to use. private ServiceTable serviceTable = null; private SrvLocMsg toForward = null; // Reg or dereg to forward. private InputStream inStream = null; private OutputStream outStream = null; static private Hashtable inProgress = new Hashtable(); // Keeps track of in progress requests // When a request handler gets GC'd, make sure it's open socket is closed. // We simply let the exception propagate, because it is ignored. protected void finalize() throws IOException { if (sock != null) sock.close(); } RequestHandler(InputStream in, OutputStream out, SLPConfig config_in) { config = config_in; sock = null; inStream = in; outStream = out; clientAddr = config.getLoopback(); port = 427; interfac = clientAddr; try { serviceTable = ServiceTable.getServiceTable(); } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { // Taken care of in initialization code. } } // Request arrived via stream. Set the incoming socket, spawn // a separate thread in which to run. RequestHandler(Socket sock_in, InetAddress interfac, SLPConfig config_in) { Assert.slpassert((sock_in != null), "rh_null_sock", new Object[0]); Assert.slpassert((config_in != null), "ls_null_config", new Object[0]); config = config_in; sock = sock_in; clientAddr = sock.getInetAddress(); port = sock.getPort(); this.interfac = interfac; try { serviceTable = ServiceTable.getServiceTable(); } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { // Taken care of in initialization code. } } // Request arrived via datagram. Set the incoming packet, spawn // a separate thread in which to run. RequestHandler(DatagramPacket packet_in, InetAddress interfac, SLPConfig config_in) { Assert.slpassert((packet_in != null), "rh_null_packy", new Object[0]); Assert.slpassert((config_in != null), "ls_null_config", new Object[0]); config = config_in; packet = packet_in; clientAddr = packet.getAddress(); port = packet.getPort(); this.interfac = interfac; try { serviceTable = ServiceTable.getServiceTable(); daTable = ServerDATable.getServerDATable(); } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { // Taken care of in initialziation code. } } /** * Return a stringified buffer, suitable for printing, for * debugging. * * @param bytes The byte buffer. * @return A string with the ASCII characters as characters, otherwise * convert to escape notation. */ static String stringifyBuffer(byte[] bytes) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int i, n = bytes.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { byte b = bytes[i]; if ((b >= 0x21) && (b < 0x7e)) { buf.append((char)b); } else { buf.append("\\"+Integer.toHexString(((int)b) & 0xFF)); } } return buf.toString(); } // If a stream thread, then get the request first. Process the // request and reply to client. public void run() { // Is this a stream or datagram thread? if (sock != null || inStream != null) { // Label appropriately. setName("Stream Request Handler "+clientAddr+":"+port); if (sock != null) { // Set the socket to block until there are bytes to read. try { sock.setSoTimeout(0); } catch (SocketException ex) { } } // get DA Table try { daTable = ServerDATable.getServerDATable(); } catch (ServiceLocationException e) { // Taken care of in initialziation code. } // Stream needs to loop through until requests are completed. handleStream(); if (sock != null) { try { sock.close(); sock = null; } catch (IOException ex) { } } } else { // Label appropriately. setName("Datagram Request Handler "+clientAddr+":"+port); byte[] inbuf = packet.getData(); // Copy xid for use in hash key. byte[] xidBuf = new byte[2]; System.arraycopy(inbuf, SrvLocHeader.XID_OFFSET, xidBuf, 0, 2); // If this request is already in progress, drop new request. int xid = 0; xid = (int)((char)xidBuf[0] & 0xFF) << 8; xid += (int)((char)xidBuf[1] & 0xFF); String syncTableKey = (new Integer(xid)).toString() + clientAddr.getHostAddress(); boolean there = false; synchronized (inProgress) { there = (inProgress.get(syncTableKey) != null); if (!there) { inProgress.put(syncTableKey, this); } } // Drop if we are processing it already. if (there) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_rqst_in_progress", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return; } // We can simply cut to the chase and process the datagram // request. DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(inbuf)); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { handleRequest(dis, baos, false); byte[] outbuf = baos.toByteArray(); // Open a data output stream for the outgoing request. There // is no buffer for reply or it is empty, the request was // multicast and nothing was sent back. if (outbuf != null && outbuf.length > 0) { sendDatagramReply(outbuf); } } catch (IOException ex) { // No excuse for an EOF exception here. if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_datagram_ioe", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, ex.getMessage()}); } } // Remove the lock for this request. We do this just before the // run() method exits and the thread expires to reduce the // window in which a new copy of the request could come in. // We need to be sure that we only remove if it is this // request handler. synchronized (inProgress) { RequestHandler rh = (RequestHandler)inProgress.get(syncTableKey); if (rh == this) { inProgress.remove(syncTableKey); } } } } // Handle an incoming stream. private void handleStream() { try { DataInputStream dis = null; DataOutputStream dos = null; if (inStream != null) { dis = new DataInputStream(inStream); dos = new DataOutputStream(outStream); } else { // use the socket dis = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream()); dos = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); } // Loop while the client still wants to send something. But we // only read one SLP message at a time on the connection, // returning if it there are no more bytes to read. Note that // we have to use a do/while loop here so that the read hangs // until something shows up. do { // Handle the new request. ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean parseError = handleRequest(dis, baos, true); dos.write(baos.toByteArray(), 0, baos.size()); // Forward reg or dereg to foreign DAs that need to know // about it. if (toForward != null) { try { daTable.forwardSAMessage(toForward, clientAddr); toForward = null; } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { config.writeLog("sa_forwarding_exception", new Object[] { new Short(ex.getErrorCode()), Integer.toHexString(toForward.getHeader().xid), ex.getMessage()}); } } // If there was a parse error, then break out and close the // stream, because it may have lingering bytes. if (parseError && config.traceMsg()) { config.writeLog("rh_tcp_error", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); break; } } while (true); } catch (EOFException ex) { if (config.traceMsg()) { config.writeLog("rh_socket_closed", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } } catch (IOException ex) { // An error occured during input. if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("ioexception_server_stream", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, ex.getMessage()}); } } } // Send a byte buffer reply through a datagram socket. private void sendDatagramReply(byte[] outbuf) { DatagramSocket ds = null; try { // Open the socket. ds = new DatagramSocket(); // Format the outgoing packet. DatagramPacket dpOut = new DatagramPacket(outbuf, outbuf.length, clientAddr, port); // Send the reply. ds.send(dpOut); // Forward reg or dereg to foreign DAs that need to know about it. if (toForward != null) { try { daTable.forwardSAMessage(toForward, clientAddr); toForward = null; } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { config.writeLog("sle_forward_error", new Object[] { new Integer(ex.getErrorCode()), Integer.toHexString(toForward.getHeader().xid), ex.getMessage()}); } } } catch (SocketException ex) { // Failure in reply. if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_socket_error", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, ex.getMessage()}); } } catch (IOException ex) { // Failure in reply. if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog( "rh_ioexception_reply", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, ex.getMessage()}); } } finally { if (ds != null) { ds.close(); } } } // Handle an incoming stream containing an SLP request. private boolean handleRequest(DataInputStream dis, ByteArrayOutputStream baos, boolean isTCP) throws IOException { boolean parseError = false; // Decode the message. SrvLocMsg msg = internalize(dis, isTCP); // If there was an error converting the request, then don't // process further. SrvLocMsg rply = msg; if (msg != null) { SrvLocHeader hdr = msg.getHeader(); if (hdr.errCode == ServiceLocationException.OK) { if (config.traceMsg()) { config.writeLog("rh_rqst_in", new Object[] {Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, msg.getHeader()}); } // Dispatch the message to the service table. rply = dispatch(msg); // If no reply, then simply return. if (rply == null) { if (config.traceMsg()) { config.writeLog("rh_rply_null", new Object[] { Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return parseError; } } else { // Drop if multicast. if (msg.getHeader().mcast) { rply = null; if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_multi_error", new Object[] { msg.getClass().getName(), Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } } else if (isTCP) { // Set the parse error flag so that the stream gets closed. // It's easier than trying to keep track of the number of // bytes read. Otherwise, the remnents of the message // hang around. parseError = true; } } } // Reply to the client if necessary. Note that if the reply is null // here, there was a problem parsing the message in and so formulating // a reply may be impossible (for example, the message may not // be parsable beyond the function code. if (rply != null) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rply.getHeader(); ServiceLocationException ex = null; // Parse out the message. try { hdr.externalize(baos, false, isTCP); } catch (ServiceLocationException sle) { ex = sle; } if (config.traceMsg()) { config.writeLog("rh_rply_out", new Object[] {Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, rply.getHeader()}); } if (ex != null) { baos.reset(); rply = hdr.makeErrorReply(ex); Assert.slpassert(msg != null, "rh_header_class_error", new Object[] {ex.getMessage()}); hdr = rply.getHeader(); try { hdr.externalize(baos, false, isTCP); } catch (ServiceLocationException exx) { } } } else if (config.traceMsg()) { // Print error message. String xidStr = ""; if (msg != null) { SrvLocHeader hdr = msg.getHeader(); xidStr = Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid); } config.writeLog("rh_rply_null", new Object[] {xidStr, clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return parseError; } /** * Internalize the byte array in the input stream into a SrvLocMsg * subclass. It will be an appropriate subclass for the SA/DA. * * @param dis The input stream containing the packet. * @param viaTCP True if the outgoing stream is via TCP. * @return The right SrvLocMsg subclass appropriate for the SA/DA. * If null is returned, it means that the function code was * not recognized. * If any error occurs during creation, an error request is * returned with the error code set. */ private SrvLocMsg internalize(DataInputStream dis, boolean viaTCP) throws IOException { int ver = 0, fun = 0; Assert.slpassert((dis != null), "rh_null_bais", new Object[0]); try { // Pull off the version number and function code. byte[] b = new byte[2]; dis.readFully(b, 0, 2); ver = (int) ((char)b[0] & 0XFF); fun = (int) ((char)b[1] & 0XFF); } catch (IOException ex) { // Print an error message, but only if not EOF. if (!(ex instanceof EOFException)) { printInternalizeErrorMessage(ver, fun, ex); } // Throw the exception, so streams can terminate. throw ex; } SrvLocMsg msg = null; SrvLocHeader hdr = null; try { hdr = SrvLocHeader.newInstance(ver); // Unrecognized version number if header not returned. // We only throw an exception if the version number // is greater than the current default version number. // otherwise, the packet is from an earlier version // of the protocol and should be ignored if we are // not operating in compatibility mode. if (hdr == null) { if (ver > Defaults.version || (config.isV1Supported() && config.isDA())) { // code problem... throw new ServiceLocationException( ServiceLocationException.VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "rh_version_number_error", new Object[] {new Integer(ver), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } else { return null; } } // If we've come via TCP, clear the packet length so the // eventual reply won't be checked for overflow. if (viaTCP) { hdr.setPacketLength(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } // Parse the header. hdr.parseHeader(fun, dis); // Parse body. if ((msg = hdr.parseMsg(dis)) != null) { // Parse options, if any. hdr.parseOptions(dis); } } catch (Exception ex) { printInternalizeErrorMessage(ver, fun, ex); msg = null; // If this is a DAAdvert or an SAAdvert, or there's no header, // return null cause we don't need to return anything or // can't. if (fun != SrvLocHeader.DAAdvert && fun != SrvLocHeader.SAAdvert && hdr != null) { // Let header create message. msg = hdr.makeErrorReply(ex); } } return msg; } // Print an error message for errors during internalization. private void printInternalizeErrorMessage(int ver, int fun, Exception ex) { if (config.traceDrop()) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); ex.printStackTrace(pw); short errCode = ServiceLocationException.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR; if (ex instanceof ServiceLocationException) { errCode = ((ServiceLocationException)ex).getErrorCode(); } else if (ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { errCode = ServiceLocationException.PARSE_ERROR; } String exMsg = "(" + errCode + "):" + ex.getMessage(); config.writeLog("rh_unparse_exception", new Object[] {clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac, new Integer(ver), new Integer(fun), exMsg, sw.toString()}); } } /** * Dispatch the service request object to the service table. * The SA table is used for the following: * * @param rqst Service request object. * @return A SrvLocMsg object to reply with, or null if no reply. */ SrvLocMsg dispatch(SrvLocMsg rqst) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rqst.getHeader(); boolean mcast = hdr.mcast; // Check CDAAdvert and CSAAdvert before we check the previous // responders list, because they don't have any. if (rqst instanceof CDAAdvert) { // DA advert... CDAAdvert msg = (CDAAdvert)rqst; // For V1, V2 messages know. msg.setIsUnsolicited(true); // If passive detection is off, ignore it, but only if it wasn't // a signal to stop. if (!config.passiveDADetection() && msg.isUnsolicited() && !msg.isGoingDown()) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_passive_drop", new Object[] {msg.URL, hdr.scopes}); } } else if (msg.isGoingDown() && msg.isUnsolicited() && isLocalHostURL(msg.URL) && config.isDA()) { // We've been asked to terminate. // Check scopes. Vector scopes = (Vector)hdr.scopes.clone(); DATable.filterScopes(scopes, config.getSAConfiguredScopes(), true); // If all scopes not equal, it isn't a shutdown message for us. if (scopes.size() > 0) { daTable.handleAdvertIn(msg); } else { Vector discoveredScopes = new Vector(); try { discoveredScopes = daTable.findScopes(); } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { // Ignore, we're going down anyway and it's // just a report. } // It is a shutdown message for us. Vector serverScopes = config.getSAConfiguredScopes(); Vector interfaces = config.getInterfaces(); Vector daAttributes = config.getDAAttributes(); if (config.traceAll() || config.traceMsg() || config.traceDrop() || config.traceDATraffic()) { config.writeLog("goodby_da", new Object[] {interfaces, serverScopes, discoveredScopes, daAttributes}); } // We don't reply, which means that the client will // time out. System.exit(0); } } else { // The implementation specific DA table handles this. daTable.handleAdvertIn(msg); } return null; } else if (rqst instanceof CSAAdvert) {// SA advert... CSAAdvert msg = (CSAAdvert)rqst; // We are only interested in it if we may be going down. if ((hdr.xid == 0) && isLocalHostURL(msg.URL) && !config.isDA()) { // Check scopes. Vector scopes = (Vector)hdr.scopes.clone(); DATable.filterScopes(scopes, config.getSAConfiguredScopes(), true); // If all scopes not equal, it isn't a shutdown message for us. if (scopes.size() <= 0) { Vector discoveredScopes = new Vector(); try { discoveredScopes = daTable.findScopes(); } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { // Ignore, we're going down anyway and it's just a // report. } // It is a shutdown message for us. Vector serverScopes = config.getSAConfiguredScopes(); Vector interfaces = config.getInterfaces(); Vector saAttributes = config.getSAAttributes(); if (config.traceAll() || config.traceMsg() || config.traceDrop() || config.traceDATraffic()) { config.writeLog("goodby", new Object[] {interfaces, serverScopes, discoveredScopes, saAttributes}); } System.exit(0); } } // Otherwise, drop it for now. if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_client_sa_advert_drop", new Object[] {Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } if (rqst instanceof SSrvReg) { // registration... return dispatchReg((SSrvReg)rqst, serviceTable); } else if (rqst instanceof SSrvDereg) { // deregistration... return dispatchDereg((SSrvDereg)rqst, serviceTable); } // If we are on the previous responder list, then ignore this // request. if (isPreviousResponder(hdr)) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_prev_resp", new Object[] {Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } // Now check requests with previous responders. if (rqst instanceof SSrvTypeMsg) { // service types... return dispatchSrvType((SSrvTypeMsg)rqst, serviceTable); } else if (rqst instanceof SAttrMsg) { // attributes... return dispatchAttr((SAttrMsg)rqst, serviceTable); } else if (rqst instanceof SSrvMsg) { // services... return dispatchSrv((SSrvMsg)rqst, serviceTable); } else { // error... Assert.slpassert(false, "rh_rqst_type_err", new Object[] {rqst}); } return null; } // Dispatch a service registration. private SrvLocMsg dispatchReg(SSrvReg rqst, ServiceTable serviceTable) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rqst.getHeader(); // Report error if the message was multicast. if (hdr.mcast && config.traceDrop()) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_no_multi", new Object[] {"SrvReg", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } // Register the request. SrvLocMsg rply = serviceTable.register(rqst); // Forward to foreign DAs if no error. if (rply != null) { hdr = rply.getHeader(); if (hdr.errCode == ServiceLocationException.OK) { toForward = rqst; } } return rply; } // Dispatch a service deregistration. private SrvLocMsg dispatchDereg(SSrvDereg rqst, ServiceTable serviceTable) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rqst.getHeader(); // Report error if the message was multicast. if (hdr.mcast && config.traceDrop()) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_no_multi", new Object[] {"SrvDereg", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } // If the message came from the local host, use the SA store. SrvLocMsg rply = serviceTable.deregister(rqst); // Forward to foreign DAs if no error. if (rply != null) { hdr = rply.getHeader(); if (hdr.errCode == ServiceLocationException.OK) { toForward = rqst; } } return rply; } // Dispatch a service type message. private SrvLocMsg dispatchSrvType(SSrvTypeMsg rqst, ServiceTable serviceTable) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rqst.getHeader(); boolean mcast = hdr.mcast; // Drop if this is a DA and the request was multicast. DAs // do not respond to multicast, except for DAAdverts. if (mcast && config.isDA()) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_drop_da_multi", new Object[] {"SrvTypeRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } SrvLocMsg rply = serviceTable.findServiceTypes(rqst); hdr = rply.getHeader(); // Filter multicast replies to remove null and error returns. if (mcast && ((hdr.errCode != ServiceLocationException.OK) || (hdr.getNumReplies() == 0))) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_multi_error", new Object[] {"SrvTypeRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } return rply; } // Dispatch an attribute request. private SrvLocMsg dispatchAttr(SAttrMsg rqst, ServiceTable serviceTable) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rqst.getHeader(); boolean mcast = hdr.mcast; // Drop if this is a DA and the request was multicast. DAs // do not respond to multicast, except for DAAdverts. if (mcast && config.isDA()) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_drop_da_multi", new Object[] {"AttrRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } SrvLocMsg rply = serviceTable.findAttributes(rqst); hdr = rply.getHeader(); // Filter multicast replies to remove null and error returns. if (mcast && ((hdr.errCode != ServiceLocationException.OK) || (hdr.getNumReplies() == 0))) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_multi_error", new Object[] {"AttrRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } return rply; } // Dispatch a service request. private SrvLocMsg dispatchSrv(SSrvMsg rqst, ServiceTable serviceTable) { SrvLocHeader hdr = rqst.getHeader(); boolean mcast = hdr.mcast; String serviceType = rqst.serviceType; SrvLocMsg rply = null; // We need to special case if this is a request for a DAAdvert // and we are a DA or an SAAdvert and we are an SA only. if (serviceType.equals(Defaults.DA_SERVICE_TYPE.toString())) { // Reply only if a DA. if (config.isDA()) { // Return a DAAdvert for this DA. rply = serviceTable.makeDAAdvert(rqst, interfac, config); hdr = rply.getHeader(); if ((hdr.errCode != ServiceLocationException.OK) && config.traceMsg()) { config.writeLog("rh_advert_error", new Object[] { new Integer(hdr.errCode), "DAAdvert", ""}); } } // If there was an error and the request was multicast, drop it // by returning null. if (hdr.errCode != ServiceLocationException.OK && mcast) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_drop_srv", new Object[] { "DA SrvRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } return rply; } else if (serviceType.equals(Defaults.SA_SERVICE_TYPE.toString())) { // Note that we reply if we are a DA because somebody may want // SA attributes. // We report error for unicast SA service request. if (!mcast) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_no_srv_uni", new Object[] { "SA SrvRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } // Return a SAAdvert for this SA. try { rply = serviceTable.makeSAAdvert(rqst, interfac, config); } catch (ServiceLocationException ex) { config.writeLog("rh_advert_error", new Object [] {new Integer(ex.getErrorCode()), "SAAdvert", ex.getMessage()}); } if (rply == null && config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_drop_srv", new Object[] {"SA SrvRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return rply; } // Drop if this is a DA and the request was multicast. DAs // do not respond to multicast, except for DAAdverts. if (mcast && config.isDA()) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_drop_da_multi", new Object[] {"SrvRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } SrvLocMsg smrply = serviceTable.findServices(rqst); hdr = smrply.getHeader(); // Filter multicast replies to remove null and error returns. if (mcast && ((hdr.errCode != ServiceLocationException.OK) || (hdr.getNumReplies() == 0))) { if (config.traceDrop()) { config.writeLog("rh_multi_error", new Object[] {"SrvRqst", Integer.toHexString(hdr.xid), clientAddr, new Integer(port), interfac}); } return null; } return smrply; } // Return true if the host address matches one of the local interfaces. boolean isLocalHostURL(ServiceURL url) { String hostAddr = url.getHost(); Vector interfaces = config.getInterfaces(); InetAddress addr = null; try { addr = InetAddress.getByName(hostAddr); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { // We simply ignore it. return false; } if (interfaces.contains(addr)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return whether this was previous responder. Only do so if the * request was multicast. * * @return True if this host was a previous responder. */ public boolean isPreviousResponder(SrvLocHeader hdr) { // If there are no previous responders, then return false, // because they aren't used for this message. Also for // messages that are not multicast. if ((hdr.previousResponders == null) || (hdr.mcast == false)) { return false; } Vector previousResponders = hdr.previousResponders; Enumeration e = null; Vector interfaces = config.getInterfaces(); // Check for matches against this address. for (e = previousResponders.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { try { String sHost = ((String)e.nextElement()); InetAddress iaHost = InetAddress.getByName(sHost); if (interfaces.contains(iaHost)) { return true; } } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { } } return false; } // Initialize the SLPv2 header parser class when we are loaded. static { SrvLocHeader.addHeaderClass(Defaults.DEFAULT_SERVER_HEADER_CLASS, Defaults.version); } }