/* Copyright (C) 2000,2002,2004,2005,2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2020 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Portions Copyright 2012 SN Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "dwarf_incl.h" #include "dwarf_alloc.h" #include "dwarf_error.h" #include "dwarf_util.h" #include "dwarf_line.h" #include "dwarfstring.h" #define PRINTING_DETAILS 1 static void print_line_header(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Bool is_single_tab, Dwarf_Bool is_actuals_tab) { if (!is_single_tab) { /* Ugly indenting follows, it makes lines shorter to see them better. Best to use a wider text window to really see how it looks.*/ if (is_actuals_tab) { _dwarf_printf(dbg,"\nActuals Table\n"); _dwarf_printf(dbg, " be\n" " ls\n" " ce\n" " section op kq\n" " offset code address/index row isa ??\n"); return; } else { _dwarf_printf(dbg,"\nLogicals Table\n"); _dwarf_printf(dbg, " s pe\n" " tirp\n" " msoi\n" " section op tall\n" " offset row code address/indx fil lne col disc cntx subp ????\n"); return; } } /* Single level table */ _dwarf_printf(dbg, " s b e p e i d\n" " t l s r p s i\n" " m c e o i a s\n" " section op col t k q l l c\n" " offset code address file line umn ? ? ? ? ?\n"); } /* End of function with ugly indenting. */ static void print_line_detail( Dwarf_Debug dbg, const char *prefix, int opcode, unsigned curr_line, struct Dwarf_Line_Registers_s * regs, Dwarf_Bool is_single_table, Dwarf_Bool is_actuals_table) { dwarfstring m1; dwarfstring_constructor(&m1); if(!is_single_table && is_actuals_table) { dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m1,"%-15s ",(char *)prefix); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1,"%3d ",opcode); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1,"0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx , regs->lr_address); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1,"/%01u",regs->lr_op_index); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1," %5lu", regs->lr_line); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1," %3d",regs->lr_isa); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1," %1d", regs->lr_basic_block); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1,"%1d\n", regs->lr_end_sequence); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m1)); dwarfstring_destructor(&m1); return; } if(!is_single_table && !is_actuals_table) { dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "[%3d] " /* row number */, curr_line); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m1, "%-15s ",(char *)prefix); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%3d ",opcode); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, "x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx, regs->lr_address); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, "/%01u", regs->lr_op_index); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1," %2lu ",regs->lr_file); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1,"%4lu ",regs->lr_line); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1,"%1lu",regs->lr_column); if (regs->lr_discriminator || regs->lr_prologue_end || regs->lr_epilogue_begin || regs->lr_isa || regs->lr_is_stmt || regs->lr_call_context || regs->lr_subprogram) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, " x%02" DW_PR_DUx , regs->lr_discriminator); /* DWARF4 */ dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, " x%02" DW_PR_DUx , regs->lr_call_context); /* EXPERIMENTAL */ dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, " x%02" DW_PR_DUx , regs->lr_subprogram); /* EXPERIMENTAL */ dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, " %1d", regs->lr_is_stmt); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%1d", (int) regs->lr_isa); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%1d", regs->lr_prologue_end); /* DWARF3 */ dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%1d", regs->lr_epilogue_begin); /* DWARF3 */ } dwarfstring_append(&m1,"\n"); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m1)); dwarfstring_destructor(&m1); return; } /* In the first quoted line below: 3d looks better than 2d, but best to do that as separate change and test from two-level-line-tables. */ dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m1, "%-15s ",(char *)prefix); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%2d ",opcode); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, "0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx " ", regs->lr_address); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, "%2lu ", regs->lr_file); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, "%4lu ", regs->lr_line); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, "%2lu ", regs->lr_column); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%1d ",regs->lr_is_stmt); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%1d ", regs->lr_basic_block); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, "%1d",regs->lr_end_sequence); if (regs->lr_discriminator || regs->lr_prologue_end || regs->lr_epilogue_begin || regs->lr_isa) { dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, " %1d", regs->lr_prologue_end); /* DWARF3 */ dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, " %1d", regs->lr_epilogue_begin); /* DWARF3 */ dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m1, " %1d", regs->lr_isa); /* DWARF3 */ dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m1, " 0x%" DW_PR_DUx , regs->lr_discriminator); /* DWARF4 */ } dwarfstring_append(&m1, "\n"); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m1)); dwarfstring_destructor(&m1); } #include "dwarf_line_table_reader_common.h" static void print_include_directory_details(Dwarf_Debug dbg, unsigned int line_version, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) { Dwarf_Unsigned u = 0; dwarfstring m4; dwarfstring_constructor(&m4); if (line_version == DW_LINE_VERSION5) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned dfcount = line_context->lc_directory_entry_format_count; dwarfstring_constructor(&m4); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m4, " directory entry format count %u\n",dfcount); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m4)); dwarfstring_reset(&m4); for ( ; i < dfcount;++i) { struct Dwarf_Unsigned_Pair_s *valpair = 0; const char *tname = 0; const char *fname = 0; int res; valpair = line_context->lc_directory_format_values +i; dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m4, " format [%2u] ",i); res = dwarf_get_LNCT_name(valpair->up_first, &tname); if ( res != DW_DLV_OK) { tname = ""; } dwarfstring_append_printf_u (&m4, " type 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx ,valpair->up_first); dwarfstring_append_printf_s (&m4, " %-20s\n",(char *)tname); res = dwarf_get_FORM_name(valpair->up_second,&fname); if ( res != DW_DLV_OK) { fname = ""; } dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m4, " code 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx , valpair->up_second); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m4, " %-20s\n", (char *)fname); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m4)); dwarfstring_reset(&m4); } } /* common print of the files */ dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m4, " include directories count %d\n", (int) line_context->lc_include_directories_count); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m4)); dwarfstring_reset(&m4); for (u = 0; u < line_context->lc_include_directories_count; ++u) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m4, " include dir[%u] ",u); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m4, "%s\n", (char *)line_context->lc_include_directories[u]); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m4)); dwarfstring_reset(&m4); } dwarfstring_destructor(&m4); } static void print_just_file_entry_details(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) { unsigned fiu = 0; Dwarf_File_Entry fe = line_context->lc_file_entries; Dwarf_File_Entry fe2 = fe; dwarfstring m3; dwarfstring_constructor(&m3); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m3, " file names count %d\n", line_context->lc_file_entry_count); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m3)); dwarfstring_reset(&m3); for (fiu = 0 ; fe2 ; fe2 = fe->fi_next,++fiu ) { Dwarf_Unsigned tlm2 = 0; unsigned filenum = 0; fe = fe2; tlm2 = fe->fi_time_last_mod; filenum = fiu+1; /* The space character at the end of line is silly, but lets leave it there for the moment to avoid changing output. */ if (line_context->lc_file_entry_count > 9) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, " file[%2u] ",fiu); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m3, "%-20s ", (char *) fe->fi_file_name); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, "(file-number: %u)\n", filenum); } else { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, " file[%u] ", fiu); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m3, "%-20s ",(char *)fe->fi_file_name); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, "(file-number: %u)\n",filenum); } _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m3)); dwarfstring_reset(&m3); if (fe->fi_dir_index_present) { Dwarf_Unsigned di = 0; di = fe->fi_dir_index; dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m3, " dir index %d\n", di); } if (fe->fi_time_last_mod_present) { time_t tt = (time_t) tlm2; /* ctime supplies newline */ dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, " last time 0x%x ",tlm2); dwarfstring_append(&m3,(char *)ctime(&tt)); } if (fe->fi_file_length_present) { Dwarf_Unsigned fl = 0; fl = fe->fi_file_length; dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m3, " file length %ld ",fl); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, "0x%lx\n",fl); } if (fe->fi_md5_present) { char *c = (char *)&fe->fi_md5_value; char *end = c+sizeof(fe->fi_md5_value); dwarfstring_append(&m3, " file md5 value 0x"); while(c < end) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m3, "%02x",0xff&*c); ++c; } dwarfstring_append(&m3,"\n"); } if (dwarfstring_strlen(&m3)) { _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m3)); dwarfstring_reset(&m3); } } dwarfstring_destructor(&m3); } static void print_file_entry_details(Dwarf_Debug dbg, unsigned int line_version, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) { dwarfstring m5; dwarfstring_constructor(&m5); if (line_version == DW_LINE_VERSION5) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned dfcount = line_context->lc_file_name_format_count; dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m5, " file entry format count %u\n",dfcount); for ( ; i < dfcount;++i) { struct Dwarf_Unsigned_Pair_s *valpair = 0; const char *tname = 0; const char *fname = 0; int res; valpair = line_context->lc_file_format_values +i; dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m5, " format [%2u] ",i); res = dwarf_get_LNCT_name(valpair->up_first,&tname); if ( res != DW_DLV_OK) { tname = ""; } dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m5, " type 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx, valpair->up_first); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m5, " %-20s\n",(char *)tname); res = dwarf_get_FORM_name(valpair->up_second,&fname); if ( res != DW_DLV_OK) { fname = ""; } dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m5, " code 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx, valpair->up_second); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m5, " %-20s\n", (char *)fname); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m5)); dwarfstring_reset(&m5); } dwarfstring_destructor(&m5); print_just_file_entry_details(dbg,line_context); } else { print_just_file_entry_details(dbg,line_context); dwarfstring_destructor(&m5); } } static void print_experimental_subprograms_list(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) { /* Print the subprograms list. */ Dwarf_Unsigned count = line_context->lc_subprogs_count; Dwarf_Unsigned exu = 0; Dwarf_Subprog_Entry sub = line_context->lc_subprogs; dwarfstring m6; dwarfstring_constructor(&m6); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m6, " subprograms count %" DW_PR_DUu "\n",count); if (count > 0) { dwarfstring_append(&m6," indx file line name\n"); } _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m6)); dwarfstring_reset(&m6); for (exu = 0 ; exu < count ; exu++,sub++) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m6, " [%2" DW_PR_DUu,exu+1); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m6, "] %4" DW_PR_DUu,sub->ds_decl_file); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m6, " %4" DW_PR_DUu ,sub->ds_decl_line); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m6, " %s\n",(char *)sub->ds_subprog_name); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m6)); dwarfstring_reset(&m6); } dwarfstring_destructor(&m6); } static void do_line_print_now(Dwarf_Debug dbg,int line_version, Dwarf_Small * comp_dir, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) ; static void print_experimental_counts(Dwarf_Debug dbg, int line_version, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context); static int print_actuals_and_locals(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context, Dwarf_Unsigned bogus_bytes_count, Dwarf_Small *bogus_bytes_ptr, Dwarf_Small *orig_line_ptr, Dwarf_Small *line_ptr, Dwarf_Small *section_start, Dwarf_Small *line_ptr_actuals, Dwarf_Small *line_ptr_end, Dwarf_Half address_size, int * err_count_out, Dwarf_Error *err); /* return DW_DLV_OK if ok. else DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY or DW_DLV_ERROR If err_count_out is non-NULL, this is a special 'check' call. */ static int _dwarf_internal_printlines(Dwarf_Die die, int * err_count_out, int only_line_header, Dwarf_Error * error) { /* This pointer is used to scan the portion of the .debug_line section for the current cu. */ Dwarf_Small *line_ptr = 0; Dwarf_Small *orig_line_ptr = 0; /* Pointer to a DW_AT_stmt_list attribute in case it exists in the die. */ Dwarf_Attribute stmt_list_attr = 0; /* Pointer to DW_AT_comp_dir attribute in die. */ Dwarf_Attribute comp_dir_attr = 0; /* Pointer to name of compilation directory. */ Dwarf_Small *comp_dir = NULL; /* Offset into .debug_line specified by a DW_AT_stmt_list attribute. */ Dwarf_Unsigned line_offset = 0; /* These variables are used to decode leb128 numbers. Leb128_num holds the decoded number, and leb128_length is its length in bytes. */ Dwarf_Half attrform = 0; /* In case there are wierd bytes 'after' the line table prologue this lets us print something. This is a gcc compiler bug and we expect the bytes count to be 12. */ Dwarf_Small* bogus_bytes_ptr = 0; Dwarf_Unsigned bogus_bytes_count = 0; Dwarf_Half address_size = 0; Dwarf_Unsigned fission_offset = 0; unsigned line_version = 0; /* The Dwarf_Debug this die belongs to. */ Dwarf_Debug dbg = 0; Dwarf_CU_Context cu_context = 0; Dwarf_Line_Context line_context = 0; int resattr = DW_DLV_ERROR; int lres = DW_DLV_ERROR; int res = DW_DLV_ERROR; Dwarf_Small *line_ptr_actuals = 0; Dwarf_Small *line_ptr_end = 0; Dwarf_Small *section_start = 0; /* ***** BEGIN CODE ***** */ if (error != NULL) { *error = NULL; } CHECK_DIE(die, DW_DLV_ERROR); cu_context = die->di_cu_context; dbg = cu_context->cc_dbg; res = _dwarf_load_section(dbg, &dbg->de_debug_line,error); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { return res; } if (!dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size) { return (DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY); } address_size = _dwarf_get_address_size(dbg, die); resattr = dwarf_attr(die, DW_AT_stmt_list, &stmt_list_attr, error); if (resattr != DW_DLV_OK) { return resattr; } /* The list of relevant FORMs is small. DW_FORM_data4, DW_FORM_data8, DW_FORM_sec_offset */ lres = dwarf_whatform(stmt_list_attr,&attrform,error); if (lres != DW_DLV_OK) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg,stmt_list_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); return lres; } if (attrform != DW_FORM_data4 && attrform != DW_FORM_data8 && attrform != DW_FORM_sec_offset ) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg,stmt_list_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_LINE_OFFSET_BAD); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } lres = dwarf_global_formref(stmt_list_attr, &line_offset, error); if (lres != DW_DLV_OK) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg,stmt_list_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); return lres; } if (line_offset >= dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg,stmt_list_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_LINE_OFFSET_BAD); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } section_start = dbg->de_debug_line.dss_data; { Dwarf_Unsigned fission_size = 0; int resfis = _dwarf_get_fission_addition_die(die, DW_SECT_LINE, &fission_offset,&fission_size,error); if(resfis != DW_DLV_OK) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg,stmt_list_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); return resfis; } } orig_line_ptr = section_start + line_offset + fission_offset; line_ptr = orig_line_ptr; dwarf_dealloc(dbg, stmt_list_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); /* If die has DW_AT_comp_dir attribute, get the string that names the compilation directory. */ resattr = dwarf_attr(die, DW_AT_comp_dir, &comp_dir_attr, error); if (resattr == DW_DLV_ERROR) { return resattr; } if (resattr == DW_DLV_OK) { int cres = DW_DLV_ERROR; char *cdir = 0; cres = dwarf_formstring(comp_dir_attr, &cdir, error); if (cres == DW_DLV_ERROR) { return cres; } else if (cres == DW_DLV_OK) { comp_dir = (Dwarf_Small *) cdir; } } if (resattr == DW_DLV_OK) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg, comp_dir_attr, DW_DLA_ATTR); } line_context = (Dwarf_Line_Context) _dwarf_get_alloc(dbg, DW_DLA_LINE_CONTEXT, 1); if (line_context == NULL) { _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_ALLOC_FAIL); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } { Dwarf_Small *newlinep = 0; int dres = _dwarf_read_line_table_header(dbg, cu_context, section_start, line_ptr, dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size, &newlinep, line_context, &bogus_bytes_ptr, &bogus_bytes_count, error, err_count_out); if (dres == DW_DLV_ERROR) { dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return dres; } if (dres == DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY) { dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return dres; } line_ptr_end = line_context->lc_line_ptr_end; line_ptr = newlinep; if (line_context->lc_actuals_table_offset > 0) { line_ptr_actuals = line_context->lc_line_prologue_start + line_context->lc_actuals_table_offset; } } line_version = line_context->lc_version_number; line_context->lc_compilation_directory = comp_dir; if (only_line_header) { /* Just checking for header errors, nothing more here.*/ dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return DW_DLV_OK; } do_line_print_now(dbg,line_version,comp_dir,line_context); print_include_directory_details(dbg,line_version,line_context); print_file_entry_details(dbg,line_version,line_context); print_experimental_counts(dbg, line_version,line_context); res = print_actuals_and_locals(dbg, line_context, bogus_bytes_count,bogus_bytes_ptr, orig_line_ptr, line_ptr, section_start, line_ptr_actuals, line_ptr_end, address_size, err_count_out, error); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { return res; } return DW_DLV_OK; } static void do_line_print_now(Dwarf_Debug dbg, int line_version, Dwarf_Small *comp_dir, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) { dwarfstring m7; Dwarf_Unsigned i = 0; dwarfstring_constructor(&m7); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, "total line info length %ld bytes,", line_context->lc_total_length); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m7, " line offset 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx, line_context->lc_section_offset); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m7, " %" DW_PR_DUu "\n", line_context->lc_section_offset); if (line_version <= DW_LINE_VERSION5) { dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " line table version %d\n", (int) line_context->lc_version_number); } else { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m7, " line table version 0x%x\n", (int) line_context->lc_version_number); } if (line_version == DW_LINE_VERSION5) { dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " address size %d\n", line_context->lc_address_size); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " segment selector size %d\n", line_context->lc_segment_selector_size); } _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m7)); dwarfstring_reset(&m7); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " line table length field length %d\n", line_context->lc_length_field_length); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " prologue length %d\n", line_context->lc_prologue_length); dwarfstring_append_printf_s(&m7, " compilation_directory %s\n", comp_dir ? ((char *) comp_dir) : ""); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " min instruction length %d\n", line_context->lc_minimum_instruction_length); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m7)); dwarfstring_reset(&m7); if (line_version == DW_LINE_VERSION5 || line_version == DW_LINE_VERSION4 || line_version == EXPERIMENTAL_LINE_TABLES_VERSION) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m7, " maximum ops per instruction %u\n", line_context->lc_maximum_ops_per_instruction); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m7)); dwarfstring_reset(&m7); } if (line_version == EXPERIMENTAL_LINE_TABLES_VERSION) { dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m7, " actuals table offset " "0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx "\n", line_context->lc_actuals_table_offset); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m7," logicals table offset " "0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx "\n", line_context->lc_logicals_table_offset); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m7)); dwarfstring_reset(&m7); } dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " default is stmt %d\n", (int)line_context->lc_default_is_stmt); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " line base %d\n", (int)line_context->lc_line_base); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " line_range %d\n", (int)line_context->lc_line_range); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " opcode base %d\n", (int)line_context->lc_opcode_base); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " standard opcode count %d\n", (int)line_context->lc_std_op_count); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m7)); dwarfstring_reset(&m7); for (i = 1; i < line_context->lc_opcode_base; i++) { dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " opcode[%2d] length", (int) i); dwarfstring_append_printf_i(&m7, " %d\n", (int) line_context->lc_opcode_length_table[i - 1]); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m7)); dwarfstring_reset(&m7); } dwarfstring_destructor(&m7); } static void print_experimental_counts(Dwarf_Debug dbg, int line_version, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context) { if (line_version == EXPERIMENTAL_LINE_TABLES_VERSION) { print_experimental_subprograms_list(dbg,line_context); } } static int print_actuals_and_locals(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Line_Context line_context, Dwarf_Unsigned bogus_bytes_count, Dwarf_Small *bogus_bytes_ptr, Dwarf_Small *orig_line_ptr, Dwarf_Small *line_ptr, Dwarf_Small *section_start, Dwarf_Small *line_ptr_actuals, Dwarf_Small *line_ptr_end, Dwarf_Half address_size, int * err_count_out, Dwarf_Error *error) { int res = 0; dwarfstring m8; Dwarf_Unsigned offset = 0; dwarfstring_constructor(&m8); if (bogus_bytes_count > 0) { Dwarf_Unsigned wcount = bogus_bytes_count; Dwarf_Unsigned boffset = bogus_bytes_ptr - section_start; dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m8, "*** DWARF CHECK: the line table prologue header_length " " is %" DW_PR_DUu " too high, we pretend it is smaller.", wcount); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m8, "Section offset: 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx, boffset); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m8, " (%" DW_PR_DUu ") ***\n", boffset); *err_count_out += 1; } offset = line_ptr - section_start; dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m8, " statement prog offset in section: 0x%" DW_PR_XZEROS DW_PR_DUx, offset); dwarfstring_append_printf_u(&m8, " (%" DW_PR_DUu ")\n", offset); _dwarf_printf(dbg,dwarfstring_string(&m8)); dwarfstring_reset(&m8); { Dwarf_Bool doaddrs = false; Dwarf_Bool dolines = true; if (!line_ptr_actuals) { /* Normal single level line table. */ Dwarf_Bool is_single_table = true; Dwarf_Bool is_actuals_table = false; print_line_header(dbg, is_single_table, is_actuals_table); res = read_line_table_program(dbg, line_ptr, line_ptr_end, orig_line_ptr, section_start, line_context, address_size, doaddrs, dolines, is_single_table, is_actuals_table, error, err_count_out); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { dwarfstring_destructor(&m8); dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return res; } } else { Dwarf_Bool is_single_table = false; Dwarf_Bool is_actuals_table = false; if (line_context->lc_version_number != EXPERIMENTAL_LINE_TABLES_VERSION) { dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); dwarfstring_destructor(&m8); _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_VERSION_STAMP_ERROR); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } /* Read Logicals */ print_line_header(dbg, is_single_table, is_actuals_table); res = read_line_table_program(dbg, line_ptr, line_ptr_actuals, orig_line_ptr, section_start, line_context, address_size, doaddrs, dolines, is_single_table, is_actuals_table, error,err_count_out); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { dwarfstring_destructor(&m8); dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return res; } if (line_context->lc_actuals_table_offset > 0) { is_actuals_table = true; /* Read Actuals */ print_line_header(dbg, is_single_table, is_actuals_table); res = read_line_table_program(dbg, line_ptr_actuals, line_ptr_end, orig_line_ptr, section_start, line_context, address_size, doaddrs, dolines, is_single_table, is_actuals_table, error, err_count_out); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { dwarfstring_destructor(&m8); dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return res; } } } } dwarfstring_destructor(&m8); dwarf_srclines_dealloc_b(line_context); return DW_DLV_OK; } /* This is support for dwarfdump: making it possible for clients wanting line detail info on stdout to get that detail without including internal libdwarf header information. Caller passes in compilation unit DIE. The _dwarf_ version is obsolete (though supported for compatibility). The dwarf_ version is preferred. The functions are intentionally identical: having _dwarf_print_lines call dwarf_print_lines might better emphasize they are intentionally identical, but that seemed slightly silly given how short the functions are. Interface adds error_count (output value) February 2009. These *print_lines() functions print two-level tables in full even when the user is not asking for both (ie, when the caller asked for dwarf_srclines(). It was an accident, but after a short reflection this seems like a good idea for -vvv. */ int dwarf_print_lines(Dwarf_Die die, Dwarf_Error * error, int *error_count) { int only_line_header = 0; int res = _dwarf_internal_printlines(die, error_count, only_line_header,error); return res; } int _dwarf_print_lines(Dwarf_Die die, Dwarf_Error * error) { int only_line_header = 0; int err_count = 0; int res = _dwarf_internal_printlines(die, &err_count, only_line_header,error); /* No way to get error count back in this interface */ return res; } /* The check is in case we are not printing full line data, this gets some of the issues noted with .debug_line, but not all. Call dwarf_print_lines() to get all issues. Intended for apps like dwarfdump. dwarf_check_lineheader_b() new 14 April 2020. */ int dwarf_check_lineheader_b(Dwarf_Die die, int *err_count_out, Dwarf_Error *err) { int res = 0; int only_line_header = 1; res = _dwarf_internal_printlines(die,err_count_out, only_line_header,err); return res; } /* This is ugly, no way to detect errors. They get ignored. see dwarf_check_lineheader_b() above. */ void dwarf_check_lineheader(Dwarf_Die die, int *err_count_out) { int res = 0; Dwarf_Error err = 0; int only_line_header = 1; res = _dwarf_internal_printlines(die,err_count_out, only_line_header,&err); if (res == DW_DLV_ERROR) { Dwarf_CU_Context c = 0; Dwarf_Debug dbg = 0; c = die->di_cu_context; if (!c) { return; } dbg = c->cc_dbg; dwarf_dealloc(dbg,err,DW_DLA_ERROR); err = 0; } }