/* Copyright (C) 2015-2015 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* dwarf_macro5.h For the DWARF5 .debug_macro section (also appears as an extension to DWARF4) */ struct Dwarf_Macro_Forms_s { /* Code means DW_MACRO_define etc. */ Dwarf_Small mf_code; /* How many entries in mf_formbytes array. */ Dwarf_Small mf_formcount; /* Never free these, these are in the object file memory */ const Dwarf_Small * mf_formbytes; }; struct Dwarf_Macro_OperationsList_s { unsigned mol_count; struct Dwarf_Macro_Forms_s * mol_data; }; struct Dwarf_Macro_Operator_s { /* mo_opcode == mo_form->mf_code */ Dwarf_Small mo_opcode; struct Dwarf_Macro_Forms_s * mo_form; /* Points at the first byte of the data, meaning it points one-past the macro operation code byte. */ Dwarf_Small * mo_data; }; #define MACRO_OFFSET_SIZE_FLAG 1 #define MACRO_LINE_OFFSET_FLAG 2 #define MACRO_OP_TABLE_FLAG 4 /* Could be reordered to be most space efficient. That might be a little harder to read. Hmm. */ struct Dwarf_Macro_Context_s { Dwarf_Unsigned mc_sentinel; Dwarf_Half mc_version_number; /* Section_offset in .debug_macro of macro header */ Dwarf_Unsigned mc_section_offset; /* Total length of the macro data for this CU. Calculated, not part of header. */ Dwarf_Unsigned mc_total_length; Dwarf_Half mc_macro_header_length; Dwarf_Small mc_flags; /* If DW_MACRO_start_file is in the operators of this table then the mc_debug_line_offset must be present from the header. */ Dwarf_Unsigned mc_debug_line_offset; /* the following three set from the bits in mc_flags */ /* If 1, offsets 64 bits */ Dwarf_Bool mc_offset_size_flag; /* if 1, debug_line offset is present. */ Dwarf_Bool mc_debug_line_offset_flag; /* 4 or 8, depending on mc_offset_size_flag */ Dwarf_Small mc_offset_size; /* If one the operands/opcodes (mc_opcode_forms) table is present in the header. If not we use a default table. Even when there are operands in the header the standardops may or may not be defined in the header. */ Dwarf_Bool mc_operands_table_flag; /* Count of the Dwarf_Macro_Forms_s structs pointed to by mc_opcode_forms. These from the header. */ Dwarf_Small mc_opcode_count; struct Dwarf_Macro_Forms_s *mc_opcode_forms; /* mc_ops must be free()d, but pointers inside mc_ops are to static or section data so must not be freed. */ Dwarf_Unsigned mc_macro_ops_count; Dwarf_Unsigned mc_ops_data_length; struct Dwarf_Macro_Operator_s *mc_ops; Dwarf_Small * mc_macro_header; Dwarf_Small * mc_macro_ops; /* These are malloc space, not _dwarf_get_alloc() so the DW_DLA_MACRO_CONTEXT dealloc will free them. */ char ** mc_srcfiles; Dwarf_Signed mc_srcfiles_count; /* These are from CU DIE attribute names. They may be NULL or point at data in a dwarf section. Do not free(). This attempts to make up for the lack of a base file name in DWARF2,3,4 line tables. */ const char * mc_at_comp_dir; const char * mc_at_name; /* The following is malloc,so macro_context_s destructor needs to free it. */ const char * mc_file_path; Dwarf_Debug mc_dbg; Dwarf_CU_Context mc_cu_context; }; int _dwarf_macro_constructor(Dwarf_Debug dbg, void *m); void _dwarf_macro_destructor(void *m);