Lines Matching refs:u8

118 	u8 cqe_error_status_bits;
136 u8 error_status /* all error bits as uint8 */;
156 u8 flags_attr;
161 u8 opcode /* opcode */;
174 u8 async_vcode /* AsuncVCode */;
175 u8 async_event /* AsyncEvent */;
188 u8 flags_attr;
199 u8 hdr_first_byte;
225 u8 hdr_status /* Status field of ISCSI header */;
226 u8 hdr_response /* Response field of ISCSI header for Responses / Reserved for Data-In */;
227 u8 hdr_flags /* Flags field of ISCSI header */;
228 u8 hdr_first_byte;
262 u8 flags;
271 u8 pbl_page_size_log /* Page size with PBEs log; Page Size = 2^(page_size_log+12) */;
272 u8 pbe_page_size_log /* PBE page size with log; Page Size = 2^(page_size_log+12) */;
273 u8 default_cq /* Default CQ used to write unsolicited data */;
283 u8 op_code /* iscsi bus-drv message opcode */;
284 u8 flags;
301 u8 flags;
316 u8 reserved0[3];
331 u8 flags_attr;
342 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
361 u8 version_min /* Version-min */;
362 u8 version_max /* Version-max */;
363 u8 flags_attr;
374 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
397 u8 reason_code /* Reason Code */;
398 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
415 u8 flags_attr;
420 u8 opcode /* opcode */;
438 u8 status_rsvd /* Status or reserved */;
439 u8 reserved1 /* reserved */;
440 u8 flags;
453 u8 opcode /* opcode */;
471 u8 reserved0[3] /* reserved */;
472 u8 opcode /* opcode */;
491 u8 flags_attr;
496 u8 opcode /* opcode */;
515 u8 flags_attr;
520 u8 opcode /* opcode */;
542 u8 version_active /* Version-active */;
543 u8 version_max /* Version-max */;
544 u8 flags_attr;
555 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
570 u8 status_detail /* status_detail */;
571 u8 status_class /* status_class */;
580 u8 reserved1 /* reserved */;
581 u8 response /* response */;
582 u8 flags /* flags and attributes */;
583 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
607 u8 flags_attr;
614 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
634 u8 flags;
641 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
662 u8 function /* function */;
663 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
681 u8 reserved2 /* reserved2 */;
682 u8 hdr_response /* Response field of ISCSI header for Responses / Reserved for Data-In */;
683 u8 hdr_flags /* Flags field of ISCSI header */;
684 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
704 u8 hdr_status /* Status field of ISCSI header */;
705 u8 hdr_response /* Response field of ISCSI header for Responses / Reserved for Data-In */;
706 u8 hdr_flags /* Flags field of ISCSI header */;
707 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
729 u8 reserved4 /* Reserved */;
730 u8 hdr_reason /* The reject reason */;
731 u8 hdr_flags /* Flags field of ISCSI header */;
732 u8 opcode /* opcode. [constant, initialized] */;
781 u8 cqe_type /* Indicates CQE type */;
793 u8 cqe_type /* Indicates CQE type */;
796 u8 task_type /* Task type */;
797 u8 fw_dbg_field /* FW debug params */;
798 u8 caused_conn_err /* Equals 1 if this TID caused the connection error, otherwise equals 0. */;
799 u8 reserved0[3];
810 u8 cqe_type /* Indicates CQE type */;
813 u8 reserved1 /* Reserved */;
814u8 unsol_cqe_type /* Represent this unsolicited CQE position in a sequence of packets belonging to…
868 u8 flags;
893 u8 flags;
1047 u8 reserved0[2];
1085 u8 abortive /* Mark termination as abort(reset) flow */;
1086 u8 reserved0[7];
1110u8 num_sq_pages_in_ring /* Number of entries in the SQ PBL. Provided by driver at function init sp…
1111u8 num_r2tq_pages_in_ring /* Number of entries in the R2TQ PBL. Provided by driver at function ini…
1112u8 num_uhq_pages_in_ring /* Number of entries in the uHQ PBL (xHQ entries is X2). Provided by driv…
1113 u8 ll2_rx_queue_id /* Queue ID of the Light-L2 Rx Queue */;
1114 u8 ooo_enable /* Enable Out Of Order mode (enable = 1) */;
1136 u8 flags;
1153 u8 scan_start_sgl_index /* Starting SGL index of next retransmit SGL scan */;
1154 u8 fast_rxmit_sgl_index /* SGL index from which to continue dummy-read or start fast retransmit */;
1170 u8 reserved /* cdu_validation */;
1171 u8 byte1 /* state */;
1173 u8 flags0;
1184 u8 flags1;
1195 u8 flags2;
1212 u8 byte2 /* byte2 */;
1214 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1215 u8 byte4 /* byte4 */;
1221 u8 cdu_validation /* cdu_validation */;
1222 u8 byte1 /* state */;
1224 u8 flags0;
1235 u8 flags1;
1246 u8 flags2;
1263 u8 byte2 /* byte2 */;
1265 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1266 u8 byte4 /* byte4 */;
1272 u8 reserved /* cdu_validation */;
1273 u8 state /* state */;
1275 u8 flags0;
1284 u8 flags1;
1293 u8 flags2;
1310 u8 flags3;
1327 u8 next_tid_valid /* byte2 */;
1328 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1345 u8 task_type /* Task type, (use: iscsi_task_type enum) */;
1347 u8 reserved0[2] /* reserved0 */;
1363 u8 flags2;
1374 u8 task_type /* Task Type */;
1375 u8 error_flags;
1384 u8 flags;
1399 u8 cq_rss_number /* Task CQ_RSS number 0.63 */;
1486 u8 flags;
1526u8 total_ahs_length /* Initiator mode only: Total AHS Length. greater than zero if and only if PDU…
1527 u8 opcode /* Type opcode for command PDU */;
1528 u8 flags;
1615 u8 byte0 /* cdu_validation */;
1616 u8 byte1 /* state */;
1618 u8 flags0;
1629 u8 flags1;
1640 u8 flags2;
1649 u8 flags3;
1664 u8 flags4;
1681 u8 byte2 /* byte2 */;
1684 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1685 u8 byte4 /* byte4 */;
1698 u8 cdu_validation /* cdu_validation */;
1699 u8 byte1 /* state_and_core_id */;
1701 u8 flags0;
1712 u8 flags1;
1723 u8 flags2;
1740 u8 flags3;
1754 u8 byte2 /* byte2 */;
1755 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1756 u8 byte4 /* byte4 */;
1757 u8 e4_reserved7 /* byte5 */;
1763 u8 byte0 /* cdu_validation */;
1764 u8 byte1 /* state_and_core_id */;
1766 u8 flags0;
1777 u8 flags1;
1788 u8 flags2;
1797 u8 flags3;
1812 u8 flags4;
1829 u8 byte2 /* byte2 */;
1832 u8 byte3 /* regpair0 */;
1833 u8 byte4 /* byte4 */;
1844 u8 reserved /* cdu_validation */;
1845 u8 state_and_core_id /* state_and_core_id */;
1847 u8 flags0;
1856 u8 flags1;
1865 u8 flags2;
1882 u8 flags3;
1899 u8 flags4;
1908 u8 next_tid_valid /* byte2 */;
1909 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1910 u8 e4_reserved8 /* byte4 */;
1926 u8 reserved /* cdu_validation */;
1927 u8 byte1 /* state_and_core_id */;
1929 u8 flags0;
1940 u8 flags1;
1951 u8 flags2;
1968 u8 flags3;
1982 u8 byte2 /* byte2 */;
1983 u8 byte3 /* byte3 */;
1984 u8 byte4 /* byte4 */;
1985 u8 e4_reserved7 /* byte5 */;
1994 u8 params;
2005 u8 agg_flags /* bit for every DQ counter flags in CM context that DQ can increment */;