Lines Matching refs:T

156 #define T(x)		fprintf(stderr,x)  macro
168 T("NAME\n"); in help()
169 T(" testregex - regex(3) test harness\n"); in help()
170 T("\n"); in help()
171 T("SYNOPSIS\n"); in help()
172 T(" testregex [ options ]\n"); in help()
173 T("\n"); in help()
174 T("DESCRIPTION\n"); in help()
175 T(" testregex reads regex(3) test specifications, one per line, from the\n"); in help()
176 T(" standard input and writes one output line for each failed test. A\n"); in help()
177 T(" summary line is written after all tests are done. Each successful\n"); in help()
178 T(" test is run again with REG_NOSUB. Unsupported features are noted\n"); in help()
179 T(" before the first test, and tests requiring these features are\n"); in help()
180 T(" silently ignored.\n"); in help()
181 T("\n"); in help()
182 T("OPTIONS\n"); in help()
183 T(" -c catch signals and non-terminating calls\n"); in help()
184 T(" -e ignore error return mismatches\n"); in help()
185 T(" -h list help on standard error\n"); in help()
186 T(" -n do not repeat successful tests with regnexec()\n"); in help()
187 T(" -o ignore match[] overrun errors\n"); in help()
188 T(" -p ignore negative position mismatches\n"); in help()
189 T(" -s use stack instead of malloc\n"); in help()
190 T(" -x do not repeat successful tests with REG_NOSUB\n"); in help()
191 T(" -v list each test line\n"); in help()
192 T(" -A list failed test lines with actual answers\n"); in help()
193 T(" -B list all test lines with actual answers\n"); in help()
194 T(" -F list failed test lines\n"); in help()
195 T(" -P list passed test lines\n"); in help()
196 T(" -S output one summary line\n"); in help()
197 T("\n"); in help()
198 T("INPUT FORMAT\n"); in help()
199 T(" Input lines may be blank, a comment beginning with #, or a test\n"); in help()
200 T(" specification. A specification is five fields separated by one\n"); in help()
201 T(" or more tabs. NULL denotes the empty string and NIL denotes the\n"); in help()
202 T(" 0 pointer.\n"); in help()
203 T("\n"); in help()
204 T(" Field 1: the regex(3) flags to apply, one character per REG_feature\n"); in help()
205 T(" flag. The test is skipped if REG_feature is not supported by the\n"); in help()
206 T(" implementation. If the first character is not [BEASKLP] then the\n"); in help()
207 T(" specification is a global control line. One or more of [BEASKLP] may be\n"); in help()
208 T(" specified; the test will be repeated for each mode.\n"); in help()
209 T("\n"); in help()
210 T(" B basic BRE (grep, ed, sed)\n"); in help()
211 T(" E REG_EXTENDED ERE (egrep)\n"); in help()
212 T(" A REG_AUGMENTED ARE (egrep with negation)\n"); in help()
213 T(" S REG_SHELL SRE (sh glob)\n"); in help()
214 T(" K REG_SHELL|REG_AUGMENTED KRE (ksh glob)\n"); in help()
215 T(" L REG_LITERAL LRE (fgrep)\n"); in help()
216 T("\n"); in help()
217 T(" a REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT implicit ^...$\n"); in help()
218 T(" b REG_NOTBOL lhs does not match ^\n"); in help()
219 T(" c REG_COMMENT ignore space and #...\\n\n"); in help()
220 T(" d REG_SHELL_DOT explicit leading . match\n"); in help()
221 T(" e REG_NOTEOL rhs does not match $\n"); in help()
222 T(" f REG_MULTIPLE multiple \\n separated patterns\n"); in help()
223 T(" g FNM_LEADING_DIR testfnmatch only -- match until /\n"); in help()
224 T(" h REG_MULTIREF multiple digit backref\n"); in help()
225 T(" i REG_ICASE ignore case\n"); in help()
226 T(" j REG_SPAN . matches \\n\n"); in help()
227 T(" k REG_ESCAPE \\ to ecape [...] delimiter\n"); in help()
228 T(" l REG_LEFT implicit ^...\n"); in help()
229 T(" m REG_MINIMAL minimal match\n"); in help()
230 T(" n REG_NEWLINE explicit \\n match\n"); in help()
231 T(" o REG_ENCLOSED (|&) magic inside [@|&](...)\n"); in help()
232 T(" p REG_SHELL_PATH explicit / match\n"); in help()
233 T(" q REG_DELIMITED delimited pattern\n"); in help()
234 T(" r REG_RIGHT implicit ...$\n"); in help()
235 T(" s REG_SHELL_ESCAPED \\ not special\n"); in help()
236 T(" t REG_MUSTDELIM all delimiters must be specified\n"); in help()
237 T(" u standard unspecified behavior -- errors not counted\n"); in help()
238 T(" v REG_CLASS_ESCAPE \\ special inside [...]\n"); in help()
239 T(" w REG_NOSUB no subexpression match array\n"); in help()
240 T(" x REG_LENIENT let some errors slide\n"); in help()
241 T(" y REG_LEFT regexec() implicit ^...\n"); in help()
242 T(" z REG_NULL NULL subexpressions ok\n"); in help()
243 T(" $ expand C \\c escapes in fields 2 and 3\n"); in help()
244 T(" / field 2 is a regsubcomp() expression\n"); in help()
245 T(" = field 3 is a regdecomp() expression\n"); in help()
246 T("\n"); in help()
247 T(" Field 1 control lines:\n"); in help()
248 T("\n"); in help()
249 T(" C set LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE to locale in field 2\n"); in help()
250 T("\n"); in help()
251 T(" ?test ... output field 5 if passed and != EXPECTED, silent otherwise\n"); in help()
252 T(" &test ... output field 5 if current and previous passed\n"); in help()
253 T(" |test ... output field 5 if current passed and previous failed\n"); in help()
254 T(" ; ... output field 2 if previous failed\n"); in help()
255 T(" {test ... skip if failed until }\n"); in help()
256 T(" } end of skip\n"); in help()
257 T("\n"); in help()
258 T(" : comment comment copied as output NOTE\n"); in help()
259 T(" :comment:test :comment: ignored\n"); in help()
260 T(" N[OTE] comment comment copied as output NOTE\n"); in help()
261 T(" T[EST] comment comment\n"); in help()
262 T("\n"); in help()
263 T(" number use number for nmatch (20 by default)\n"); in help()
264 T("\n"); in help()
265 T(" Field 2: the regular expression pattern; SAME uses the pattern from\n"); in help()
266 T(" the previous specification. RE_DUP_MAX inside {...} expands to the\n"); in help()
267 T(" value from <limits.h>.\n"); in help()
268 T("\n"); in help()
269 T(" Field 3: the string to match. X...{RE_DUP_MAX} expands to RE_DUP_MAX\n"); in help()
270 T(" copies of X.\n"); in help()
271 T("\n"); in help()
272 T(" Field 4: the test outcome. This is either one of the posix error\n"); in help()
273 T(" codes (with REG_ omitted) or the match array, a list of (m,n)\n"); in help()
274 T(" entries with m and n being first and last+1 positions in the\n"); in help()
275 T(" field 3 string, or NULL if REG_NOSUB is in effect and success\n"); in help()
276 T(" is expected. BADPAT is acceptable in place of any regcomp(3)\n"); in help()
277 T(" error code. The match[] array is initialized to (-2,-2) before\n"); in help()
278 T(" each test. All array elements from 0 to nmatch-1 must be specified\n"); in help()
279 T(" in the outcome. Unspecified endpoints (offset -1) are denoted by ?.\n"); in help()
280 T(" Unset endpoints (offset -2) are denoted by X. {x}(o:n) denotes a\n"); in help()
281 T(" matched (?{...}) expression, where x is the text enclosed by {...},\n"); in help()
282 T(" o is the expression ordinal counting from 1, and n is the length of\n"); in help()
283 T(" the unmatched portion of the subject string. If x starts with a\n"); in help()
284 T(" number then that is the return value of re_execf(), otherwise 0 is\n"); in help()
285 T(" returned. RE_DUP_MAX[-+]N expands to the <limits.h> value -+N.\n"); in help()
286 T("\n"); in help()
287 T(" Field 5: optional comment appended to the report.\n"); in help()
288 T("\n"); in help()
289 T("CAVEAT\n"); in help()
290 T(" If a regex implementation misbehaves with memory then all bets are off.\n"); in help()
291 T("\n"); in help()
292 T("CONTRIBUTORS\n"); in help()
293 T(" Glenn Fowler (ksh strmatch, regex extensions)\n"); in help()
294 T(" David Korn (ksh glob matcher)\n"); in help()
295 T(" Doug McIlroy (ast regex/testre in C++)\n"); in help()
296 T(" Tom Lord (rx tests)\n"); in help()
297 T(" Henry Spencer (original public regex)\n"); in help()
298 T(" Andrew Hume (gre tests)\n"); in help()
299 T(" John Maddock (regex++ tests)\n"); in help()
300 T(" Philip Hazel (pcre tests)\n"); in help()
301 T(" Ville Laurikari (libtre tests)\n"); in help()