Lines Matching defs:fs

62 struct fs {  struct
63 grub_uint32_t fs_link; /* linked list of file systems */ argument
64 grub_uint32_t fs_rolled; /* logging only: fs fully rolled */ argument
65 grub_daddr32_t fs_sblkno; /* addr of super-block in filesys */ argument
66 grub_daddr32_t fs_cblkno; /* offset of cyl-block in filesys */ argument
67 grub_daddr32_t fs_iblkno; /* offset of inode-blocks in filesys */ argument
68 grub_daddr32_t fs_dblkno; /* offset of first data after cg */ argument
69 grub_int32_t fs_cgoffset; /* cylinder group offset in cylinder */ argument
70 grub_int32_t fs_cgmask; /* used to calc mod fs_ntrak */ argument
71 grub_time32_t fs_time; /* last time written */ argument
72 grub_int32_t fs_size; /* number of blocks in fs */ argument
73 grub_int32_t fs_dsize; /* number of data blocks in fs */ argument
74 grub_int32_t fs_ncg; /* number of cylinder groups */ argument
75 grub_int32_t fs_bsize; /* size of basic blocks in fs */ argument
76 grub_int32_t fs_fsize; /* size of frag blocks in fs */ argument
77 grub_int32_t fs_frag; /* number of frags in a block in fs */ argument
79 grub_int32_t fs_minfree; /* minimum percentage of free blocks */ argument
80 grub_int32_t fs_rotdelay; /* num of ms for optimal next block */ argument
81 grub_int32_t fs_rps; /* disk revolutions per second */ argument
83 grub_int32_t fs_bmask; /* ``blkoff'' calc of blk offsets */ argument
84 grub_int32_t fs_fmask; /* ``fragoff'' calc of frag offsets */ argument
85 grub_int32_t fs_bshift; /* ``lblkno'' calc of logical blkno */ argument
86 grub_int32_t fs_fshift; /* ``numfrags'' calc number of frags */ argument
88 grub_int32_t fs_maxcontig; /* max number of contiguous blks */ argument
89 grub_int32_t fs_maxbpg; /* max number of blks per cyl group */ argument
91 grub_int32_t fs_fragshift; /* block to frag shift */ argument
92 grub_int32_t fs_fsbtodb; /* fsbtodb and dbtofsb shift constant */ argument
93 grub_int32_t fs_sbsize; /* actual size of super block */ argument
94 grub_int32_t fs_csmask; /* csum block offset */ argument
95 grub_int32_t fs_csshift; /* csum block number */ argument
96 grub_int32_t fs_nindir; /* value of NINDIR */ argument
97 grub_int32_t fs_inopb; /* value of INOPB */ argument
98 grub_int32_t fs_nspf; /* value of NSPF */ argument
100 grub_int32_t fs_optim; /* optimization preference, see below */ argument
115 grub_int32_t fs_state; /* file system state time stamp */ argument
116 grub_int32_t fs_si; /* summary info state - lufs only */ argument
117 grub_int32_t fs_trackskew; /* sector 0 skew, per track */ argument
122 grub_int32_t fs_id[2]; /* file system id */ argument
124 grub_daddr32_t fs_csaddr; /* blk addr of cyl grp summary area */ argument
125 grub_int32_t fs_cssize; /* size of cyl grp summary area */ argument
126 grub_int32_t fs_cgsize; /* cylinder group size */ argument
128 grub_int32_t fs_ntrak; /* tracks per cylinder */ argument
129 grub_int32_t fs_nsect; /* sectors per track */ argument
130 grub_int32_t fs_spc; /* sectors per cylinder */ argument
132 grub_int32_t fs_ncyl; /* cylinders in file system */ argument
134 grub_int32_t fs_cpg; /* cylinders per group */ argument
135 grub_int32_t fs_ipg; /* inodes per group */ argument
136 grub_int32_t fs_fpg; /* blocks per group * fs_frag */ argument
138 struct csum fs_cstotal; /* cylinder summary information */ argument
140 char fs_fmod; /* super block modified flag */ argument
141 char fs_clean; /* file system state flag */ argument
142 char fs_ronly; /* mounted read-only flag */ argument
143 char fs_flags; /* largefiles flag, etc. */ argument
144 char fs_fsmnt[MAXMNTLEN]; /* name mounted on */ argument
146 grub_int32_t fs_cgrotor; /* last cg searched */ argument
153 union { /* fs_cs (csum) info */ argument
156 } fs_u; argument
157 grub_int32_t fs_cpc; /* cyl per cycle in postbl */ argument
158 short fs_opostbl[16][8]; /* old rotation block list head */ argument
159 grub_int32_t fs_sparecon[51]; /* reserved for future constants */ argument
160 grub_int32_t fs_version; /* minor version of MTB ufs */ argument
161 grub_int32_t fs_logbno; /* block # of embedded log */ argument
162 grub_int32_t fs_reclaim; /* reclaim open, deleted files */ argument
163 grub_int32_t fs_sparecon2; /* reserved for future constant */ argument
165 grub_int32_t fs_npsect; /* # sectors/track including spares */ argument
166 grub_quad_t fs_qbmask; /* ~fs_bmask - for use with quad size */ argument
167 grub_quad_t fs_qfmask; /* ~fs_fmask - for use with quad size */ argument
168 grub_int32_t fs_postblformat; /* fmt of positional layout tables */ argument
169 grub_int32_t fs_nrpos; /* number of rotaional positions */ argument
170 grub_int32_t fs_postbloff; /* (short) rotation block list head */ argument
171 grub_int32_t fs_rotbloff; /* (grub_uchar_t) blocks for each */ argument
173 grub_int32_t fs_magic; /* magic number */ argument
174 grub_uchar_t fs_space[1]; /* list of blocks for each rotation */ argument
208 #define INOPB(fs) ((fs)->fs_inopb) argument
209 #define itoo(fs, x) ((x) % (grub_uint32_t)INOPB(fs)) argument
210 #define itog(fs, x) ((x) / (grub_uint32_t)(fs)->fs_ipg) argument
211 #define itod(fs, x) ((grub_daddr32_t)(cgimin(fs, itog(fs, x)) + \ argument
216 #define UFS_NINDIR(fs) ((fs)->fs_nindir) /* # of indirects */ argument
217 #define blkoff(fs, loc) ((int)((loc & ~(fs)->fs_bmask))) argument
218 #define lblkno(fs, loc) ((grub_int32_t)((loc) >> (fs)->fs_bshift)) argument
220 #define fsbtodb(fs, b) (((grub_daddr32_t)(b)) << (fs)->fs_fsbtodb) argument
221 #define blkstofrags(fs, b) ((b) << (fs)->fs_fragshift) argument
224 #define cgbase(fs, c) ((grub_daddr32_t)((fs)->fs_fpg * (c))) argument
225 #define cgimin(fs, c) (cgstart(fs, c) + (fs)->fs_iblkno) /* inode block */ argument
226 #define cgstart(fs, c) \ argument