Lines Matching refs:event

43 event sources:
48 object-specific event handlers:
92 the process proper and will often post their results to the main event
93 queue. All event sources post events onto the main event queue. In
98 on the event queue, and external events which are both enqueued on
99 the event queue and sent to registered listeners (via nwam_event_send()).
101 So the structure of the daemon is a set of threads that drive event
102 generation. Events are posted either directly onto the event queue
103 or are delayed by posting onto the pending event queue. SIGALARMs
104 are set for the event delay, and when the SIGALARM is received
105 pending events that have expired are moved onto the event queue
111 queue is empty performing those checks. A typical event profile will
112 be one event (e.g. a link down) causing a flurry of other events (e.g.
114 initial event have been carried out to make higher level decisions we
127 o the event handling thread: a thread blocking until events appear on the
128 event queue, processing each event in order. Events that require
135 DHCP requests, WLAN scans etc that cannot hold up event processing in
136 the main event handling thread.
151 Each object type registers a set of event handler functions with the event
152 framework such that when an event occurs, the appropriate handler for the
153 object type is used. The event handlers are usually called
366 This function creates an OBJECT_STATE event containing
367 the new state/aux_state and enqueues it in the event
369 event, and in response to the current state/aux state and
370 desired aux state it responds appropriately in the event
372 actions as appropriate. The object state event is