< static int cons_color = CONS_COLOR;
> static bcons_dev_t bcons_dev; /* Device callbacks */
> /*
> * Simple console terminal emulator for early boot.
> * We need this to support kmdb, all other console output is supposed
> * to be simple text output.
> */
> typedef enum btem_state_type {
> } btem_state_type_t;
> #define BTEM_MAXPARAMS 5
> typedef struct btem_state {
> btem_state_type_t btem_state;
> boolean_t btem_gotparam;
> int btem_curparam;
> int btem_paramval;
> int btem_params[BTEM_MAXPARAMS];
> } btem_state_t;
> static btem_state_t boot_tem;
< /* Put the character C on the screen. */
< static void
< screen_putchar(int c)
< {
< int row, col;
< vga_getpos(&row, &col);
< switch (c) {
< case '\t':
< col += 8 - (col % 8);
< if (col == VGA_TEXT_COLS)
< col = 79;
< vga_setpos(row, col);
< break;
< case '\r':
< vga_setpos(row, 0);
< break;
< case '\b':
< if (col > 0)
< vga_setpos(row, col - 1);
< break;
< case '\n':
< if (row < VGA_TEXT_ROWS - 1)
< vga_setpos(row + 1, col);
< else
< vga_scroll(cons_color);
< break;
< default:
< vga_drawc(c, cons_color);
< if (col < VGA_TEXT_COLS -1)
< vga_setpos(row, col + 1);
< else if (row < VGA_TEXT_ROWS - 1)
< vga_setpos(row + 1, 0);
< else {
< vga_setpos(row, 0);
< vga_scroll(cons_color);
< }
< break;
< }
< }
< if (xbi_fb_init(xbi) == B_FALSE)
> if (xbi_fb_init(xbi, &bcons_dev) == B_FALSE)
< if (fb_info.paddr == 0) {
> if (fb_info.paddr == 0)
< }
< fb_info.terminal.x = 80;
< fb_info.terminal.y = 34;
> fb_info.terminal.x = VGA_TEXT_COLS;
> fb_info.terminal.y = VGA_TEXT_ROWS;
< static int
< set_vga_color(void)
< {
< int color;
< uint8_t tmp;
< /* Bk Rd Gr Br Bl Mg Cy Wh */
< uint8_t dim_xlate[] = { 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 4, 8 };
< uint8_t brt_xlate[] = { 9, 13, 11, 15, 10, 14, 12, 0 };
< uint8_t solaris_color_to_pc_color[16] = {
< 15, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
< };
< /*
< * Now we have two principal cases, black on white and white on black.
< * And we have possible inverse to switch them, and we want to
< * follow the tem logic to set VGA TEXT color. FB will take care
< * of itself in boot_fb.c
< */
< if (fb_info.inverse == B_TRUE ||
< fb_info.inverse_screen == B_TRUE) {
< tmp = dim_xlate[fb_info.fg_color];
< color = solaris_color_to_pc_color[tmp] << 4;
< tmp = brt_xlate[fb_info.bg_color];
< color |= solaris_color_to_pc_color[tmp];
< return (color);
< }
< /* use bright white for background */
< if (fb_info.bg_color == 7)
< tmp = brt_xlate[fb_info.bg_color];
< else
< tmp = dim_xlate[fb_info.bg_color];
< color = solaris_color_to_pc_color[tmp] << 4;
< tmp = dim_xlate[fb_info.fg_color];
< color |= solaris_color_to_pc_color[tmp];
< return (color);
< }
< cons_color = set_vga_color();
< boot_vga_init(cons_color);
> boot_vga_init(&bcons_dev);
> btem_control(btem_state_t *btem, int c)
> {
> int y, rows, cols;
> rows = fb_info.cursor.pos.y;
> cols = fb_info.cursor.pos.x;
> btem->btem_state = A_STATE_START;
> switch (c) {
> case A_BS:
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows, cols - 1);
> break;
> case A_HT:
> cols += 8 - (cols % 8);
> if (cols >= fb_info.terminal.x)
> cols = fb_info.terminal.x - 1;
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows, cols);
> break;
> case A_CR:
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows, 0);
> break;
> case A_FF:
> for (y = 0; y < fb_info.terminal.y; y++) {
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(y, 0);
> bcons_dev.bd_eraseline();
> }
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(0, 0);
> break;
> case A_ESC:
> btem->btem_state = A_STATE_ESC;
> break;
> default:
> bcons_dev.bd_putchar(c);
> break;
> }
> }
> /*
> * if parameters [0..count - 1] are not set, set them to the value
> * of newparam.
> */
> static void
> btem_setparam(btem_state_t *btem, int count, int newparam)
> {
> int i;
> for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
> if (btem->btem_params[i] == -1)
> btem->btem_params[i] = newparam;
> }
> }
> static void
> btem_chkparam(btem_state_t *btem, int c)
> {
> int rows, cols;
> rows = fb_info.cursor.pos.y;
> cols = fb_info.cursor.pos.x;
> switch (c) {
> case '@': /* insert char */
> btem_setparam(btem, 1, 1);
> bcons_dev.bd_shift(btem->btem_params[0]);
> break;
> case 'A': /* cursor up */
> btem_setparam(btem, 1, 1);
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows - btem->btem_params[0], cols);
> break;
> case 'B': /* cursor down */
> btem_setparam(btem, 1, 1);
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows + btem->btem_params[0], cols);
> break;
> case 'C': /* cursor right */
> btem_setparam(btem, 1, 1);
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows, cols + btem->btem_params[0]);
> break;
> case 'D': /* cursor left */
> btem_setparam(btem, 1, 1);
> bcons_dev.bd_setpos(rows, cols - btem->btem_params[0]);
> break;
> case 'K':
> bcons_dev.bd_eraseline();
> break;
> default:
> /* bcons_dev.bd_putchar(c); */
> break;
> }
> btem->btem_state = A_STATE_START;
> }
> static void
> btem_getparams(btem_state_t *btem, int c)
> {
> if (isdigit(c)) {
> btem->btem_paramval = btem->btem_paramval * 10 + c - '0';
> btem->btem_gotparam = B_TRUE;
> return;
> }
> if (btem->btem_curparam < BTEM_MAXPARAMS) {
> if (btem->btem_gotparam == B_TRUE) {
> btem->btem_params[btem->btem_curparam] =
> btem->btem_paramval;
> }
> btem->btem_curparam++;
> }
> if (c == ';') {
> /* Restart parameter search */
> btem->btem_gotparam = B_FALSE;
> btem->btem_paramval = 0;
> } else {
> btem_chkparam(btem, c);
> }
> }
> /* Simple boot terminal parser. */
> static void
> btem_parse(btem_state_t *btem, int c)
> {
> int i;
> /* Normal state? */
> if (btem->btem_state == A_STATE_START) {
> if (c == A_CSI || c < ' ')
> btem_control(btem, c);
> else
> bcons_dev.bd_putchar(c);
> return;
> }
> /* In <ESC> sequence */
> if (btem->btem_state != A_STATE_ESC) {
> btem_getparams(btem, c);
> return;
> }
> /* Previous char was <ESC> */
> switch (c) {
> case '[':
> btem->btem_curparam = 0;
> btem->btem_paramval = 0;
> btem->btem_gotparam = B_FALSE;
> /* clear the parameters */
> for (i = 0; i < BTEM_MAXPARAMS; i++)
> btem->btem_params[i] = -1;
> btem->btem_state = A_STATE_CSI;
> return;
> case 'Q': /* <ESC>Q */
> case 'C': /* <ESC>C */
> btem->btem_state = A_STATE_START;
> return;
> default:
> btem->btem_state = A_STATE_START;
> break;
> }
> if (c < ' ')
> btem_control(btem, c);
> else
> bcons_dev.bd_putchar(c);
> }
> static void
< screen_putchar(c);
< return;
< boot_fb_putchar(c);
> bcons_dev.bd_cursor(B_FALSE);
> btem_parse(&boot_tem, c);
> bcons_dev.bd_cursor(B_TRUE);
< static int bhcharpos = 0;
< if (c == '\t') {
< do {
< _doputchar(console, ' ');
< if (diag != console)
< _doputchar(diag, ' ');
< } while (++bhcharpos % 8);
< return;
< } else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
< bhcharpos = 0;
< if (console != CONS_FRAMEBUFFER)
< _doputchar(console, '\r');
< if (diag != console && diag != CONS_FRAMEBUFFER)
< _doputchar(diag, '\r');
< _doputchar(console, c);
> if (c == '\n') {
> _doputchar(console, '\r');
< _doputchar(diag, c);
< return;
< } else if (c == '\b') {
< if (bhcharpos)
< bhcharpos--;
< _doputchar(console, c);
< if (diag != console)
< _doputchar(diag, c);
< return;
> _doputchar(diag, '\r');
< bhcharpos++;