1*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
2*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the
3*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0.
4*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version
5*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# 1.0 of the CDDL.
6*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
7*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this
8*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# source.  A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
9*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL.
10*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
11*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore
12*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
13*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <garrett@damore.org>
14*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
15*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore
16*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
17*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# Definitions found in ctype.h
18*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
19*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore
20*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
21*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# Types.
22*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
23*de572d98SGarrett D'Amoretype | locale_t | ctype.h | -ALL +SUSv4+
24*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore
25*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
26*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# Values.
27*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
28*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore
29*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
30*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore# Functions
31*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore#
32*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isalnum	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
33*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isalpha	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
34*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isascii	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| -ALL +XPG3+
35*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isblank	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| -ALL +C99+
36*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | iscntrl	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
37*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isdigit	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
38*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isgraph	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
39*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | islower	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
40*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isprint	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
41*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | ispunct	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
42*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isspace	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
43*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isupper	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
44*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isxdigit	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
45*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | toascii	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| -ALL +XPG3+
46*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | tolower	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
47*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | toupper	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| +ALL
48*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | _tolower	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| -ALL +XPG3+
49*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | _toupper	| int	| int	| ctype.h	| -ALL +XPG3+
50*de572d98SGarrett D'Amore
51*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isalnum_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
52*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isalpha_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
53*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isblank_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
54*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | iscntrl_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
55*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isdigit_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
56*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isgraph_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
57*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | islower_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
58*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isprint_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
59*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | ispunct_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
60*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isspace_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
61*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isupper_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
62*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | isxdigit_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
63*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | tolower_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+
64*de572d98SGarrett D'Amorefunc | toupper_l	| int	| int; locale_t	| ctype.h	| -ALL +SUSv4+