1*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
2*148c5f43SAlan Wright# CDDL HEADER START
3*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
4*148c5f43SAlan Wright# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5*148c5f43SAlan Wright# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6*148c5f43SAlan Wright# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
8*148c5f43SAlan Wright# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9*148c5f43SAlan Wright# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10*148c5f43SAlan Wright# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11*148c5f43SAlan Wright# and limitations under the License.
12*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
13*148c5f43SAlan Wright# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14*148c5f43SAlan Wright# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15*148c5f43SAlan Wright# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16*148c5f43SAlan Wright# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17*148c5f43SAlan Wright# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
18*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
19*148c5f43SAlan Wright# CDDL HEADER END
20*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
21*148c5f43SAlan Wright
22*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
23*148c5f43SAlan Wright# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
24*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
25*148c5f43SAlan Wright
26*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
27*148c5f43SAlan Wright# Generate the table mapping NT status codes to strings.
28*148c5f43SAlan Wright# The table is sorted in numerical order by putting the
29*148c5f43SAlan Wright# numeric constants as a comment first on each line, and
30*148c5f43SAlan Wright# then running the table body through sort(1).
31*148c5f43SAlan Wright#
32*148c5f43SAlan Wright
33*148c5f43SAlan WrightBEGIN {
34*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("/* Table generated by smb_status_gen.awk */\n");
35*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("#include <smb/ntstatus.h>\n\n");
36*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("typedef struct smb_status_table {\n");
37*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("\tunsigned int value;\n");
38*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("\tconst char *name;\n");
39*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("} smb_status_table_t;\n\n");
40*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("static const smb_status_table_t ntx_table[] = {\n");
41*148c5f43SAlan Wright}
42*148c5f43SAlan Wright/^#define.NT_STATUS_/ {
43*148c5f43SAlan Wright	# Skip the _SEVERITY defines.
44*148c5f43SAlan Wright	if ( $2 ~ /^NT_STATUS_SEVERITY_/ )
45*148c5f43SAlan Wright		next
46*148c5f43SAlan Wright
47*148c5f43SAlan Wright
48*148c5f43SAlan Wright	# Make sure the constant looks as expected.
49*148c5f43SAlan Wright	if ( $3 !~ /^0x[0-9A-F]+$/ ) {
50*148c5f43SAlan Wright		print "Warning: Unexpected format: "$0 > "/dev/stderr"
51*148c5f43SAlan Wright		exit 1;
52*148c5f43SAlan Wright	}
53*148c5f43SAlan Wright
54*148c5f43SAlan Wright	# print: comment { macro, string },
55*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("\t/* %s */\t{ %s,\t\"%s\" },\n",
56*148c5f43SAlan Wright		$3, $2, substr($2,11)) | "sort" ;
57*148c5f43SAlan Wright}
58*148c5f43SAlan WrightEND {
59*148c5f43SAlan Wright	close("sort");
60*148c5f43SAlan Wright	printf("};\n");
61*148c5f43SAlan Wright}