1e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
2e96f8419SYuri Pankov# This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the
3e96f8419SYuri Pankov# Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0.
4e96f8419SYuri Pankov# You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version
5e96f8419SYuri Pankov# 1.0 of the CDDL.
6e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
7e96f8419SYuri Pankov# A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this
8e96f8419SYuri Pankov# source.  A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
9e96f8419SYuri Pankov# http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL.
10e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
11e96f8419SYuri Pankov
12e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
13e96f8419SYuri Pankov# Copyright 2017 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
14b2f26520SBryan Cantrill# Copyright 2017 Joyent, Inc.
15e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
16e96f8419SYuri Pankov
17e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
18e96f8419SYuri Pankov# MAPFILE HEADER START
19e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
21e96f8419SYuri Pankov# Object versioning must comply with the rules detailed in
22e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
23e96f8419SYuri Pankov#	usr/src/lib/README.mapfiles
24e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
25e96f8419SYuri Pankov# You should not be making modifications here until you've read the most current
26e96f8419SYuri Pankov# copy of that file. If you need help, contact a gatekeeper for guidance.
27e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
28e96f8419SYuri Pankov# MAPFILE HEADER END
29e96f8419SYuri Pankov#
30e96f8419SYuri Pankov
31e96f8419SYuri Pankov$mapfile_version 2
32e96f8419SYuri Pankov
33e96f8419SYuri PankovSYMBOL_VERSION ILLUMOSprivate {
34e96f8419SYuri Pankov    global:
35*519cca71SSebastien Roy	ofmt_check;
36e96f8419SYuri Pankov	ofmt_close;
37e96f8419SYuri Pankov	ofmt_open;
38e96f8419SYuri Pankov	ofmt_print;
39*519cca71SSebastien Roy	ofmt_print_header;
40*519cca71SSebastien Roy	ofmt_set_fs;
41e96f8419SYuri Pankov	ofmt_strerror;
42e96f8419SYuri Pankov	ofmt_update_winsize;
43e96f8419SYuri Pankov
44e96f8419SYuri Pankov    local:
45e96f8419SYuri Pankov	*;
46e96f8419SYuri Pankov};