1159d09a2SMark Phalan 
2159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
3159d09a2SMark Phalan  * <krb5/preauth_plugin.h>
4159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
5159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc.
6159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Portions copyright (c) 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
7159d09a2SMark Phalan  * All Rights Reserved.
8159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
9159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10159d09a2SMark Phalan  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
11159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
12159d09a2SMark Phalan  *  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13159d09a2SMark Phalan  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14159d09a2SMark Phalan  *  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15159d09a2SMark Phalan  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
16159d09a2SMark Phalan  *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
17159d09a2SMark Phalan  *    distribution.
18159d09a2SMark Phalan  *  * Neither the name of Red Hat, Inc., nor the names of its
19159d09a2SMark Phalan  *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
20159d09a2SMark Phalan  *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
21159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
33159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
34159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Preauthentication plugin definitions for Kerberos 5.
35159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
36159d09a2SMark Phalan 
37159d09a2SMark Phalan #ifndef KRB5_PREAUTH_PLUGIN_H_INCLUDED
38159d09a2SMark Phalan #define KRB5_PREAUTH_PLUGIN_H_INCLUDED
39159d09a2SMark Phalan #include <krb5.h>
40159d09a2SMark Phalan 
41159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
42159d09a2SMark Phalan  * While arguments of these types are passed-in, for the most part a preauth
43159d09a2SMark Phalan  * module can treat them as opaque.  If we need keying data, we can ask for
44159d09a2SMark Phalan  * it directly.
45159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
46159d09a2SMark Phalan struct _krb5_db_entry_new;
47159d09a2SMark Phalan struct _krb5_key_data;
48159d09a2SMark Phalan struct _krb5_preauth_client_rock;
49159d09a2SMark Phalan 
50159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
51159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Preauth mechanism property flags, unified from previous definitions in the
52159d09a2SMark Phalan  * KDC and libkrb5 sources.
53159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
54159d09a2SMark Phalan 
55159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Provides a real answer which we can send back to the KDC (client-only).  The
56159d09a2SMark Phalan  * client assumes that one real answer will be enough. */
57159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_REAL		0x00000001
58159d09a2SMark Phalan 
59159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Doesn't provide a real answer, but must be given a chance to run before any
60159d09a2SMark Phalan  * REAL mechanism callbacks (client-only). */
61159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_INFO		0x00000002
62159d09a2SMark Phalan 
63159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Causes the KDC to include this mechanism in a list of supported preauth
64159d09a2SMark Phalan  * types if the user's DB entry flags the user as requiring hardware-based
65159d09a2SMark Phalan  * preauthentication (server-only). */
66159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_HARDWARE	0x00000004
67159d09a2SMark Phalan 
68159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Causes the KDC to include this mechanism in a list of supported preauth
69159d09a2SMark Phalan  * types if the user's DB entry flags the user as requiring preauthentication,
70159d09a2SMark Phalan  * and to fail preauthentication if we can't verify the client data.  The
71159d09a2SMark Phalan  * flipside of PA_SUFFICIENT (server-only). */
72159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_REQUIRED	0x00000008
73159d09a2SMark Phalan 
74159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Causes the KDC to include this mechanism in a list of supported preauth
75159d09a2SMark Phalan  * types if the user's DB entry flags the user as requiring preauthentication,
76159d09a2SMark Phalan  * and to mark preauthentication as successful if we can verify the client
77159d09a2SMark Phalan  * data.  The flipside of PA_REQUIRED (server-only). */
78159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_SUFFICIENT	0x00000010
79159d09a2SMark Phalan 
80159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Marks this preauthentication mechanism as one which changes the key which is
81159d09a2SMark Phalan  * used for encrypting the response to the client.  Modules which have this
82159d09a2SMark Phalan  * flag have their server_return_proc called before modules which do not, and
83159d09a2SMark Phalan  * are passed over if a previously-called module has modified the encrypting
84159d09a2SMark Phalan  * key (server-only). */
85159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_REPLACES_KEY	0x00000020
86159d09a2SMark Phalan 
87159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Causes the KDC to check with this preauthentication module even if the
88159d09a2SMark Phalan  * client has no entry in the realm database.  If the module returns a success
89159d09a2SMark Phalan  * code, continue processing and assume that its return_padata callback will
90159d09a2SMark Phalan  * supply us with a key for encrypting the AS reply (server-only). */
91159d09a2SMark Phalan /* #define PA_VIRTUAL	(0x00000040 | PA_REPLACES_KEY) */
92159d09a2SMark Phalan 
93159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Not really a padata type, so don't include it in any list of preauth types
94159d09a2SMark Phalan  * which gets sent over the wire. */
95159d09a2SMark Phalan #define PA_PSEUDO	0x00000080
96159d09a2SMark Phalan 
97159d09a2SMark Phalan 
98159d09a2SMark Phalan /***************************************************************************
99159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
100159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Client-side preauthentication plugin interface definition.
101159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
102159d09a2SMark Phalan  ***************************************************************************/
103159d09a2SMark Phalan 
104159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
105159d09a2SMark Phalan  * A callback which will obtain the user's long-term AS key by prompting the
106159d09a2SMark Phalan  * user for the password, then salting it properly, and so on.  For the moment,
107159d09a2SMark Phalan  * it's identical to the get_as_key callback used inside of libkrb5, but we
108159d09a2SMark Phalan  * define a new typedef here instead of making the existing one public to
109159d09a2SMark Phalan  * isolate ourselves from potential future changes.
110159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
111159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
112159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_get_as_key_proc)(krb5_context,
113159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   krb5_principal,
114159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   krb5_enctype,
115159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   krb5_prompter_fct,
116159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   void *prompter_data,
117159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   krb5_data *salt,
118159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   krb5_data *s2kparams,
119159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   krb5_keyblock *as_key,
120159d09a2SMark Phalan 			   void *gak_data);
121159d09a2SMark Phalan 
122159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
123159d09a2SMark Phalan  * A client module's callback functions are allowed to request various
124159d09a2SMark Phalan  * information to enable it to process a request.
125159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
126159d09a2SMark Phalan enum krb5plugin_preauth_client_request_type {
127159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* The returned krb5_data item holds the enctype used to encrypt the
128159d09a2SMark Phalan      * encrypted portion of the AS_REP packet. */
129159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5plugin_preauth_client_get_etype = 1,
130159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Free the data returned from krb5plugin_preauth_client_req_get_etype */
131159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5plugin_preauth_client_free_etype = 2
132159d09a2SMark Phalan };
133159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
134159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_get_client_data_proc)(krb5_context,
135159d09a2SMark Phalan 				struct _krb5_preauth_client_rock *,
136159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_int32 request_type,
137159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_data **);
138159d09a2SMark Phalan 
139159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Per-plugin initialization/cleanup.  The init function is called
140159d09a2SMark Phalan  * by libkrb5 when the plugin is loaded, and the fini function is
141159d09a2SMark Phalan  * called before the plugin is unloaded.  Both are optional and
142159d09a2SMark Phalan  * may be called multiple times in case the plugin is used in
143159d09a2SMark Phalan  * multiple contexts.  The returned context lives the lifetime of
144159d09a2SMark Phalan  * the krb5_context */
145159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
146159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_plugin_init_proc)(krb5_context context,
147159d09a2SMark Phalan 				   void **plugin_context);
148159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef void
149159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_plugin_fini_proc)(krb5_context context,
150159d09a2SMark Phalan 				   void *plugin_context);
151159d09a2SMark Phalan 
152159d09a2SMark Phalan /* A callback which returns flags indicating if the module is a "real" or
153159d09a2SMark Phalan  * an "info" mechanism, and so on.  This function is called for each entry
154159d09a2SMark Phalan  * in the client_pa_type_list. */
155159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef int
156159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_get_flags_proc)(krb5_context context,
157159d09a2SMark Phalan 				 krb5_preauthtype pa_type);
158159d09a2SMark Phalan 
159159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Per-request initialization/cleanup.  The request_init function is
160159d09a2SMark Phalan  * called when beginning to process a get_init_creds request and the
161159d09a2SMark Phalan  * request_fini function is called when processing of the request is
162159d09a2SMark Phalan  * complete.  This is optional.  It may be called multiple times in
163159d09a2SMark Phalan  * the lifetime of a krb5_context. */
164159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef void
165159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_request_init_proc)(krb5_context context,
166159d09a2SMark Phalan 				    void *plugin_context,
167159d09a2SMark Phalan 				    void **request_context);
168159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef void
169159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_request_fini_proc)(krb5_context context,
170159d09a2SMark Phalan 				    void *plugin_context,
171159d09a2SMark Phalan 				    void *request_context);
172159d09a2SMark Phalan 
173159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Client function which processes server-supplied data in pa_data,
174159d09a2SMark Phalan  * returns created data in out_pa_data, storing any of its own state in
175159d09a2SMark Phalan  * client_context if data for the associated preauthentication type is
176159d09a2SMark Phalan  * needed.  It is also called after the AS-REP is received if the AS-REP
177159d09a2SMark Phalan  * includes preauthentication data of the associated type.
178159d09a2SMark Phalan  * NOTE! the encoded_previous_request will be NULL the first time this
179159d09a2SMark Phalan  * function is called, because it is expected to only ever contain the data
180159d09a2SMark Phalan  * obtained from a previous call to this function. */
181159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
182159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_process_proc)(krb5_context context,
183159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       void *plugin_context,
184159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       void *request_context,
185159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
186159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       preauth_get_client_data_proc get_data_proc,
187159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       struct _krb5_preauth_client_rock *rock,
188159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_kdc_req *request,
189159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_data *encoded_request_body,
190159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_data *encoded_previous_request,
191159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_pa_data *pa_data,
192159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_prompter_fct prompter,
193159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       void *prompter_data,
194159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       preauth_get_as_key_proc gak_fct,
195159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       void *gak_data,
196159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_data *salt,
197159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_data *s2kparams,
198159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_keyblock *as_key,
199159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_pa_data ***out_pa_data);
200159d09a2SMark Phalan 
201159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Client function which can attempt to use e-data in the error response to
202159d09a2SMark Phalan  * try to recover from the given error.  If this function is not NULL, and
203159d09a2SMark Phalan  * it stores data in out_pa_data which is different data from the contents
204159d09a2SMark Phalan  * of in_pa_data, then the client library will retransmit the request. */
205159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
206159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_tryagain_proc)(krb5_context context,
207159d09a2SMark Phalan 				void *plugin_context,
208159d09a2SMark Phalan 				void *request_context,
209159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
210159d09a2SMark Phalan 				preauth_get_client_data_proc get_data_proc,
211159d09a2SMark Phalan 				struct _krb5_preauth_client_rock *rock,
212159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_kdc_req *request,
213159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_data *encoded_request_body,
214159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_data *encoded_previous_request,
215159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_pa_data *in_pa_data,
216159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_error *error,
217159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_prompter_fct prompter,
218159d09a2SMark Phalan 				void *prompter_data,
219159d09a2SMark Phalan 				preauth_get_as_key_proc gak_fct,
220159d09a2SMark Phalan 				void *gak_data,
221159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_data *salt,
222159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_data *s2kparams,
223159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_keyblock *as_key,
224159d09a2SMark Phalan 				krb5_pa_data ***out_pa_data);
225159d09a2SMark Phalan 
226159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
227159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Client function which receives krb5_get_init_creds_opt information.
228159d09a2SMark Phalan  * The attr and value information supplied should be copied locally by
229159d09a2SMark Phalan  * the module if it wishes to reference it after returning from this call.
230159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
231159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
232159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_client_supply_gic_opts_proc)(krb5_context context,
233159d09a2SMark Phalan 				       void *plugin_context,
234159d09a2SMark Phalan 				       krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
235159d09a2SMark Phalan 				       const char *attr,
236159d09a2SMark Phalan 				       const char *value);
237159d09a2SMark Phalan 
238159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
239159d09a2SMark Phalan  * The function table / structure which a preauth client module must export as
240159d09a2SMark Phalan  * "preauthentication_client_0".  If the interfaces work correctly, future
241159d09a2SMark Phalan  * versions of the table will add either more callbacks or more arguments to
242159d09a2SMark Phalan  * callbacks, and in both cases we'll be able to wrap the v0 functions.
243159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
244159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef struct krb5plugin_preauth_client_ftable_v1 {
245159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Not-usually-visible name. */
246159d09a2SMark Phalan     char *name;
247159d09a2SMark Phalan 
248159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Pointer to zero-terminated list of pa_types which this module can
249159d09a2SMark Phalan      * provide services for. */
250159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5_preauthtype *pa_type_list;
251159d09a2SMark Phalan 
252159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Pointer to zero-terminated list of enc_types which this module claims
253159d09a2SMark Phalan      * to add support for. */
254159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5_enctype *enctype_list;
255159d09a2SMark Phalan 
256159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Per-plugin initialization/cleanup.  The init function is called
257159d09a2SMark Phalan      * by libkrb5 when the plugin is loaded, and the fini function is
258159d09a2SMark Phalan      * called before the plugin is unloaded.  Both are optional and
259159d09a2SMark Phalan      * may be called multiple times in case the plugin is used in
260159d09a2SMark Phalan      * multiple contexts.  The returned context lives the lifetime of
261159d09a2SMark Phalan      * the krb5_context */
262159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_plugin_init_proc init;
263159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_plugin_fini_proc fini;
264159d09a2SMark Phalan 
265159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* A callback which returns flags indicating if the module is a "real" or
266159d09a2SMark Phalan      * an "info" mechanism, and so on.  This function is called for each entry
267159d09a2SMark Phalan      * in the client_pa_type_list. */
268159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_get_flags_proc flags;
269159d09a2SMark Phalan 
270159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Per-request initialization/cleanup.  The request_init function is
271159d09a2SMark Phalan      * called when beginning to process a get_init_creds request and the
272159d09a2SMark Phalan      * request_fini function is called when processing of the request is
273159d09a2SMark Phalan      * complete.  This is optional.  It may be called multiple times in
274159d09a2SMark Phalan      * the lifetime of a krb5_context. */
275159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_request_init_proc request_init;
276159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_request_fini_proc request_fini;
277159d09a2SMark Phalan 
278159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Client function which processes server-supplied data in pa_data,
279159d09a2SMark Phalan      * returns created data in out_pa_data, storing any of its own state in
280159d09a2SMark Phalan      * client_context if data for the associated preauthentication type is
281159d09a2SMark Phalan      * needed.  It is also called after the AS-REP is received if the AS-REP
282159d09a2SMark Phalan      * includes preauthentication data of the associated type.
283159d09a2SMark Phalan      * NOTE! the encoded_previous_request will be NULL the first time this
284159d09a2SMark Phalan      * function is called, because it is expected to only ever contain the data
285159d09a2SMark Phalan      * obtained from a previous call to this function. */
286159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_process_proc process;
287159d09a2SMark Phalan 
288159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Client function which can attempt to use e-data in the error response to
289159d09a2SMark Phalan      * try to recover from the given error.  If this function is not NULL, and
290159d09a2SMark Phalan      * it stores data in out_pa_data which is different data from the contents
291159d09a2SMark Phalan      * of in_pa_data, then the client library will retransmit the request. */
292159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_tryagain_proc tryagain;
293159d09a2SMark Phalan 
294159d09a2SMark Phalan     /*
295159d09a2SMark Phalan      * Client function which receives krb5_get_init_creds_opt information.
296159d09a2SMark Phalan      * The attr and value information supplied should be copied locally by
297159d09a2SMark Phalan      * the module if it wishes to reference it after returning from this call.
298159d09a2SMark Phalan      */
299159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_client_supply_gic_opts_proc gic_opts;
300159d09a2SMark Phalan 
301159d09a2SMark Phalan } krb5plugin_preauth_client_ftable_v1;
302159d09a2SMark Phalan 
303159d09a2SMark Phalan 
304159d09a2SMark Phalan /***************************************************************************
305159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
306159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Server-side preauthentication plugin interface definition.
307159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
308159d09a2SMark Phalan  ***************************************************************************/
309159d09a2SMark Phalan 
310159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
311159d09a2SMark Phalan  * A server module's callback functions are allowed to request specific types
312159d09a2SMark Phalan  * of information about the given client or server record or request, even
313159d09a2SMark Phalan  * though the database records themselves are opaque to the module.
314159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
315159d09a2SMark Phalan enum krb5plugin_preauth_entry_request_type {
316159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* The returned krb5_data item holds a DER-encoded X.509 certificate. */
317159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5plugin_preauth_entry_request_certificate = 1,
318159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* The returned krb5_data_item holds a krb5_deltat. */
319159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5plugin_preauth_entry_max_time_skew = 2,
320159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* The returned krb5_data_item holds an array of krb5_keyblock structures,
321159d09a2SMark Phalan      * terminated by an entry with key type = 0.
322159d09a2SMark Phalan      * Each keyblock should have its contents freed in turn, and then the data
323159d09a2SMark Phalan      * item itself should be freed. */
324159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5plugin_preauth_keys = 3,
325159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* The returned krb5_data_item holds the request structure, re-encoded
326159d09a2SMark Phalan      * using DER.  Unless the client implementation is the same as the server
327159d09a2SMark Phalan      * implementation, there's a good chance that the result will not match
328159d09a2SMark Phalan      * what the client sent, so don't go creating any fatal errors if it
329159d09a2SMark Phalan      * doesn't match up. */
330159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5plugin_preauth_request_body = 4
331159d09a2SMark Phalan };
332159d09a2SMark Phalan 
333159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
334159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_get_entry_data_proc)(krb5_context,
335159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_kdc_req *,
336159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       struct _krb5_db_entry_new *,
337159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_int32 request_type,
338159d09a2SMark Phalan 			       krb5_data **);
339159d09a2SMark Phalan 
340159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Preauth plugin initialization function */
341159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
342159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_init_proc)(krb5_context context,
343159d09a2SMark Phalan 			    void **plugin_context,
344159d09a2SMark Phalan 			    const char** realmnames);
345159d09a2SMark Phalan 
346159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Preauth plugin cleanup function */
347159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef void
348159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_fini_proc)(krb5_context context, void *plugin_context);
349159d09a2SMark Phalan 
350159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Return the flags which the KDC should use for this module.  This is a
351159d09a2SMark Phalan  * callback instead of a static value because the module may or may not
352*55fea89dSDan Cross  * wish to count itself as a hardware preauthentication module (in other
353159d09a2SMark Phalan  * words, the flags may be affected by the configuration, for example if a
354159d09a2SMark Phalan  * site administrator can force a particular preauthentication type to be
355159d09a2SMark Phalan  * supported using only hardware).  This function is called for each entry
356159d09a2SMark Phalan  * entry in the server_pa_type_list. */
357159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef int
358159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_flags_proc)(krb5_context context, krb5_preauthtype patype);
359159d09a2SMark Phalan 
360159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Get preauthentication data to send to the client as part of the "you
361159d09a2SMark Phalan  * need to use preauthentication" error.  The module doesn't need to
362159d09a2SMark Phalan  * actually provide data if the protocol doesn't require it, but it should
363159d09a2SMark Phalan  * return either zero or non-zero to control whether its padata type is
364159d09a2SMark Phalan  * included in the list which is sent back to the client.  Is not allowed
365159d09a2SMark Phalan  * to create a context because we have no guarantee that the client will
366159d09a2SMark Phalan  * ever call again (or that it will hit this server if it does), in which
367159d09a2SMark Phalan  * case a context might otherwise hang around forever. */
368159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
369159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_edata_proc)(krb5_context,
370159d09a2SMark Phalan 			     krb5_kdc_req *request,
371159d09a2SMark Phalan 			     struct _krb5_db_entry_new *client,
372159d09a2SMark Phalan 			     struct _krb5_db_entry_new *server,
373159d09a2SMark Phalan 			     preauth_get_entry_data_proc,
374159d09a2SMark Phalan 			     void *pa_module_context,
375159d09a2SMark Phalan 			     krb5_pa_data *data);
376159d09a2SMark Phalan 
377159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Verify preauthentication data sent by the client, setting the
378159d09a2SMark Phalan  * TKT_FLG_PRE_AUTH or TKT_FLG_HW_AUTH flag in the enc_tkt_reply's "flags"
379159d09a2SMark Phalan  * field as appropriate, and returning nonzero on failure.  Can create
380159d09a2SMark Phalan  * context data for consumption by the return_proc or freepa_proc below. */
381159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
382159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_verify_proc)(krb5_context context,
383159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      struct _krb5_db_entry_new *client,
384159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_data *req_pkt,
385159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_kdc_req *request,
386159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_enc_tkt_part *enc_tkt_reply,
387159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_pa_data *data,
388159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      preauth_get_entry_data_proc,
389159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      void *pa_module_context,
390159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      void **pa_request_context,
391159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_data **e_data,
392159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_authdata ***authz_data);
393159d09a2SMark Phalan 
394159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Generate preauthentication response data to send to the client as part
395159d09a2SMark Phalan  * of the AS-REP.  If it needs to override the key which is used to encrypt
396159d09a2SMark Phalan  * the response, it can do so.  The module is expected (but not required,
397159d09a2SMark Phalan  * if a preauth_server_free_reqcontext_proc is also provided) to free any
398159d09a2SMark Phalan  * context data it saved in "pa_request_context". */
399159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
400159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_return_proc)(krb5_context context,
401159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_pa_data * padata,
402159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      struct _krb5_db_entry_new *client,
403159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_data *req_pkt,
404159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_kdc_req *request,
405159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_kdc_rep *reply,
406159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      struct _krb5_key_data *client_keys,
407159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_keyblock *encrypting_key,
408159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      krb5_pa_data **send_pa,
409159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      preauth_get_entry_data_proc,
410159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      void *pa_module_context,
411159d09a2SMark Phalan 			      void **pa_request_context);
412159d09a2SMark Phalan 
413159d09a2SMark Phalan /* Free up the server-side per-request context, in cases where
414159d09a2SMark Phalan  * server_return_proc() didn't or for whatever reason was not called.
415159d09a2SMark Phalan  * Can be NULL. */
416159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef krb5_error_code
417159d09a2SMark Phalan (*preauth_server_free_reqcontext_proc)(krb5_context,
418159d09a2SMark Phalan 				       void *pa_module_context,
419159d09a2SMark Phalan 				       void **request_pa_context);
420159d09a2SMark Phalan 
421159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
422159d09a2SMark Phalan  * The function table / structure which a preauth server module must export as
423159d09a2SMark Phalan  * "preauthentication_server_0".  NOTE: replace "0" with "1" for the type and
424159d09a2SMark Phalan  * variable names if this gets picked up by upstream.  If the interfaces work
425159d09a2SMark Phalan  * correctly, future versions of the table will add either more callbacks or
426159d09a2SMark Phalan  * more arguments to callbacks, and in both cases we'll be able to wrap the v0
427159d09a2SMark Phalan  * functions.
428159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
429159d09a2SMark Phalan typedef struct krb5plugin_preauth_server_ftable_v1 {
430159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Not-usually-visible name. */
431159d09a2SMark Phalan     char *name;
432159d09a2SMark Phalan 
433159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Pointer to zero-terminated list of pa_types which this module can
434159d09a2SMark Phalan      * provide services for. */
435159d09a2SMark Phalan     krb5_preauthtype *pa_type_list;
436159d09a2SMark Phalan 
437159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Per-plugin initialization/cleanup.  The init function is called by the
438159d09a2SMark Phalan      * KDC when the plugin is loaded, and the fini function is called before
439159d09a2SMark Phalan      * the plugin is unloaded.  Both are optional. */
440159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_init_proc init_proc;
441159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_fini_proc fini_proc;
442159d09a2SMark Phalan 
443159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Return the flags which the KDC should use for this module.  This is a
444159d09a2SMark Phalan      * callback instead of a static value because the module may or may not
445159d09a2SMark Phalan      * wish to count itself as a hardware preauthentication module (in other
446159d09a2SMark Phalan      * words, the flags may be affected by the configuration, for example if a
447159d09a2SMark Phalan      * site administrator can force a particular preauthentication type to be
448159d09a2SMark Phalan      * supported using only hardware).  This function is called for each entry
449159d09a2SMark Phalan      * entry in the server_pa_type_list. */
450159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_flags_proc flags_proc;
451159d09a2SMark Phalan 
452159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Get preauthentication data to send to the client as part of the "you
453159d09a2SMark Phalan      * need to use preauthentication" error.  The module doesn't need to
454159d09a2SMark Phalan      * actually provide data if the protocol doesn't require it, but it should
455159d09a2SMark Phalan      * return either zero or non-zero to control whether its padata type is
456159d09a2SMark Phalan      * included in the list which is sent back to the client.  Is not allowed
457159d09a2SMark Phalan      * to create a context because we have no guarantee that the client will
458159d09a2SMark Phalan      * ever call again (or that it will hit this server if it does), in which
459159d09a2SMark Phalan      * case a context might otherwise hang around forever. */
460159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_edata_proc edata_proc;
461159d09a2SMark Phalan 
462159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Verify preauthentication data sent by the client, setting the
463159d09a2SMark Phalan      * TKT_FLG_PRE_AUTH or TKT_FLG_HW_AUTH flag in the enc_tkt_reply's "flags"
464159d09a2SMark Phalan      * field as appropriate, and returning nonzero on failure.  Can create
465159d09a2SMark Phalan      * context data for consumption by the return_proc or freepa_proc below. */
466159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_verify_proc verify_proc;
467159d09a2SMark Phalan 
468159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Generate preauthentication response data to send to the client as part
469159d09a2SMark Phalan      * of the AS-REP.  If it needs to override the key which is used to encrypt
470159d09a2SMark Phalan      * the response, it can do so.  The module is expected (but not required,
471159d09a2SMark Phalan      * if a freepa_proc is also provided) to free any context data it saved in
472159d09a2SMark Phalan      * "request_pa_context". */
473159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_return_proc return_proc;
474159d09a2SMark Phalan 
475159d09a2SMark Phalan     /* Free up the server-side per-request context, in cases where
476159d09a2SMark Phalan      * server_return_proc() didn't or for whatever reason was not called.
477159d09a2SMark Phalan      * Can be NULL. */
478159d09a2SMark Phalan     preauth_server_free_reqcontext_proc freepa_reqcontext_proc;
479159d09a2SMark Phalan 
480159d09a2SMark Phalan } krb5plugin_preauth_server_ftable_v1;
481159d09a2SMark Phalan 
482159d09a2SMark Phalan 
483159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
484159d09a2SMark Phalan  * This function allows a preauth plugin to obtain preauth
485159d09a2SMark Phalan  * options.  The preauth_data returned from this function
486159d09a2SMark Phalan  * should be freed by calling krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pa().
487159d09a2SMark Phalan  *
488159d09a2SMark Phalan  * The 'opt' pointer supplied to this function must have been
489159d09a2SMark Phalan  * obtained using krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc()
490159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
491159d09a2SMark Phalan krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
492159d09a2SMark Phalan krb5_get_init_creds_opt_get_pa
493159d09a2SMark Phalan 		(krb5_context context,
494159d09a2SMark Phalan 		krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
495159d09a2SMark Phalan 		int *num_preauth_data,
496159d09a2SMark Phalan 		krb5_gic_opt_pa_data **preauth_data);
497159d09a2SMark Phalan 
498159d09a2SMark Phalan /*
499159d09a2SMark Phalan  * This function frees the preauth_data that was returned by
500159d09a2SMark Phalan  * krb5_get_init_creds_opt_get_pa().
501159d09a2SMark Phalan  */
502159d09a2SMark Phalan void KRB5_CALLCONV
503159d09a2SMark Phalan krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pa
504159d09a2SMark Phalan 		(krb5_context context,
505159d09a2SMark Phalan 		 int num_preauth_data,
506159d09a2SMark Phalan 		 krb5_gic_opt_pa_data *preauth_data);
507159d09a2SMark Phalan 
508159d09a2SMark Phalan #endif /* KRB5_PREAUTH_PLUGIN_H_INCLUDED */