1fcf3ce44SJohn Forte<?xml version='1.0'?>
2fcf3ce44SJohn Forte<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
3fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
4fcf3ce44SJohn Forte<!--
5fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
6fcf3ce44SJohn Forte CDDL HEADER START
7fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
8fcf3ce44SJohn Forte The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
9fcf3ce44SJohn Forte Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
10fcf3ce44SJohn Forte You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
12fcf3ce44SJohn Forte You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
13fcf3ce44SJohn Forte or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
14fcf3ce44SJohn Forte See the License for the specific language governing permissions
15fcf3ce44SJohn Forte and limitations under the License.
16fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
17fcf3ce44SJohn Forte When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
18fcf3ce44SJohn Forte file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
19fcf3ce44SJohn Forte If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
20fcf3ce44SJohn Forte fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
21fcf3ce44SJohn Forte information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
22fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
23fcf3ce44SJohn Forte CDDL HEADER END
24fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
25d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
26fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
27fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	Service manifests for the iSCSI Initiator
28fcf3ce44SJohn Forte-->
29fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
30fcf3ce44SJohn Forte<!--
31fcf3ce44SJohn ForteGLXXX: Instance creation guidelines:
32fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
33fcf3ce44SJohn ForteCurrently inetd doesn't support property composition in the configuration of
34fcf3ce44SJohn Forteit's instances. It expects to find the "proto" property in the instances
35fcf3ce44SJohn Forte"inetd_private" property group, and all other properties (including the
36fcf3ce44SJohn Fortedefault back ones) in the "inetd_private" property group of the service.
37fcf3ce44SJohn ForteThis means that only the "proto" field can be specialized for an instance, which
38fcf3ce44SJohn Fortelimits the creation of instances of a service to only those with all fields
39fcf3ce44SJohn Fortecommon, bar the "proto" field. This would enable the following two services
40*bbf21555SRichard Loweto be created as instances of a common service:
41fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
42fcf3ce44SJohn Forteexec    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/in.rexecd     in.rexecd
43*bbf21555SRichard Loweexec    stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/in.rexecd     in.rexecd
44fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
45fcf3ce44SJohn Fortebut dissallow common service create for these (different socket type):
46fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
47fcf3ce44SJohn Fortetime    stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
48fcf3ce44SJohn Fortetime    dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
49fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
50fcf3ce44SJohn ForteTo be more specific, for rpc services all the netids associated with the
51fcf3ce44SJohn Forteservice would need a seperate instance creating under a common service, with
52fcf3ce44SJohn Fortethe instance name and the "proto" being the netid. For non-rpc based
53fcf3ce44SJohn Forteservices only services with changes limited to the "proto" field (such as
54fcf3ce44SJohn Forteudp/upd6 and tcp/tcp6) can have instances created under a common service - as
55fcf3ce44SJohn Fortein the exec example above.
56fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
57fcf3ce44SJohn ForteI neglected to mention that the composition limitation applies for methods
58fcf3ce44SJohn Fortealso, so an instance can't have a different method than its service.
59fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
60fcf3ce44SJohn ForteInetd is soon going to change to use instance composition for its configuration.
61fcf3ce44SJohn ForteThis will mean that any of the properties/methods can be present in either the
62fcf3ce44SJohn Forteinstance or the service (with the instance one overriding in the case both are
63*bbf21555SRichard Lowepresent) and that multiple instances can be created for a service with the
64fcf3ce44SJohn Fortepotential to specialize all the properties/methods.
65fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
66fcf3ce44SJohn Forte-->
67fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
684246c8e9SJack Meng<service_bundle type='manifest' name='SUNWiscsir:iscsi-initiator'>
69fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
70fcf3ce44SJohn Forte<service
714246c8e9SJack Meng    name='network/iscsi/initiator'
72fcf3ce44SJohn Forte    type='service'
73fcf3ce44SJohn Forte    version='1'>
74fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
75fcf3ce44SJohn Forte    <single_instance/>
76fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
77d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China    <dependency
78d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	name='network'
79d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	grouping='require_any'
80d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	restart_on='error'
81d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	type='service'>
82d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/network' />
83d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China    </dependency>
84d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China
85fcf3ce44SJohn Forte    <dependency
864246c8e9SJack Meng        name='net'
87fcf3ce44SJohn Forte        grouping='require_all'
88fcf3ce44SJohn Forte        restart_on='none'
89fcf3ce44SJohn Forte        type='service'>
904246c8e9SJack Meng        <service_fmri value='svc:/network/service' />
91fcf3ce44SJohn Forte    </dependency>
92fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
934246c8e9SJack Meng    <dependency
944246c8e9SJack Meng        name='loopback'
954246c8e9SJack Meng        grouping='require_any'
964246c8e9SJack Meng        restart_on='error'
974246c8e9SJack Meng        type='service'>
984246c8e9SJack Meng        <service_fmri value='svc:/network/loopback' />
994246c8e9SJack Meng    </dependency>
100fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
101d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China    <dependent
102d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	name='iscsi-initiator_multi-user'
103d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	grouping='optional_all'
104d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	restart_on='none'>
105d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China	<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/multi-user' />
106d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China    </dependent>
107d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China
108fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<!--
109fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	   Set a timeout of -1 to signify to inetd that we don't want
110fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	   to timeout this service, since the forked process is the
111fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	   one that does the services work. This is the case for most/all
112fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	   legacy inetd services; for services written to take advantage
113fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	   of Greenlines capabilities, the start method should fork
114fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	   off a process to handle the request and return a success code.
115fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	-->
116fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<exec_method
1174246c8e9SJack Meng		type='method'
1184246c8e9SJack Meng		name='start'
119d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China		exec='/lib/svc/method/iscsi-initiator %m'
1204246c8e9SJack Meng		timeout_seconds='600'>
121fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		<method_context>
1224246c8e9SJack Meng			<method_credential
1234246c8e9SJack Meng			user='root'
1244246c8e9SJack Meng			group='root'
125d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China			privileges='basic,sys_devices,sys_mount'
1264246c8e9SJack Meng			/>
127fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		</method_context>
128fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	</exec_method>
129*bbf21555SRichard Lowe
130fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<exec_method
1314246c8e9SJack Meng		type='method'
1324246c8e9SJack Meng		name='stop'
133d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China		exec='/lib/svc/method/iscsi-initiator %m'
1344246c8e9SJack Meng		timeout_seconds='600'>
135fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		<method_context>
1364246c8e9SJack Meng			<method_credential
1374246c8e9SJack Meng			user='root'
1384246c8e9SJack Meng			group='root'
139d30a1dc5Syi zhang - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China			privileges='basic,sys_devices,sys_mount'
1404246c8e9SJack Meng			/>
141fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		</method_context>
142fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	</exec_method>
143*bbf21555SRichard Lowe
144fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<!--
1454246c8e9SJack Meng	    Create an enabled instance.
146fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	-->
147fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<instance
148fcf3ce44SJohn Forte        name='default'
1494246c8e9SJack Meng        enabled='true' >
150fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	</instance>
151fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
152fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<stability value='Evolving' />
153fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
154fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	<template>
155fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		<common_name>
156fcf3ce44SJohn Forte			<loctext xml:lang='C'>
157fcf3ce44SJohn Forte				iSCSI initiator daemon
158fcf3ce44SJohn Forte			</loctext>
159fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		</common_name>
160fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
161fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		<documentation>
162fcf3ce44SJohn Forte			<manpage
1634246c8e9SJack Meng				title='iscsi'
164*bbf21555SRichard Lowe				section='4D'
165fcf3ce44SJohn Forte				manpath='/usr/share/man' />
166fcf3ce44SJohn Forte		</documentation>
167fcf3ce44SJohn Forte	</template>
168fcf3ce44SJohn Forte</service>
169fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
170fcf3ce44SJohn Forte</service_bundle>