/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * All Rights Reserved, Copyright (c) FUJITSU LIMITED 2006 */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * LOWER READ SERVICE PROCEDURE */ /* termios ioctl response received */ int oplmsu_lrioctl_termios(queue_t *lrq, mblk_t *mp) { upath_t *upath, *altn_upath = NULL, *stp_upath = NULL; lpath_t *lpath, *altn_lpath = NULL, *stp_lpath = NULL; struct iocblk *iocp, *temp_iocp = NULL; mblk_t *hndl_mp, *nmp = NULL, *fmp = NULL; queue_t *dst_queue; int term_ioctl, term_stat, sts; int ack_flag, termio_flag, chkflag; ulong_t trad_sts; rw_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->lock, RW_READER); iocp = (struct iocblk *)mp->b_rptr; mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); lpath = (lpath_t *)lrq->q_ptr; hndl_mp = lpath->hndl_mp; upath = oplmsu_search_upath_info(lpath->path_no); trad_sts = upath->traditional_status; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); if (((iocp->ioc_cmd == TCSETS) && (trad_sts == MSU_WTCS_ACK)) || ((iocp->ioc_cmd == TCSETSW) && (trad_sts == MSU_WTCS_ACK)) || ((iocp->ioc_cmd == TCSETSF) && (trad_sts == MSU_WTCS_ACK)) || ((iocp->ioc_cmd == TIOCMSET) && (trad_sts == MSU_WTMS_ACK)) || ((iocp->ioc_cmd == TIOCSPPS) && (trad_sts == MSU_WPPS_ACK)) || ((iocp->ioc_cmd == TIOCSWINSZ) && (trad_sts == MSU_WWSZ_ACK)) || ((iocp->ioc_cmd == TIOCSSOFTCAR) && (trad_sts == MSU_WCAR_ACK))) { if (mp->b_datap->db_type == M_IOCACK) { ack_flag = ACK_RES; } else { ack_flag = NAK_RES; } } else { rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); cmn_err(CE_WARN, "oplmsu: lr-termios: " "Status of path is improper"); return (SUCCESS); } switch (trad_sts) { case MSU_WTCS_ACK : termio_flag = MSU_TIOS_TCSETS; break; case MSU_WTMS_ACK : termio_flag = MSU_TIOS_MSET; break; case MSU_WPPS_ACK : termio_flag = MSU_TIOS_PPS; break; case MSU_WWSZ_ACK : termio_flag = MSU_TIOS_WINSZP; break; case MSU_WCAR_ACK : termio_flag = MSU_TIOS_SOFTCAR; break; default : termio_flag = MSU_TIOS_END; break; } if (hndl_mp == NULL) { switch (trad_sts) { case MSU_WTCS_ACK : /* FALLTHRU */ case MSU_WTMS_ACK : /* FALLTHRU */ case MSU_WPPS_ACK : /* FALLTHRU */ case MSU_WWSZ_ACK : /* FALLTHRU */ case MSU_WCAR_ACK : chkflag = MSU_CMD_STOP; break; default : chkflag = FAILURE; break; } } else { /* xoff/xon received */ if (hndl_mp->b_datap->db_type == M_DATA) { chkflag = MSU_CMD_ACTIVE; } else { /* Normal termios */ temp_iocp = (struct iocblk *)hndl_mp->b_rptr; chkflag = temp_iocp->ioc_cmd; } } if ((chkflag == MSU_CMD_ACTIVE) || (chkflag == MSU_CMD_STOP)) { if (ack_flag == ACK_RES) { /* M_IOCACK received */ ctrl_t *ctrl; if (oplmsu_cmn_prechg_termio(lrq, mp, MSU_READ_SIDE, termio_flag, &nmp, &term_stat) == FAILURE) { rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (FAILURE); } OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); if (term_stat != MSU_WPTH_CHG) { upath->traditional_status = term_stat; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); OPLMSU_TRACE(RD(lrq), nmp, MSU_TRC_LO); /* Continue sending termios ioctls */ qreply(RD(lrq), nmp); return (SUCCESS); } freemsg(mp); /* Change status of new active path */ oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_ACTIVE, upath->status, MSU_ACTIVE); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); lpath->uinst = oplmsu_uinst; dst_queue = lpath->hndl_uqueue; ctrl = oplmsu_uinst->user_ctrl; if ((chkflag == MSU_CMD_ACTIVE) && (hndl_mp != NULL)) { /* Put a message(M_DATA) on a queue */ if (ctrl != NULL) { mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); putq(RD(ctrl->queue), hndl_mp); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); } } oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); stp_upath = lpath->src_upath; lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; /* Notify of the active path changing */ prom_opl_switch_console(upath->ser_devcb.lsb); /* Send XON to notify active path */ (void) oplmsu_cmn_put_xoffxon(WR(lrq), MSU_XON_4); stp_lpath = stp_upath->lpath; stp_lpath->uinst = NULL; oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(stp_lpath); stp_lpath->src_upath = NULL; stp_lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; /* Change status of stopped or old-active path */ if (chkflag == MSU_CMD_STOP) { sts = MSU_PSTAT_STOP; trad_sts = MSU_STOP; } else { /* == MSU_CMD_ACTIVE */ sts = MSU_PSTAT_STANDBY; trad_sts = MSU_STANDBY; } oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(stp_upath, sts, stp_upath->status, trad_sts); /* Send XOFF to notify all standby paths */ oplmsu_cmn_putxoff_standby(); oplmsu_uinst->lower_queue = lrq; oplmsu_uinst->inst_status = oplmsu_get_inst_status(); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); /* Change active path of user node */ if (ctrl != NULL) { queue_t *temp_queue; mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); temp_queue = WR(ctrl->queue); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); /* Reschedule a queue for service */ enableok(temp_queue); oplmsu_queue_flag = 0; oplmsu_wcmn_high_qenable(temp_queue, RW_WRITER); } rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); if (nmp != NULL) { freemsg(nmp); } /* Wake up oplmsu_config_stop */ mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if (stp_lpath->sw_flag) { stp_lpath->sw_flag = 0; cv_signal(&stp_lpath->sw_cv); } mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); return (SUCCESS); } else { /* M_IOCNAK received */ mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if ((chkflag == MSU_CMD_ACTIVE) && (lpath->hndl_uqueue == NULL)) { oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); stp_upath = lpath->src_upath; lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_STANDBY, upath->status, MSU_STANDBY); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); if (hndl_mp != NULL) { freemsg(hndl_mp); } OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); oplmsu_uinst->inst_status = oplmsu_get_inst_status(); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (SUCCESS); } else if ((chkflag == MSU_CMD_STOP) && (lpath->src_upath != NULL) && (lpath->src_upath->lpath->sw_flag)) { /* MSU_CMD_STOP for active path */ dst_queue = RD(lpath->hndl_uqueue); stp_upath = lpath->src_upath; /* Search alternate path from standby paths */ altn_upath = oplmsu_search_standby(); if (altn_upath == NULL) { altn_upath = upath; } mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if (oplmsu_cmn_allocmb(lrq, mp, &fmp, sizeof (char), MSU_READ_SIDE) == FAILURE) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (FAILURE); } if (oplmsu_cmn_prechg(lrq, mp, MSU_READ_SIDE, &nmp, &term_ioctl, &term_stat) == FAILURE) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freeb(fmp); return (FAILURE); } altn_upath->traditional_status = term_stat; altn_lpath = altn_upath->lpath; mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); altn_lpath->hndl_mp = hndl_mp; altn_lpath->hndl_uqueue = dst_queue; altn_lpath->src_upath = stp_upath; altn_lpath->status = MSU_EXT_VOID; dst_queue = RD(altn_lpath->lower_queue); oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_FAIL, upath->status, MSU_FAIL); oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); oplmsu_uinst->inst_status = oplmsu_get_inst_status(); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); oplmsu_cmn_set_mflush(fmp); OPLMSU_TRACE(dst_queue, fmp, MSU_TRC_LO); qreply(dst_queue, fmp); OPLMSU_TRACE(dst_queue, nmp, MSU_TRC_LO); qreply(dst_queue, nmp); return (SUCCESS); } } } else if ((chkflag == TCSETS) || (chkflag == TCSETSW) || (chkflag == TCSETSF) || (chkflag == TIOCMSET) || (chkflag == TIOCSPPS) || (chkflag == TIOCSWINSZ) || (chkflag == TIOCSSOFTCAR)) { mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if ((ack_flag == ACK_RES) && (lpath->hndl_uqueue != NULL)) { /* M_IOCACK received */ mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); if (oplmsu_cmn_copymb(lrq, mp, &nmp, hndl_mp, MSU_READ_SIDE) == FAILURE) { rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (FAILURE); } OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); switch (chkflag) { case TCSETS : /* FALLTHRU */ case TCSETSW : /* FALLTHRU */ case TCSETSF : if (oplmsu_uinst->tcsets_p != NULL) { freemsg(oplmsu_uinst->tcsets_p); } oplmsu_uinst->tcsets_p = nmp; break; case TIOCMSET : if (oplmsu_uinst->tiocmset_p != NULL) { freemsg(oplmsu_uinst->tiocmset_p); } oplmsu_uinst->tiocmset_p = nmp; break; case TIOCSPPS : if (oplmsu_uinst->tiocspps_p != NULL) { freemsg(oplmsu_uinst->tiocspps_p); } oplmsu_uinst->tiocspps_p = nmp; break; case TIOCSWINSZ : if (oplmsu_uinst->tiocswinsz_p != NULL) { freemsg(oplmsu_uinst->tiocswinsz_p); } oplmsu_uinst->tiocswinsz_p = nmp; break; case TIOCSSOFTCAR : if (oplmsu_uinst->tiocssoftcar_p != NULL) { freemsg(oplmsu_uinst->tiocssoftcar_p); } oplmsu_uinst->tiocssoftcar_p = nmp; break; } mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); upath->traditional_status = lpath->status; nmp = lpath->hndl_mp; nmp->b_datap->db_type = M_IOCACK; dst_queue = RD(lpath->hndl_uqueue); bcopy(mp->b_rptr, nmp->b_rptr, sizeof (struct iocblk)); oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); freemsg(mp); putq(dst_queue, nmp); /* Check sleep flag and wake up thread */ oplmsu_cmn_wakeup(dst_queue); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (SUCCESS); } else if ((ack_flag == NAK_RES) && (lpath->hndl_uqueue != NULL)) { /* M_IOCNAK received */ upath->traditional_status = lpath->status; nmp = lpath->hndl_mp; nmp->b_datap->db_type = M_IOCNAK; dst_queue = RD(lpath->hndl_uqueue); oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); freemsg(mp); putq(dst_queue, nmp); /* Check sleep flag and wake up thread */ oplmsu_cmn_wakeup(dst_queue); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (SUCCESS); } } mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); switch (upath->status) { case MSU_PSTAT_FAIL : upath->traditional_status = MSU_FAIL; break; case MSU_PSTAT_STOP : upath->traditional_status = MSU_STOP; break; case MSU_PSTAT_STANDBY : upath->traditional_status = MSU_STANDBY; break; case MSU_PSTAT_ACTIVE : upath->traditional_status = MSU_ACTIVE; break; } mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); return (SUCCESS); } /* M_ERROR or M_HANGUP response received */ int oplmsu_lrmsg_error(queue_t *lrq, mblk_t *mp) { upath_t *upath, *altn_upath = NULL; lpath_t *lpath, *altn_lpath = NULL; mblk_t *nmp = NULL, *fmp = NULL; queue_t *dst_queue = NULL; ctrl_t *ctrl; int term_stat, term_ioctl; rw_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->lock, RW_READER); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); ctrl = oplmsu_uinst->user_ctrl; if (ctrl != NULL) { dst_queue = RD(ctrl->queue); } mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); lpath = (lpath_t *)lrq->q_ptr; upath = oplmsu_search_upath_info(lpath->path_no); if ((lpath->status == MSU_LINK_NU) || (lpath->status == MSU_SETID_NU) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WSTR_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WTCS_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WTMS_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WPPS_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WWSZ_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WCAR_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WSTP_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WPTH_CHG)) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); } else if ((upath->traditional_status == MSU_MAKE_INST) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_STOP) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_STANDBY) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_SETID) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_LINK)) { oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_FAIL, upath->status, MSU_FAIL); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); } else if (upath->traditional_status == MSU_FAIL) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); } else if (upath->traditional_status == MSU_ACTIVE) { altn_upath = oplmsu_search_standby(); if (altn_upath == NULL) { oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_FAIL, upath->status, MSU_FAIL); oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; lpath->uinst = NULL; mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); oplmsu_uinst->lower_queue = NULL; rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); return (SUCCESS); } mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if (oplmsu_cmn_allocmb(lrq, mp, &fmp, sizeof (char), MSU_READ_SIDE) == FAILURE) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (FAILURE); } if (oplmsu_cmn_prechg(lrq, mp, MSU_READ_SIDE, &nmp, &term_ioctl, &term_stat) == FAILURE) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freeb(fmp); return (FAILURE); } oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_FAIL, upath->status, MSU_FAIL); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); lpath->uinst = NULL; altn_upath->traditional_status = term_stat; altn_lpath = altn_upath->lpath; altn_lpath->hndl_mp = NULL; altn_lpath->hndl_uqueue = NULL; altn_lpath->src_upath = upath; altn_lpath->status = MSU_EXT_VOID; dst_queue = RD(altn_lpath->lower_queue); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); oplmsu_uinst->lower_queue = NULL; oplmsu_cmn_set_mflush(fmp); if (ctrl != NULL) { mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); noenable(WR(ctrl->queue)); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); oplmsu_queue_flag = 1; } rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); OPLMSU_TRACE(dst_queue, fmp, MSU_TRC_LO); qreply(dst_queue, fmp); OPLMSU_TRACE(dst_queue, nmp, MSU_TRC_LO); qreply(dst_queue, nmp); } return (SUCCESS); } /* M_DATA[xoff/xon] was received from serial port */ int oplmsu_lrdata_xoffxon(queue_t *lrq, mblk_t *mp) { upath_t *upath, *stp_upath = NULL; lpath_t *lpath, *stp_lpath = NULL; mblk_t *nmp = NULL, *fmp = NULL; ctrl_t *ctrl; int term_stat, term_ioctl; rw_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->lock, RW_READER); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if (oplmsu_uinst->lower_queue != NULL) { /* Get lower path of active status */ stp_lpath = (lpath_t *)oplmsu_uinst->lower_queue->q_ptr; if (stp_lpath != NULL) { stp_upath = oplmsu_search_upath_info(stp_lpath->path_no); } } lpath = (lpath_t *)lrq->q_ptr; upath = oplmsu_search_upath_info(lpath->path_no); if ((stp_upath != NULL) && (stp_upath != upath)) { if ((stp_upath->status != MSU_PSTAT_ACTIVE) || (stp_upath->traditional_status != MSU_ACTIVE)) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); putbq(lrq, mp); return (FAILURE); } } if ((upath->status == MSU_PSTAT_ACTIVE) && ((upath->traditional_status == MSU_ACTIVE) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WTCS_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WTMS_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WPPS_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WWSZ_ACK) || (upath->traditional_status == MSU_WCAR_ACK))) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); oplmsu_rcmn_through_hndl(lrq, mp, MSU_NORM); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (SUCCESS); } else if ((upath->status != MSU_PSTAT_STANDBY) || (upath->traditional_status != MSU_STANDBY)) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freemsg(mp); cmn_err(CE_WARN, "oplmsu: lr-xoffxon: " "Can't change to specified path"); return (SUCCESS); } mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); if (oplmsu_cmn_allocmb(lrq, mp, &fmp, sizeof (char), MSU_READ_SIDE) == FAILURE) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); return (FAILURE); } if (oplmsu_cmn_prechg(lrq, mp, MSU_READ_SIDE, &nmp, &term_ioctl, &term_stat) == FAILURE) { mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); freeb(fmp); return (FAILURE); } oplmsu_cmn_set_mflush(fmp); upath->traditional_status = term_stat; mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); lpath->hndl_mp = mp; lpath->hndl_uqueue = NULL; lpath->src_upath = stp_upath; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_VOID; mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); ctrl = oplmsu_uinst->user_ctrl; if (term_stat != MSU_WPTH_CHG) { /* * Send termios to new active path and wait response */ if (ctrl != NULL) { noenable(WR(ctrl->queue)); } mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); OPLMSU_TRACE(RD(lrq), fmp, MSU_TRC_LO); qreply(RD(lrq), fmp); OPLMSU_TRACE(RD(lrq), nmp, MSU_TRC_LO); qreply(RD(lrq), nmp); } else { /* * No termios messages are received. Change active path. */ oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(upath, MSU_PSTAT_ACTIVE, upath->status, MSU_ACTIVE); lpath->uinst = oplmsu_uinst; lpath->src_upath = NULL; lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; /* Notify of the active path changing */ prom_opl_switch_console(upath->ser_devcb.lsb); putq(WR(lrq), fmp); /* Send XON to notify active path */ (void) oplmsu_cmn_put_xoffxon(WR(lrq), MSU_XON_4); if (lpath->hndl_mp != NULL) { /* Put a message(M_DATA) on a queue */ if (ctrl != NULL) { putq(RD(ctrl->queue), lpath->hndl_mp); } } oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(lpath); if (ctrl != NULL) { noenable(WR(ctrl->queue)); } if ((stp_upath != NULL) && (stp_lpath != NULL)) { /* Change the status of stop path */ oplmsu_cmn_set_upath_sts(stp_upath, MSU_PSTAT_STANDBY, stp_upath->status, MSU_STANDBY); oplmsu_clear_ioctl_path(stp_lpath); stp_lpath->uinst = NULL; stp_lpath->src_upath = NULL; stp_lpath->status = MSU_EXT_NOTUSED; } #ifdef DEBUG oplmsu_cmn_prt_pathname(upath->ser_devcb.dip); #endif /* Send XOFF to notify all standby paths */ oplmsu_cmn_putxoff_standby(); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->l_lock); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); OPLMSU_RWLOCK_UPGRADE(); mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); oplmsu_uinst->lower_queue = lrq; oplmsu_uinst->inst_status = oplmsu_get_inst_status(); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->u_lock); if (ctrl != NULL) { queue_t *temp_queue; mutex_enter(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); temp_queue = WR(ctrl->queue); mutex_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->c_lock); /* Reschedule a queue for service */ enableok(temp_queue); oplmsu_queue_flag = 0; oplmsu_wcmn_high_qenable(temp_queue, RW_WRITER); } rw_exit(&oplmsu_uinst->lock); } return (SUCCESS); }