# Makefile for building ecore as a module. AT?=@ export AT KVER = ifeq ($(KVER),) KVER = $(shell uname -r) endif __ARCH=$(shell uname -m) # PREFIX may be set by the RPM build to set the effective root. PREFIX = ifeq ($(shell ls /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo build),) # SuSE source RPMs _KVER=$(shell echo $(KVER) | cut -d "-" -f1,2) _KFLA=$(shell echo $(KVER) | cut -d "-" -f3) _ARCH=$(shell file -b /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build | cut -d "/" -f5) ifeq ($(_ARCH),) _ARCH=$(__ARCH) endif ifeq ($(shell ls /usr/src/linux-$(_KVER)-obj > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo linux),) ifeq ($(shell ls /usr/src/kernels/$(KVER)-$(__ARCH) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo linux),) LINUX= else LINUX=/usr/src/kernels/$(KVER)-$(__ARCH) LINUXSRC=$(LINUX) ifeq ($(KERNEL_DIR),) KERNEL_DIR=$(LINUX) endif endif else ifeq ($(KERNEL_DIR),) KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux-$(_KVER)-obj/$(_ARCH)/$(_KFLA) endif LINUXSRC=/usr/src/linux-$(_KVER) endif else BCMPROC := $(__ARCH) BCMCFGS := /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build \ /usr/src/kernels/$(KVER)-$(BCMPROC) \ /usr/src/linux-$(shell echo $(KVER) | sed "s|\(.*\)-\([a-z]*\)|\1-obj/$(BCMPROC)/\2|") \ /usr/src/linux # Delete any entries that do not exist. BCMTSTDIR = $(shell if ls $(DIR) > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo $(DIR); fi) BCMCFGS := $(foreach DIR, $(BCMCFGS), $(BCMTSTDIR)) ifeq ($(BCMCFGS),) $(error Linux kernel config directory not found) else ifeq ($(KERNEL_DIR),) KERNEL_DIR := $(firstword $(BCMCFGS)) ifeq ($(LINUXSRC),) ifneq ($(shell ls /lib/modules/$(KVER)/source > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo source),) LINUXSRC=/lib/modules/$(KVER)/source endif endif endif endif endif ifeq ($(LINUXSRC),) LINUXSRC=$(KERNEL_DIR) endif # paths ifeq ($(shell ls /lib/modules/$(KVER)/updates > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo 1),1) DRV_DIR = updates else ifeq ($(shell grep -q "search.*[[:space:]]updates" /etc/depmod.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo 1),1) DRV_DIR = updates else ifeq ($(shell grep -q "search.*[[:space:]]updates" /etc/depmod.d/* > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo 1),1) DRV_DIR = updates else DRV_DIR = kernel/drivers/net endif endif endif sles_distro := $(wildcard /etc/SuSE-release) ifneq ($(sles_distro),) SLES_VERSION = $(shell cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep VERSION | grep -o -P [0-9]+) SLES_PATCHLEVEL = $(shell cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep PATCHLEVEL | grep -o -P [0-9]+) PADDED_PATCHLEVEL = $(shell if [ 10 -gt $(SLES_PATCHLEVEL) ]; then echo 0$(SLES_PATCHLEVEL); else echo $(SLES_PATCHLEVEL); fi) SLES_DISTRO_VER = "0x$(SLES_VERSION)$(PADDED_PATCHLEVEL)" EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DSLES_DISTRO=$(SLES_DISTRO_VER) endif SOURCES = ecore_chain.c ecore_cxt.c ecore_dev.c ecore_dbg_fw_funcs.c ecore_user_dbg_fw_funcs.c ecore_hw.c ecore_init_fw_funcs.c ecore_init_ops.c ecore_int.c ecore_mcp.c ecore_sp_commands.c ecore_spq.c ecore_dcbx.c ecore_phy.c ecore_selftest.c ecore_mng_tlv.c HEADERS_LL2 = ecore_ll2_api.h ecore_ll2.h HEADERS_HSI = ecore_hsi_common.h ecore_hsi_iscsi.h ecore_hsi_roce.h ecore_hsi_rdma.h ecore_hsi_iwarp.h ecore_hsi_fcoe.h ecore_hsi_toe.h ecore_hsi_debug_tools.h ecore_hsi_init_func.h ecore_hsi_init_tool.h ../common/include/common_hsi.h ../common/include/eth_common.h ../common/include/fcoe_common.h ../common/include/iscsi_common.h ../common/include/roce_common.h ../common/include/rdma_common.h ../common/include/storage_common.h ../common/include/tcp_common.h ../common/include/iwarp_common.h HEADERS = ecore_chain.h ecore_cxt_api.h ecore_cxt.h ecore_dbg_fw_funcs.h ecore_user_dbg_fw_funcs.h ecore_dbg_values.h ecore_dbg_values_user.h ecore_dev_api.h ecore_gtt_reg_addr.h ecore_gtt_values.h ecore.h ecore_hw_defs.h ecore_hw.h ecore_init_fw_funcs.h ecore_init_ops.h ecore_init_values.h ecore_init_values_zipped.h ecore_int_api.h ecore_int.h ecore_iro.h ecore_iro_values.h ecore_mcp.h ecore_phy_api.h ecore_mcp_api.h ecore_proto_if.h ecore_rt_defs.h ecore_sp_api.h ecore_sp_commands.h ecore_spq.h ecore_status.h ecore_utils.h ecore_dcbx.h ecore_dcbx_api.h ecore_selftest_api.h include/bcm_osal.h ../../hsi/hw/pcics_reg_driver.h ../../hsi/hw/reg_addr.h ../../hsi/mcp/nvm_cfg.h ../../hsi/mcp/mcp_public.h ../../hsi/mcp/spad_layout.h ../../hsi/mfw_hsi.h ../../hsi/mcp/nvm_map.h ecore_tcp_ip.h MODULE_NAME = ecore obj-m += $(MODULE_NAME).o ecore-objs = ecore_cxt.o ecore_dev.o ecore_dbg_fw_funcs.o ecore_user_dbg_fw_funcs.o ecore_hw.o ecore_init_fw_funcs.o ecore_init_ops.o ecore_int.o ecore_mcp.o ecore_phy.o ecore_sp_commands.o ecore_spq.o ecore_dcbx.o ecore_selftest.o ecore_chain.o ecore_mng_tlv.o #TODO - we need all HSI [e.g., ecore_cxt.c needs to know the size of all contexts. #Either need to carefully revise this, or everyone will need all the HSI files. #since both L2 and LL2 require ecore_hsi_eth.h, every flavour needs it HEADERS += $(HEADERS_HSI) ecore_hsi_eth.h # Determine the content of the ecore compilation - on default do everything ifneq ($(L2), 1) ifneq ($(ROCE), 1) ifneq ($(FCOE), 1) ifneq ($(ISCSI), 1) ifneq ($(PTP), 1) ifneq ($(IWARP), 1) L2 = 1 ROCE = 1 FCOE = 1 ISCSI = 1 PTP = 1 IWARP = 1 endif endif endif endif endif endif HEADERS += ecore_l2_api.h ecore_l2.h HEADERS += ecore_roce.h ecore_roce_api.h ecore_hsi_roce.h ecore_hsi_rdma.h HEADERS += ecore_fcoe_api.h ecore_fcoe.h ecore_hsi_fcoe.h HEADERS += ecore_hsi_iscsi.h ecore_iscsi_api.h ecore_iscsi.h ecore_ooo.h HEADERS += $(HEADERS_LL2) HEADERS += ecore_iov_api.h ecore_sriov.h ecore_vf_api.h ecore_vf.h ecore_vfpf_if.h HEADERS += ecore_ptp_api.h ifeq ($(L2), 1) SRIOV ?= 1 ecore-objs += ecore_l2.o SOURCES += ecore_l2.c EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_L2 endif ifeq ($(ROCE), 1) LL2 = 1 SOURCES += ecore_roce.c ecore-objs += ecore_roce.o EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_ROCE endif ifeq ($(FCOE), 1) LL2 = 1 SOURCES += ecore_fcoe.c ecore-objs += ecore_fcoe.o EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_FCOE endif ifeq ($(ISCSI), 1) LL2 = 1 SOURCES += ecore_iscsi.c ecore_ooo.c ecore-objs += ecore_iscsi.o ecore_ooo.o EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_ISCSI endif ifeq ($(IWARP), 1) LL2 = 1 EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_IWARP endif #Derivatives ifeq ($(LL2), 1) SOURCES += ecore_ll2.c ecore-objs += ecore_ll2.o EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_LL2 endif ifeq ($(SRIOV), 1) ecore-objs += ecore_sriov.o ecore_vf.o SOURCES += ecore_sriov.c ecore_vf.c EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_SRIOV endif ifeq ($(PTP), 1) ecore-objs += ecore_ptp.o SOURCES += ecore_ptp.c EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_ECORE_PTP endif #Add include subdir for both user/module flavours EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DECORE_PACKAGE -I$(src)/include -I./include -I$(src)/../common/include/ -I./../common/include/ -I$(src)/../../hsi/hw/ -I./../../hsi/hw -I$(src)/../../hsi/mcp/ -I./../../hsi/mcp -I$(src)/../../hsi/ -I../../hsi/ all default: $(obj-m) clean: rm -rf *.o *.ko .*.cmd *.mod.c Module.symvers modules.order $(obj-m): $(SOURCES) $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=`pwd` modules user: $(SOURCES) $(CC) -c $(SOURCES) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) tar: $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) rm -rf /tmp/ecore.tar.gz rm -rf /tmp/ecore* mkdir /tmp/ecore cp -r $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) release.txt /tmp/ecore/ echo "L2 = $(L2)" >> /tmp/ecore/Makefile echo "FCOE = $(FCOE)" >> /tmp/ecore/Makefile echo "ISCSI = $(ISCSI)" >> /tmp/ecore/Makefile echo "ROCE = $(ROCE)" >> /tmp/ecore/Makefile echo "SRIOV = $(SRIOV)" >> /tmp/ecore/Makefile cat Makefile >> /tmp/ecore/Makefile tar czvf /tmp/ecore.tar.gz -C /tmp ecore rm -rf /tmp/ecore