/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Oracle. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt */ /* * Sometimes we aren't able to track a variable through a function call. This * usually happens because a function changes too many variables so we give up. * Another reason this happens is because we call a function pointer and there * are too many functions which implement that function pointer so we give up. * Also maybe we don't have the database enabled. * * The goal here is to make a call back so what if we call: * * frob(&foo); * * but we're not able to say what happens to "foo", then let's assume that we * don't know anything about "foo" if it's an untracked call. * */ #include "smatch.h" #include "smatch_slist.h" #include "smatch_extra.h" static int my_id; static int tracked; STATE(untracked); STATE(lost); typedef void (untracked_hook)(struct expression *call, int param); DECLARE_PTR_LIST(untracked_hook_list, untracked_hook *); static struct untracked_hook_list *untracked_hooks; static struct untracked_hook_list *lost_hooks; struct int_stack *tracked_stack; void add_untracked_param_hook(void (func)(struct expression *call, int param)) { untracked_hook **p = malloc(sizeof(untracked_hook *)); *p = func; add_ptr_list(&untracked_hooks, p); } static void call_untracked_callbacks(struct expression *expr, int param) { untracked_hook **fn; FOR_EACH_PTR(untracked_hooks, fn) { (*fn)(expr, param); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(fn); } void add_lost_param_hook(void (func)(struct expression *call, int param)) { untracked_hook **p = malloc(sizeof(untracked_hook *)); *p = func; add_ptr_list(&lost_hooks, p); } static void call_lost_callbacks(struct expression *expr, int param) { untracked_hook **fn; FOR_EACH_PTR(lost_hooks, fn) { (*fn)(expr, param); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(fn); } static void assume_tracked(struct expression *call_expr, int param, char *key, char *value) { tracked = 1; } static char *get_array_from_key(struct expression *expr, int param, const char *key, struct symbol **sym) { struct expression *arg; arg = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, param); if (!arg) return NULL; if (arg->type != EXPR_PREOP || arg->op != '&') return NULL; arg = arg->unop; if (!is_array(arg)) return NULL; arg = get_array_base(arg); return expr_to_var_sym(arg, sym); } static void mark_untracked_lost(struct expression *expr, int param, const char *key, int type) { char *name; struct symbol *sym; while (expr->type == EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) expr = strip_expr(expr->right); if (expr->type != EXPR_CALL) return; name = return_state_to_var_sym(expr, param, key, &sym); if (!name || !sym) { name = get_array_from_key(expr, param, key, &sym); if (!name || !sym) goto free; } if (type == LOST_PARAM) call_lost_callbacks(expr, param); call_untracked_callbacks(expr, param); set_state(my_id, name, sym, &untracked); free: free_string(name); } void mark_untracked(struct expression *expr, int param, const char *key, const char *value) { mark_untracked_lost(expr, param, key, UNTRACKED_PARAM); } void mark_lost(struct expression *expr, int param, const char *key, const char *value) { mark_untracked_lost(expr, param, key, LOST_PARAM); } static int lost_in_va_args(struct expression *expr) { struct symbol *fn; char *name; int is_lost; fn = get_type(expr->fn); if (!fn || !fn->variadic) return 0; is_lost = 1; name = expr_to_var(expr->fn); if (name && strstr(name, "print")) is_lost = 0; free_string(name); return is_lost; } static void match_after_call(struct expression *expr) { struct expression *arg; struct symbol *type; int i; if (lost_in_va_args(expr)) tracked = 0; if (tracked) { tracked = 0; return; } i = -1; FOR_EACH_PTR(expr->args, arg) { i++; type = get_type(arg); if (!type || type->type != SYM_PTR) continue; call_untracked_callbacks(expr, i); set_state_expr(my_id, arg, &untracked); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg); } static void mark_all_params(int return_id, char *return_ranges, int type) { struct symbol *arg; int param; param = -1; FOR_EACH_PTR(cur_func_sym->ctype.base_type->arguments, arg) { param++; if (!arg->ident) continue; sql_insert_return_states(return_id, return_ranges, type, param, "$", ""); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg); } void mark_all_params_untracked(int return_id, char *return_ranges, struct expression *expr) { mark_all_params(return_id, return_ranges, UNTRACKED_PARAM); } void mark_all_params_lost(int return_id, char *return_ranges, struct expression *expr) { mark_all_params(return_id, return_ranges, LOST_PARAM); } static void print_untracked_params(int return_id, char *return_ranges, struct expression *expr) { struct sm_state *sm; struct symbol *arg; int param; int type; param = -1; FOR_EACH_PTR(cur_func_sym->ctype.base_type->arguments, arg) { param++; if (!arg->ident) continue; if (__bail_on_rest_of_function) { /* hairy functions are lost */ type = LOST_PARAM; } else if ((sm = get_sm_state(my_id, arg->ident->name, arg))) { if (slist_has_state(sm->possible, &lost)) type = LOST_PARAM; else type = UNTRACKED_PARAM; } else { continue; } sql_insert_return_states(return_id, return_ranges, type, param, "$", ""); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg); } static void match_param_assign(struct expression *expr) { struct expression *right; struct symbol *type; int param; if (__in_fake_assign) return; right = strip_expr(expr->right); type = get_type(right); if (!type || type->type != SYM_PTR) return; param = get_param_num(right); if (param < 0) return; set_state_expr(my_id, right, &untracked); } static void match_param_assign_in_asm(struct statement *stmt) { struct expression *tmp, *expr; struct symbol *type; int param; FOR_EACH_PTR(stmt->asm_inputs, tmp) { expr = strip_expr(tmp->expr); type = get_type(expr); if (!type || type->type != SYM_PTR) continue; param = get_param_num(expr); if (param < 0) continue; set_state_expr(my_id, expr, &untracked); } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(tmp); } static void match_inline_start(struct expression *expr) { push_int(&tracked_stack, tracked); } static void match_inline_end(struct expression *expr) { tracked = pop_int(&tracked_stack); } void register_untracked_param(int id) { my_id = id; select_return_states_hook(INTERNAL, &assume_tracked); select_return_states_hook(UNTRACKED_PARAM, &mark_untracked); select_return_states_hook(LOST_PARAM, &mark_lost); add_hook(&match_after_call, FUNCTION_CALL_HOOK_AFTER_DB); add_split_return_callback(&print_untracked_params); add_hook(&match_param_assign, ASSIGNMENT_HOOK); add_hook(&match_param_assign_in_asm, ASM_HOOK); add_hook(&match_inline_start, INLINE_FN_START); add_hook(&match_inline_end, INLINE_FN_END); }