/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt */ #include #include #include "parse.h" #include "smatch.h" #include "smatch_slist.h" #include "smatch_extra.h" #define UNKNOWN_SIZE (-1) static int my_strlen_id; /* * The trick with the my_equiv_id is that if we have: * foo = strlen(bar); * We don't know at that point what the strlen() is but we know it's equivalent * to "foo" so maybe we can find the value of "foo" later. */ static int my_equiv_id; static struct smatch_state *size_to_estate(int size) { sval_t sval; sval.type = &int_ctype; sval.value = size; return alloc_estate_sval(sval); } static struct smatch_state *unmatched_strlen_state(struct sm_state *sm) { return size_to_estate(UNKNOWN_SIZE); } static void set_strlen_undefined(struct sm_state *sm, struct expression *mod_expr) { set_state(sm->owner, sm->name, sm->sym, size_to_estate(UNKNOWN_SIZE)); } static void set_strlen_equiv_undefined(struct sm_state *sm, struct expression *mod_expr) { set_state(sm->owner, sm->name, sm->sym, &undefined); } static void match_string_assignment(struct expression *expr) { struct range_list *rl; if (expr->op != '=') return; if (!get_implied_strlen(expr->right, &rl)) return; set_state_expr(my_strlen_id, expr->left, alloc_estate_rl(clone_rl(rl))); } static void match_strlen(const char *fn, struct expression *expr, void *unused) { struct expression *right; struct expression *str; struct expression *len_expr; char *len_name; struct smatch_state *state; right = strip_expr(expr->right); str = get_argument_from_call_expr(right->args, 0); len_expr = strip_expr(expr->left); len_name = expr_to_var(len_expr); if (!len_name) return; state = __alloc_smatch_state(0); state->name = len_name; state->data = len_expr; set_state_expr(my_equiv_id, str, state); } static void match_strlen_condition(struct expression *expr) { struct expression *left; struct expression *right; struct expression *str = NULL; int strlen_left = 0; int strlen_right = 0; sval_t sval; struct smatch_state *true_state = NULL; struct smatch_state *false_state = NULL; int op; if (expr->type != EXPR_COMPARE) return; left = strip_expr(expr->left); right = strip_expr(expr->right); if (left->type == EXPR_CALL && sym_name_is("strlen", left->fn)) { str = get_argument_from_call_expr(left->args, 0); strlen_left = 1; } if (right->type == EXPR_CALL && sym_name_is("strlen", right->fn)) { str = get_argument_from_call_expr(right->args, 0); strlen_right = 1; } if (!strlen_left && !strlen_right) return; if (strlen_left && strlen_right) return; op = expr->op; if (strlen_left) { if (!get_value(right, &sval)) return; } else { op = flip_comparison(op); if (!get_value(left, &sval)) return; } switch (op) { case '<': case SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_LT: true_state = size_to_estate(sval.value - 1); break; case SPECIAL_LTE: case SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_LTE: true_state = size_to_estate(sval.value); break; case SPECIAL_EQUAL: true_state = size_to_estate(sval.value); break; case SPECIAL_NOTEQUAL: false_state = size_to_estate(sval.value); break; case SPECIAL_GTE: case SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_GTE: false_state = size_to_estate(sval.value - 1); break; case '>': case SPECIAL_UNSIGNED_GT: false_state = size_to_estate(sval.value); break; } set_true_false_states_expr(my_strlen_id, str, true_state, false_state); } static void match_snprintf(const char *fn, struct expression *expr, void *unused) { struct expression *dest; struct expression *dest_size_expr; sval_t limit_size; dest = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 0); dest_size_expr = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 1); if (!get_implied_value(dest_size_expr, &limit_size)) return; if (limit_size.value <= 0) return; set_state_expr(my_strlen_id, dest, size_to_estate(limit_size.value - 1)); } static void match_strlcpycat(const char *fn, struct expression *expr, void *unused) { struct expression *dest; struct expression *src; struct expression *limit_expr; int src_len; sval_t limit; dest = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 0); src = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 1); limit_expr = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 2); src_len = get_size_from_strlen(src); if (!get_implied_max(limit_expr, &limit)) return; if (limit.value < 0 || limit.value > INT_MAX) return; if (src_len != 0 && strcmp(fn, "strcpy") == 0 && src_len < limit.value) limit.value = src_len; set_state_expr(my_strlen_id, dest, size_to_estate(limit.value - 1)); } static void match_strcpy(const char *fn, struct expression *expr, void *unused) { struct expression *dest; struct expression *src; int src_len; dest = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 0); src = get_argument_from_call_expr(expr->args, 1); src_len = get_size_from_strlen(src); if (src_len == 0) return; set_state_expr(my_strlen_id, dest, size_to_estate(src_len - 1)); } static int get_strlen_from_string(struct expression *expr, struct range_list **rl) { sval_t sval; int len; len = expr->string->length; sval = sval_type_val(&int_ctype, len - 1); *rl = alloc_rl(sval, sval); return 1; } static int get_strlen_from_state(struct expression *expr, struct range_list **rl) { struct smatch_state *state; state = get_state_expr(my_strlen_id, expr); if (!state) return 0; *rl = estate_rl(state); return 1; } static int get_strlen_from_equiv(struct expression *expr, struct range_list **rl) { struct smatch_state *state; state = get_state_expr(my_equiv_id, expr); if (!state || !state->data) return 0; if (!get_implied_rl((struct expression *)state->data, rl)) return 0; return 1; } /* * This returns the strlen() without the NUL char. */ int get_implied_strlen(struct expression *expr, struct range_list **rl) { *rl = NULL; expr = strip_expr(expr); if (expr->type == EXPR_STRING) return get_strlen_from_string(expr, rl); if (get_strlen_from_state(expr, rl)) return 1; if (get_strlen_from_equiv(expr, rl)) return 1; return 0; } int get_size_from_strlen(struct expression *expr) { struct range_list *rl; sval_t max; if (!get_implied_strlen(expr, &rl)) return 0; max = rl_max(rl); if (sval_is_negative(max) || sval_is_max(max)) return 0; return max.value + 1; /* add one because strlen doesn't include the NULL */ } void set_param_strlen(const char *name, struct symbol *sym, char *key, char *value) { struct range_list *rl = NULL; struct smatch_state *state; char fullname[256]; if (strncmp(key, "$", 1) != 0) return; snprintf(fullname, 256, "%s%s", name, key + 1); str_to_rl(&int_ctype, value, &rl); if (!rl || is_whole_rl(rl)) return; state = alloc_estate_rl(rl); set_state(my_strlen_id, fullname, sym, state); } static void match_call(struct expression *expr) { struct expression *arg; struct range_list *rl; int i; i = 0; FOR_EACH_PTR(expr->args, arg) { if (!get_implied_strlen(arg, &rl)) continue; if (!is_whole_rl(rl)) sql_insert_caller_info(expr, STR_LEN, i, "$", show_rl(rl)); i++; } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg); } static void struct_member_callback(struct expression *call, int param, char *printed_name, struct sm_state *sm) { if (sm->state == &merged) return; sql_insert_caller_info(call, STR_LEN, param, printed_name, sm->state->name); } void register_strlen(int id) { my_strlen_id = id; set_dynamic_states(my_strlen_id); add_unmatched_state_hook(my_strlen_id, &unmatched_strlen_state); select_caller_info_hook(set_param_strlen, STR_LEN); add_hook(&match_string_assignment, ASSIGNMENT_HOOK); add_modification_hook(my_strlen_id, &set_strlen_undefined); add_merge_hook(my_strlen_id, &merge_estates); add_hook(&match_call, FUNCTION_CALL_HOOK); add_member_info_callback(my_strlen_id, struct_member_callback); add_hook(&match_strlen_condition, CONDITION_HOOK); add_function_hook("snprintf", &match_snprintf, NULL); add_function_hook("strlcpy", &match_strlcpycat, NULL); add_function_hook("strlcat", &match_strlcpycat, NULL); add_function_hook("strcpy", &match_strcpy, NULL); } void register_strlen_equiv(int id) { my_equiv_id = id; set_dynamic_states(my_equiv_id); add_function_assign_hook("strlen", &match_strlen, NULL); add_modification_hook(my_equiv_id, &set_strlen_equiv_undefined); }