/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997, by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* SVr4.0 1.7 */ /*LINTLIBRARY*/ #include #include "utility.h" #define Scrollable(f) ((f)->drows > (f)->rows || \ (f)->dcols > (f)->cols) #define Connected(f) ((f) -> form != (FORM *) 0) #define OnPage(f) ((f) -> page == P((f) -> form)) #define Posted(f) (Status((f) -> form, POSTED)) #define Visible(f) (Opt(f, O_VISIBLE) && OnPage(f)) #define isCurrent(f) ((f) == C((f) -> form)) #define Justified(f) (Just(f) != NO_JUSTIFICATION && \ OneRow(f) && Opt(f, O_STATIC) && \ f->dcols == f->cols) /* _data_beg - return ptr to first non-blank char in v[n] (v on failure) */ char * _data_beg(char *v, int n) { char *vend = v + n; while (v < vend && *v == ' ') ++v; return (v == vend ? v - n : v); } /* * _data_end - return ptr to char after last * non-blank char in v[n] (v on failure) */ char * _data_end(char *v, int n) { char *vend = v + n; while (vend > v && *(vend - 1) == ' ') --vend; return (vend); } /* _whsp_beg - return ptr to first blank in v[n] (v on failure) */ char * _whsp_beg(char *v, int n) { char * vend = v + n; while (v < vend && *v != ' ') ++v; return (v == vend ? v - n : v); } /* _whsp_end - return ptr to char after last blank in v[n] (v on failure) */ char * _whsp_end(char *v, int n) { char * vend = v + n; while (vend > v && *(vend - 1) != ' ') --vend; return (vend); } /* * _adjust_cursor - adjust cursor based on * offset of v from beginning of field buffer */ void _adjust_cursor(FORM *f, char *v) { int pos = (int) (v - Buf(C(f))); Y(f) = pos / Xmax(f); X(f) = pos - Y(f) * Xmax(f); if (Y(f) >= Ymax(f)) Y(f) = 0; } /* * _buf_to_win - copy buffer to window(trailing * blanks on each line are not copied) */ void _buf_to_win(FIELD *f, WINDOW *w) { char * v = Buf(f); int xmax, ymax, y, n; getmaxyx(w, ymax, xmax); for (y = 0; y < ymax; ++y) { if ((n = (int) (_data_end(v, xmax) - v)) != 0) { (void) wmove(w, y, 0); (void) waddnstr(w, v, n); } v += xmax; } } /* _win_to_buf - copy window to buffer */ void _win_to_buf(WINDOW *w, FIELD *f) { int i; int size = BufSize(f); int pad = Pad(f); char * v = Buf(f); (void) wmove(w, 0, 0); (void) winnstr(w, v, size); if (pad != ' ') for (i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++v) if (*v == pad) *v = ' '; /* replace pad char with blank */ } /* _pos_form_cursor - move to cursor position and sync up cursor */ int _pos_form_cursor(FORM *f) { WINDOW * w = W(f); FIELD * c = C(f); if (!w) return (E_SYSTEM_ERROR); (void) wmove(w, Y(f), X(f)); if (Opt(c, O_PUBLIC)) { if (Scrollable(c)) { int row, col; if (OneRow(c)) { row = c->frow; col = c->fcol + X(f) - B(f); } else { row = c -> frow + Y(f) - T(f); col = c -> fcol + X(f); } (void) wmove(Sub(f), row, col); wcursyncup(Sub(f)); } else wcursyncup(w); } else { (void) wmove(Sub(f), c -> frow, c -> fcol); wcursyncup(Sub(f)); } return (E_OK); } /* _update_current - sync up current field */ int _update_current(FORM *f) { WINDOW * w = W(f); FIELD * c = C(f); if (!w) return (E_SYSTEM_ERROR); if (Opt(c, O_PUBLIC)) { if (Scrollable(c)) { if (OneRow(c)) { int xmax = B(f) + c->cols; if (X(f) < B(f)) B(f) = X(f); else if (X(f) >= xmax) B(f) = X(f) - c->cols + 1; (void) copywin(w, Sub(f), 0, B(f), c->frow, c->fcol, c->frow, c->fcol + c->cols - 1, FALSE); } else { int ymax = T(f) + c -> rows; int ys, ye; if (Y(f) < T(f)) { T(f) = Y(f); Set(c, TOP_CHG); } if (Y(f) >= ymax) { T(f) = Y(f) - c -> rows + 1; Set(c, TOP_CHG); } if (Status(c, TOP_CHG)) { ys = T(f); ye = ys + c -> rows; Clr(c, TOP_CHG); } else { /* intersect changed lines with visible lines */ for (ys = T(f); ys < ymax; ++ys) if (is_linetouched(w, ys)) break; for (ye = ys; ye < ymax; ++ye) if (! is_linetouched(w, ye)) break; } if (ye - ys) { (void) copywin(w, Sub(f), ys, 0, c -> frow + ys - T(f), c -> fcol, c -> frow + ye - T(f) - 1, c -> fcol + c -> cols - 1, FALSE); } } wsyncup(Sub(f)); } else wsyncup(w); } (void) untouchwin(w); return (_pos_form_cursor(f)); } /* justify - justify field f in window w as given by Just(f) */ static void justify(FIELD *f, WINDOW *w) { char * v = _data_beg(Buf(f), BufSize(f)); char * vend = _data_end(Buf(f), BufSize(f)); int n = (int) (vend - v); int x = 0; if (n) { switch (Just(f)) { case JUSTIFY_LEFT: break; case JUSTIFY_CENTER: x = (f -> cols - n) / 2; break; case JUSTIFY_RIGHT: x = f -> cols - n; break; } (void) wmove(w, 0, x); (void) waddnstr(w, v, n); } } /* unjustify - left justify field f in window w for editing */ static void unjustify(FIELD *f, WINDOW *w) { char * v = _data_beg(Buf(f), BufSize(f)); char * vend = _data_end(Buf(f), BufSize(f)); int n = (int) (vend - v); if (n) { (void) wmove(w, 0, 0); (void) waddnstr(w, v, n); } } /* _sync_buffer - sync current field with characters in window */ void _sync_buffer(FORM *f) { if (Status(f, WIN_CHG)) { Clr(f, WIN_CHG); Set(f, BUF_CHG); _win_to_buf(W(f), C(f)); (void) wmove(W(f), Y(f), X(f)); } } /* _sync_linked - sync fields linked to field f */ int _sync_linked(FIELD *f) { FIELD * p = f -> link; int err = 0; while (p != f) { if (_sync_field(p) != E_OK) ++err; p = p -> link; } return (err ? E_SYSTEM_ERROR : E_OK); } /* display_field - display field f */ static int display_field(FIELD *f) { WINDOW * w = derwin(Sub(f -> form), f -> rows, f -> cols, f -> frow, f -> fcol); if (!w) return (FALSE); wbkgdset(w, Pad(f) | Back(f)); (void) wattrset(w, Fore(f)); (void) werase(w); if (Opt(f, O_PUBLIC)) { if (Justified(f)) justify(f, w); else _buf_to_win(f, w); } wsyncup(w); (void) delwin(w); Clr(f, TOP_CHG); return (TRUE); } /* erase_field - erase field f */ static int erase_field(FIELD *f) { WINDOW * w = derwin(Sub(f -> form), f -> rows, f -> cols, f -> frow, f -> fcol); if (!w) return (FALSE); (void) werase(w); wsyncup(w); (void) delwin(w); return (TRUE); } /* _sync_field - sync the field after a change to the field buffer */ int _sync_field(FIELD *f) { int v = TRUE; if (Connected(f) && Posted(f) && Visible(f)) { if (isCurrent(f)) { FORM * p = f -> form; WINDOW * w = W(p); Clr(p, WIN_CHG | BUF_CHG); Y(p) = 0; X(p) = 0; T(p) = 0; B(p) = 0; (void) werase(w); if (Opt(f, O_PUBLIC) && Justified(f)) unjustify(f, w); else _buf_to_win(f, w); Set(f, TOP_CHG); (void) _update_current(p); } else v = display_field(f); } Set(f, USR_CHG); return (v ? E_OK : E_SYSTEM_ERROR); } /* _sync_attrs - sync the field after a change to a field attribute */ int _sync_attrs(FIELD *f) { int v = TRUE; if (Connected(f) && Posted(f) && Visible(f)) { if (isCurrent(f)) { FORM * p = f -> form; WINDOW * w = W(p); _sync_buffer(p); wbkgdset(w, Pad(f) | Back(f)); (void) wattrset(w, Fore(f)); (void) werase(w); if (Opt(f, O_PUBLIC)) { if (Justified(f)) unjustify(f, w); else _buf_to_win(f, w); } else { (void) copywin(w, Sub(p), 0, 0, f -> frow, f -> fcol, f -> rows - 1, f -> cols - 1, FALSE); wsyncup(Sub(p)); _buf_to_win(f, w); } Set(f, TOP_CHG); (void) _update_current(p); } else v = display_field(f); } return (v ? E_OK : E_SYSTEM_ERROR); } int _sync_opts(FIELD *f, OPTIONS opts) { int v = TRUE; OPTIONS oldopts = f -> opts; OPTIONS x = opts ^ oldopts; /* x & opt indicates option opt has changed state */ f -> opts = opts; if (Connected(f)) { if (isCurrent(f)) { f -> opts = oldopts; return (E_CURRENT); } if (Posted(f) && OnPage(f)) { if (x & O_VISIBLE) { if (Opt(f, O_VISIBLE)) v = display_field(f); else v = erase_field(f); } else if (x & O_PUBLIC) { if (Opt(f, O_VISIBLE)) v = display_field(f); } } } if (x & O_STATIC) { BOOLEAN onerow = OneRow(f); int max = f->maxgrow; if (Opt(f, O_STATIC)) { /* growth being turned off */ Clr(f, GROWABLE); if (onerow && f->cols == f->dcols && Just(f) != NO_JUSTIFICATION && Posted(f) && OnPage(f) && Opt(f, O_VISIBLE)) { (void) display_field(f); } } else if (!max || (onerow && f->dcols < max) || (!onerow && f->drows < max)) { Set(f, GROWABLE); if (onerow && Just(f) != NO_JUSTIFICATION && Posted(f) && OnPage(f) && Opt(f, O_VISIBLE)) { (void) display_field(f); } } } return (v ? E_OK : E_SYSTEM_ERROR); } /* _validate - validate current field */ int _validate(FORM *f) { FIELD * c = C(f); _sync_buffer(f); if (Status(f, BUF_CHG) || !Opt(c, O_PASSOK)) { if (CheckField(c)) { Clr(f, BUF_CHG); Set(c, USR_CHG); (void) _sync_linked(c); } else return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /* * _set_current_field - change current field on form f to given field. * POSTED flag is set unless this is called from post_form(). */ int _set_current_field(FORM *f, FIELD *field) { WINDOW * w = W(f); FIELD * c = C(f); if (c != field || ! Status(f, POSTED)) { if (w) { if (Visible(c)) { (void) _update_current(f); if (Opt(c, O_PUBLIC)) { if (Scrollable(c)) { if (T(f) == 0) Clr(c, TOP_CHG); else Set(c, TOP_CHG); } else if (Justified(c)) { (void) werase(w); justify(c, w); wsyncup(w); } } } (void) delwin(w); } c = field; if (!Opt(c, O_PUBLIC) || Scrollable(c)) w = newwin(c -> drows, c -> dcols, 0, 0); else w = derwin(Sub(f), c -> rows, c -> cols, c -> frow, c -> fcol); if (!w) return (E_SYSTEM_ERROR); C(f) = c; W(f) = w; wbkgdset(w, Pad(c) | Back(c)); (void) wattrset(w, Fore(c)); if (!Opt(c, O_PUBLIC) || Scrollable(c)) { (void) werase(w); _buf_to_win(c, w); } else if (Justified(c)) { (void) werase(w); unjustify(c, w); wsyncup(w); } (void) untouchwin(w); Clr(f, WIN_CHG | BUF_CHG); } Y(f) = 0; X(f) = 0; T(f) = 0; B(f) = 0; return (E_OK); } /* * _set_form_page - display given page and set current field to c. * if c is null, then set current field to first field on page. * POSTED flag is set unless this is called from post_form(). */ int _set_form_page(FORM *f, int page, FIELD *c) { if (P(f) != page || ! Status(f, POSTED)) { FIELD * x = f -> field [Smin(f, page)]; FIELD * p = x; (void) werase(Sub(f)); P(f) = page; do { if (Opt(p, O_VISIBLE)) if (!display_field(p)) return (E_SYSTEM_ERROR); p = p -> snext; } while (p != x); return (c ? _set_current_field(f, c) : _first_field(f)); } return (E_OK); }