/* Copyright (c) 2019-2019, David Anderson All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* A lighly generalized data buffer. Works for more than just strings, but has features (such as ensuring data always has a NUL byte following the data area used) most useful for C strings. All these return either TRUE (the values altered) or FALSE (something went wrong, quite likely the caller presented a bad format string for the value). */ #include "config.h" #include /* for malloc */ #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include /* for malloc */ #endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */ #include /* for strlen */ #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H /* Useful include for some Windows compilers. */ #include #endif /* HAVE_MALLOC_H */ #include "dwarfstring.h" #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif /* TRUE */ #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif /* FALSE */ #ifdef HAVE_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE #define UNUSEDARG __attribute__ ((unused)) #else #define UNUSEDARG #endif static unsigned long minimumnewlen = 30; /* struct dwarfstring_s { char * s_data; unsigned long s_size; unsigned long s_avail; unsigned char s_malloc; }; */ int dwarfstring_constructor(struct dwarfstring_s *g) { g->s_data = ""; g->s_size = 0; g->s_avail = 0; g->s_malloc = FALSE; return TRUE; } static int dwarfstring_resize_to(struct dwarfstring_s *g,unsigned long newlen) { char *b = 0; unsigned long lastpos = g->s_size - g->s_avail; unsigned long malloclen = newlen+1; if(malloclen < minimumnewlen) { malloclen = minimumnewlen; } b = malloc(malloclen); if (!b) { return FALSE; } if (lastpos > 0) { memcpy(b,g->s_data,lastpos); } if (g->s_malloc) { free(g->s_data); g->s_data = 0; } g->s_data = b; g->s_data[lastpos] = 0; g->s_size = newlen; g->s_avail = newlen - lastpos; g->s_malloc = TRUE; return TRUE; } int dwarfstring_reset(struct dwarfstring_s *g) { if (!g->s_size) { /* In initial condition, nothing to do. */ return TRUE; } g->s_avail = g->s_size; g->s_data[0] = 0; return TRUE; } int dwarfstring_constructor_fixed(struct dwarfstring_s *g,unsigned long len) { int r = FALSE; dwarfstring_constructor(g); if (len == 0) { return TRUE; } r = dwarfstring_resize_to(g,len); if (!r) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int dwarfstring_constructor_static(struct dwarfstring_s *g, char * space, unsigned long len) { dwarfstring_constructor(g); g->s_data = space; g->s_data[0] = 0; g->s_size = len; g->s_avail = len; g->s_malloc = FALSE; return TRUE; } void dwarfstring_destructor(struct dwarfstring_s *g) { if (g->s_malloc) { free(g->s_data); g->s_data = 0; g->s_malloc = 0; } dwarfstring_constructor(g); } /* For the case where one wants just the first 'len' characters of 'str'. NUL terminator provided for you in s_data. */ int dwarfstring_append_length(struct dwarfstring_s *g,char *str, unsigned long slen) { unsigned long lastpos = g->s_size - g->s_avail; int r = 0; if (!str || slen ==0) { return TRUE; } if (slen >= g->s_avail) { unsigned long newlen = 0; newlen = g->s_size + slen+2; r = dwarfstring_resize_to(g,newlen); if (!r) { return FALSE; } } memcpy(g->s_data + lastpos,str,slen); g->s_avail -= slen; g->s_data[g->s_size - g->s_avail] = 0; return TRUE; } int dwarfstring_append(struct dwarfstring_s *g,char *str) { unsigned long dlen = 0; if(!str) { return TRUE; } dlen = strlen(str); return dwarfstring_append_length(g,str,dlen); } char * dwarfstring_string(struct dwarfstring_s *g) { return g->s_data; } unsigned long dwarfstring_strlen(struct dwarfstring_s *g) { return g->s_size - g->s_avail; } static int _dwarfstring_append_spaces(dwarfstring *data, size_t count) { int res = 0; char spacebuf[] = {" "}; size_t charct = sizeof(spacebuf)-1; size_t l = count; while (l > charct) { res = dwarfstring_append_length(data,spacebuf,charct); l -= charct; if (res != TRUE) { return res; } } /* ASSERT: l > 0 */ res = dwarfstring_append_length(data,spacebuf,l); return res; } static int _dwarfstring_append_zeros(dwarfstring *data, size_t l) { int res = 0; static char zeros[] = {"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}; size_t charct = sizeof(zeros)-1; while (l > charct) { res = dwarfstring_append_length(data,zeros,charct); l -= charct; if (res != TRUE) { return res; } } /* ASSERT: l > 0 */ dwarfstring_append_length(data,zeros,l); return res; } int dwarfstring_append_printf_s(dwarfstring *data, char *format,char *s) { size_t stringlen = strlen(s); size_t next = 0; long val = 0; char *endptr = 0; const char *numptr = 0; /* was %[-]fixedlen. Zero means no len provided. */ size_t fixedlen = 0; /* was %-, nonzero means left-justify */ long leftjustify = 0; size_t prefixlen = 0; int res = 0; while (format[next] && format[next] != '%') { ++next; ++prefixlen; } if (prefixlen) { dwarfstring_append_length(data,format,prefixlen); } if (!format[next]) { return TRUE; } next++; if (format[next] == '-') { leftjustify++; next++; } numptr = format+next; val = strtol(numptr,&endptr,10); if ( endptr != numptr) { fixedlen = val; } next = (endptr - format); if (format[next] != 's') { return FALSE; } next++; if (fixedlen && (stringlen >= fixedlen)) { /* Ignore leftjustify (if any) and the stringlen as the actual string overrides those. */ leftjustify = 0; } if (leftjustify) { dwarfstring_append_length(data,s,stringlen); if(fixedlen) { size_t trailingspaces = fixedlen - stringlen; _dwarfstring_append_spaces(data,trailingspaces); } } else { if (fixedlen && fixedlen < stringlen) { /* This lets us have fixedlen < stringlen by taking all the chars from s*/ dwarfstring_append_length(data,s,stringlen); } else { if(fixedlen) { size_t leadingspaces = fixedlen - stringlen; size_t k = 0; for ( ; k < leadingspaces; ++k) { dwarfstring_append_length(data," ",1); } } dwarfstring_append_length(data,s,stringlen); } } if (!format[next]) { return TRUE; } { char * startpt = format+next; size_t suffixlen = strlen(startpt); res = dwarfstring_append_length(data,startpt,suffixlen); } return res; } static char v32m[] = {"-2147483648"}; static char v64m[] = {"-9223372036854775808"}; static char dtable[10] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' }; static char xtable[16] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f' }; static char Xtable[16] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' }; /* We deal with formats like: %d %5d %05d %+d %+5d %-5d (and ld and lld too). */ int dwarfstring_append_printf_i(dwarfstring *data, char *format, dwarfstring_i v) { int res = TRUE; size_t next = 0; long val = 0; char *endptr = 0; const char *numptr = 0; size_t fixedlen = 0; int leadingzero = 0; int minuscount = 0; /*left justify */ int pluscount = 0; int lcount = 0; int ucount = 0; int dcount = 0; int xcount = 0; int Xcount = 0; char *ctable = dtable; size_t prefixlen = 0; int done = 0; while (format[next] && format[next] != '%') { ++next; ++prefixlen; } dwarfstring_append_length(data,format,prefixlen); if (format[next] != '%') { /* No % operator found, we are done */ return TRUE; } next++; if (format[next] == '-') { minuscount++; return FALSE; } if (format[next] == '+') { pluscount++; next++; } if (format[next] == '0') { leadingzero = 1; next++; } numptr = format+next; val = strtol(numptr,&endptr,10); if ( endptr != numptr) { fixedlen = val; } next = (endptr - format); /* Following is lx lu or u or llx llu , we take all this to mean 64 bits, */ #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_NONSTANDARD_PRINTF_64_FORMAT) if (format[next] == 'I') { /*lcount++;*/ next++; } if (format[next] == '6') { /*lcount++;*/ next++; } if (format[next] == '4') { /*lcount++;*/ next++; } #endif /* HAVE_NONSTANDARD_PRINTF_64_FORMAT */ if (format[next] == 'l') { lcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'l') { lcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'u') { ucount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'd') { dcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'x') { xcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'X') { Xcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 's') { /* ESBERR("ESBERR_pct_scount_in_i"); */ return FALSE; } if (xcount || Xcount) { /* Use the printf_u for %x and the like just copying the entire format makes it easier for coders to understand nothing much was done */ dwarfstring_append(data,format+prefixlen); return FALSE; } if (!dcount || (lcount >2) || (Xcount+xcount+dcount+ucount) > 1) { /* error */ /* ESBERR("ESBERR_xcount_etc_i"); */ return FALSE; } if (pluscount && minuscount) { /* We don't allow format +- */ return FALSE; } { char digbuf[36]; char *digptr = digbuf+sizeof(digbuf) -1; size_t digcharlen = 0; dwarfstring_i remaining = v; int vissigned = 0; dwarfstring_i divisor = 10; *digptr = 0; --digptr; if (v < 0) { vissigned = 1; /* This test is for twos-complement machines and would be better done via configure with a compile-time check so we do not need a size test at runtime. */ if (sizeof(v) == 8) { dwarfstring_u vm = 0x7fffffffffffffffULL; if (vm == (dwarfstring_u)~v) { memcpy(digbuf,v64m,sizeof(v64m)); digcharlen = sizeof(v64m)-1; digptr = digbuf; done = 1; } else { remaining = -v; } } else if (sizeof(v) == 4) { dwarfstring_u vm = 0x7fffffffL; if (vm == (dwarfstring_u)~v) { memcpy(digbuf,v32m,sizeof(v32m)); digcharlen = sizeof(v32m)-1; digptr = digbuf; done = 1; } else { remaining = -v; } }else { /* ESBERR("ESBERR_sizeof_v_i"); */ /* error */ return FALSE; } } if(!done) { for ( ;; ) { dwarfstring_u dig = 0; dig = remaining % divisor; remaining /= divisor; *digptr = ctable[dig]; digcharlen++; if (!remaining) { break; } --digptr; } if (vissigned) { /* could check minuscount instead */ --digptr; digcharlen++; *digptr = '-'; } else if (pluscount) { --digptr; digcharlen++; *digptr = '+'; } } if (fixedlen > 0) { if (fixedlen <= digcharlen) { dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr,digcharlen); } else { size_t prefixcount = fixedlen - digcharlen; if (!leadingzero) { _dwarfstring_append_spaces(data,prefixcount); dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr,digcharlen); } else { if (*digptr == '-') { dwarfstring_append_length(data,"-",1); _dwarfstring_append_zeros(data,prefixcount); digptr++; dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr, digcharlen-1); } else if (*digptr == '+') { dwarfstring_append_length(data,"+",1); _dwarfstring_append_zeros(data,prefixcount); digptr++; dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr, digcharlen-1); } else { _dwarfstring_append_zeros(data,prefixcount); dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr, digcharlen); } } } } else { res = dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr,digcharlen); } } if (format[next]) { size_t trailinglen = strlen(format+next); res = dwarfstring_append_length(data,format+next,trailinglen); } return res; } #if 0 /* Counts hex chars. divide by two to get bytes from input integer. */ static unsigned trimleadingzeros(char *ptr,unsigned digits,unsigned keepcount) { char *cp = ptr; unsigned leadzeroscount = 0; unsigned trimoff = 0; for(; *cp; ++cp) { if (*cp == '0') { leadzeroscount++; continue; } } trimoff = keepcount - digits; if (trimoff&1) { trimoff--; } return trimoff; } #endif /* 0 */ /* With gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 a version using const char *formatp instead of format[next] and deleting the 'next' variable is a few hundredths of a second slower, repeatably. We deal with formats like: %u %5u %05u (and ld and lld too). %x %5x %05x (and ld and lld too). */ int dwarfstring_append_printf_u(dwarfstring *data, char *format, dwarfstring_u v) { size_t next = 0; long val = 0; char *endptr = 0; const char *numptr = 0; size_t fixedlen = 0; int leadingzero = 0; int lcount = 0; int ucount = 0; int dcount = 0; int xcount = 0; int Xcount = 0; char *ctable = 0; size_t divisor = 0; size_t prefixlen = 0; while (format[next] && format[next] != '%') { ++next; ++prefixlen; } dwarfstring_append_length(data,format,prefixlen); if (format[next] != '%') { /* No % operator found, we are done */ return TRUE; } next++; if (format[next] == '-') { /*ESBERR("ESBERR_printf_u - format not supported"); */ next++; } if (format[next] == '0') { leadingzero = 1; next++; } numptr = format+next; val = strtol(numptr,&endptr,10); if ( endptr != numptr) { fixedlen = val; } next = (endptr - format); /* Following is lx lu or u or llx llu , we take all this to mean 64 bits, */ #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_NONSTANDARD_PRINTF_64_FORMAT) if (format[next] == 'I') { /*lcount++;*/ next++; } if (format[next] == '6') { /*lcount++;*/ next++; } if (format[next] == '4') { /*lcount++;*/ next++; } #endif /* HAVE_NONSTANDARD_PRINTF_64_FORMAT */ if (format[next] == 'l') { lcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'l') { lcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'u') { ucount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'd') { dcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'x') { xcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 'X') { Xcount++; next++; } if (format[next] == 's') { /* ESBERR("ESBERR_pct_scount_in_u"); */ return FALSE; } if ( (Xcount +xcount+dcount+ucount) > 1) { /* ESBERR("ESBERR_pct_xcount_etc_u"); */ return FALSE; } if (lcount > 2) { /* ESBERR("ESBERR_pct_lcount_error_u"); */ /* error */ return FALSE; } if (dcount > 0) { /*ESBERR("ESBERR_pct_dcount_error_u");*/ /* error */ return FALSE; } if (ucount) { divisor = 10; ctable = dtable; } else { divisor = 16; if (xcount) { ctable = xtable; } else { ctable = Xtable; } } { char digbuf[36]; char *digptr = 0; unsigned digcharlen = 0; dwarfstring_u remaining = v; if (divisor == 16) { digptr = digbuf+sizeof(digbuf) -1; for ( ;; ) { dwarfstring_u dig; dig = remaining & 0xf; remaining = remaining >> 4; *digptr = ctable[dig]; ++digcharlen; if (!remaining) { break; } --digptr; } } else { digptr = digbuf+sizeof(digbuf) -1; *digptr = 0; --digptr; for ( ;; ) { dwarfstring_u dig; dig = remaining % divisor; remaining /= divisor; *digptr = ctable[dig]; ++digcharlen; if (!remaining) { break; } --digptr; } } if (fixedlen <= digcharlen) { dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr,digcharlen); } else { if (!leadingzero) { size_t justcount = fixedlen - digcharlen; _dwarfstring_append_spaces(data,justcount); dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr,digcharlen); } else { size_t prefixcount = fixedlen - digcharlen; _dwarfstring_append_zeros(data,prefixcount); dwarfstring_append_length(data,digptr,digcharlen); } } } if (format[next]) { size_t trailinglen = strlen(format+next); dwarfstring_append_length(data,format+next,trailinglen); } return FALSE; }