/* * lib/kdb/kdb_ldap/ldap_principal.c * * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Novell, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * The copyright holder's name is not used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include "ldap_main.h" #include "kdb_ldap.h" #include "ldap_principal.h" #include "princ_xdr.h" #include "ldap_err.h" #include struct timeval timelimit = {300, 0}; /* 5 minutes */ char *principal_attributes[] = { "krbprincipalname", "objectclass", "krbprincipalkey", "krbmaxrenewableage", "krbmaxticketlife", "krbticketflags", "krbprincipalexpiration", "krbticketpolicyreference", "krbUpEnabled", "krbpwdpolicyreference", "krbpasswordexpiration", "krbLastFailedAuth", "krbLoginFailedCount", "krbLastSuccessfulAuth", #ifdef HAVE_EDIRECTORY "loginexpirationtime", "logindisabled", #endif "loginexpirationtime", "logindisabled", "modifytimestamp", "krbLastPwdChange", "krbExtraData", "krbObjectReferences", NULL }; /* Must match KDB_*_ATTR macros in ldap_principal.h. */ static char *attributes_set[] = { "krbmaxticketlife", "krbmaxrenewableage", "krbticketflags", "krbprincipalexpiration", "krbticketpolicyreference", "krbUpEnabled", "krbpwdpolicyreference", "krbpasswordexpiration", "krbprincipalkey", "krblastpwdchange", "krbextradata", "krbLastSuccessfulAuth", "krbLastFailedAuth", "krbLoginFailedCount", NULL }; void krb5_dbe_free_contents(context, entry) krb5_context context; krb5_db_entry *entry; { krb5_tl_data *tl_data_next=NULL; krb5_tl_data *tl_data=NULL; int i, j; if (entry->e_data) free(entry->e_data); if (entry->princ) krb5_free_principal(context, entry->princ); for (tl_data = entry->tl_data; tl_data; tl_data = tl_data_next) { tl_data_next = tl_data->tl_data_next; if (tl_data->tl_data_contents) free(tl_data->tl_data_contents); free(tl_data); } if (entry->key_data) { for (i = 0; i < entry->n_key_data; i++) { for (j = 0; j < entry->key_data[i].key_data_ver; j++) { if (entry->key_data[i].key_data_length[j]) { if (entry->key_data[i].key_data_contents[j]) { memset(entry->key_data[i].key_data_contents[j], 0, (unsigned) entry->key_data[i].key_data_length[j]); free (entry->key_data[i].key_data_contents[j]); } } entry->key_data[i].key_data_contents[j] = NULL; entry->key_data[i].key_data_length[j] = 0; entry->key_data[i].key_data_type[j] = 0; } } free(entry->key_data); } memset(entry, 0, sizeof(*entry)); return; } krb5_error_code krb5_ldap_free_principal(kcontext , entries, nentries) krb5_context kcontext; krb5_db_entry *entries; int nentries; { register int i; for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) krb5_dbe_free_contents(kcontext, &entries[i]); return 0; } krb5_error_code krb5_ldap_iterate(context, match_expr, func, func_arg, db_args) krb5_context context; char *match_expr; krb5_error_code (*func) (krb5_pointer, krb5_db_entry *); krb5_pointer func_arg; /* Solaris Kerberos: adding support for -rev/recurse flags */ char **db_args; { krb5_db_entry entry; krb5_principal principal; char **subtree=NULL, *princ_name=NULL, *realm=NULL, **values=NULL, *filter=NULL; unsigned int filterlen=0, tree=0, ntree=1, i=0; krb5_error_code st=0, tempst=0; LDAP *ld=NULL; LDAPMessage *result=NULL, *ent=NULL; kdb5_dal_handle *dal_handle=NULL; krb5_ldap_context *ldap_context=NULL; krb5_ldap_server_handle *ldap_server_handle=NULL; char *default_match_expr = "*"; /* Clear the global error string */ krb5_clear_error_message(context); /* Solaris Kerberos: adding support for -rev/recurse flags */ if (db_args) { /* LDAP does not support db_args DB arguments for krb5_ldap_iterate */ krb5_set_error_message(context, EINVAL, gettext("Unsupported argument \"%s\" for ldap"), db_args[0]); return EINVAL; } memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(krb5_db_entry)); SETUP_CONTEXT(); realm = ldap_context->lrparams->realm_name; if (realm == NULL) { realm = context->default_realm; if (realm == NULL) { st = EINVAL; krb5_set_error_message(context, st, gettext("Default realm not set")); goto cleanup; } } /* * If no match_expr then iterate through all krb princs like the db2 plugin */ if (match_expr == NULL) match_expr = default_match_expr; filterlen = strlen(FILTER) + strlen(match_expr) + 2 + 1; /* 2 for closing brackets */ filter = malloc (filterlen); CHECK_NULL(filter); memset(filter, 0, filterlen); /*LINTED*/ sprintf(filter, FILTER"%s))", match_expr); if ((st = krb5_get_subtree_info(ldap_context, &subtree, &ntree)) != 0) goto cleanup; GET_HANDLE(); for (tree=0; tree < ntree; ++tree) { LDAP_SEARCH(subtree[tree], ldap_context->lrparams->search_scope, filter, principal_attributes); for (ent=ldap_first_entry(ld, result); ent != NULL; ent=ldap_next_entry(ld, ent)) { if ((values=ldap_get_values(ld, ent, "krbprincipalname")) != NULL) { for (i=0; values[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (values[i]) if (krb5_ldap_parse_principal_name(values[i], &princ_name) != 0) continue; if (krb5_parse_name(context, princ_name, &principal) != 0) continue; if (is_principal_in_realm(ldap_context, principal) == 0) { if ((st = populate_krb5_db_entry(context, ldap_context, ld, ent, principal, &entry)) != 0) goto cleanup; (*func)(func_arg, &entry); krb5_dbe_free_contents(context, &entry); (void) krb5_free_principal(context, principal); if (princ_name) free(princ_name); break; } (void) krb5_free_principal(context, principal); if (princ_name) free(princ_name); } ldap_value_free(values); } } /* end of for (ent= ... */ ldap_msgfree(result); } /* end of for (tree= ... */ cleanup: if (filter) free (filter); for (;ntree; --ntree) if (subtree[ntree-1]) free (subtree[ntree-1]); /* Solaris Kerberos: fix memory leak */ if (subtree != NULL) { free(subtree); } krb5_ldap_put_handle_to_pool(ldap_context, ldap_server_handle); return st; } /* * delete a principal from the directory. */ krb5_error_code krb5_ldap_delete_principal(context, searchfor, nentries) krb5_context context; krb5_const_principal searchfor; int *nentries; /* how many found & deleted */ { char *user=NULL, *DN=NULL, *strval[10] = {NULL}; LDAPMod **mods=NULL; LDAP *ld=NULL; int j=0, ptype=0, pcount=0; unsigned int attrsetmask=0; krb5_error_code st=0; krb5_boolean singleentry=FALSE; KEY *secretkey=NULL; kdb5_dal_handle *dal_handle=NULL; krb5_ldap_context *ldap_context=NULL; krb5_ldap_server_handle *ldap_server_handle=NULL; krb5_db_entry entries; krb5_boolean more=0; /* Clear the global error string */ krb5_clear_error_message(context); SETUP_CONTEXT(); /* get the principal info */ if ((st=krb5_ldap_get_principal(context, searchfor, &entries, nentries, &more)) != 0 || *nentries == 0) goto cleanup; if (((st=krb5_get_princ_type(context, &entries, &(ptype))) != 0) || ((st=krb5_get_attributes_mask(context, &entries, &(attrsetmask))) != 0) || ((st=krb5_get_princ_count(context, &entries, &(pcount))) != 0) || ((st=krb5_get_userdn(context, &entries, &(DN))) != 0)) goto cleanup; if (DN == NULL) { st = EINVAL; krb5_set_error_message(context, st, gettext("DN information missing")); goto cleanup; } GET_HANDLE(); if (ptype == KDB_STANDALONE_PRINCIPAL_OBJECT) { st = ldap_delete_ext_s(ld, DN, NULL, NULL); if (st != LDAP_SUCCESS) { st = set_ldap_error (context, st, OP_DEL); goto cleanup; } } else { if (((st=krb5_unparse_name(context, searchfor, &user)) != 0) || ((st=krb5_ldap_unparse_principal_name(user)) != 0)) goto cleanup; memset(strval, 0, sizeof(strval)); strval[0] = user; if ((st=krb5_add_str_mem_ldap_mod(&mods, "krbprincipalname", LDAP_MOD_DELETE, strval)) != 0) goto cleanup; singleentry = (pcount == 1) ? TRUE: FALSE; if (singleentry == FALSE) { if (secretkey != NULL) { if ((st=krb5_add_ber_mem_ldap_mod(&mods, "krbprincipalkey", LDAP_MOD_DELETE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES, secretkey->keys)) != 0) goto cleanup; } } else { /* * If the Kerberos user principal to be deleted happens to be the last one associated * with the directory user object, then it is time to delete the other kerberos * specific attributes like krbmaxticketlife, i.e, unkerberize the directory user. * From the attrsetmask value, identify the attributes set on the directory user * object and delete them. * NOTE: krbsecretkey attribute has per principal entries. There can be chances that the * other principals' keys are exisiting/left-over. So delete all the values. */ while (attrsetmask) { if (attrsetmask & 1) { if ((st=krb5_add_str_mem_ldap_mod(&mods, attributes_set[j], LDAP_MOD_DELETE, NULL)) != 0) goto cleanup; } attrsetmask >>= 1; ++j; } /* the same should be done with the objectclass attributes */ { char *attrvalues[] = {"krbticketpolicyaux", "krbprincipalaux", NULL}; /* char *attrvalues[] = {"krbpwdpolicyrefaux", "krbticketpolicyaux", "krbprincipalaux", NULL}; */ int p, q, r=0, amask=0; if ((st=checkattributevalue(ld, DN, "objectclass", attrvalues, &amask)) != 0) goto cleanup; memset(strval, 0, sizeof(strval)); for (p=1, q=0; p<=4; p<<=1, ++q) if (p & amask) strval[r++] = attrvalues[q]; strval[r] = NULL; if (r > 0) { if ((st=krb5_add_str_mem_ldap_mod(&mods, "objectclass", LDAP_MOD_DELETE, strval)) != 0) goto cleanup; } } } st=ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, DN, mods, NULL, NULL); if (st != LDAP_SUCCESS) { st = set_ldap_error(context, st, OP_MOD); goto cleanup; } } cleanup: if (user) free (user); if (DN) free (DN); if (secretkey != NULL) { int i=0; while (i < secretkey->nkey) { free (secretkey->keys[i]->bv_val); free (secretkey->keys[i]); ++i; } free (secretkey->keys); free (secretkey); } if (st == 0) krb5_ldap_free_principal(context, &entries, *nentries); ldap_mods_free(mods, 1); krb5_ldap_put_handle_to_pool(ldap_context, ldap_server_handle); return st; } /* * Function: krb5_ldap_unparse_principal_name * * Purpose: Removes '\\' that comes before every occurence of '@' * in the principal name component. * * Arguments: * user_name (input/output) Principal name * */ krb5_error_code krb5_ldap_unparse_principal_name(char *user_name) { char *tmp_princ_name=NULL, *princ_name=NULL, *tmp=NULL; int l=0; krb5_error_code st=0; if (strstr(user_name, "\\@")) { tmp_princ_name = strdup(user_name); if (!tmp_princ_name) { st = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } tmp = tmp_princ_name; princ_name = (char *) malloc (strlen(user_name)); if (!princ_name) { st = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } memset(princ_name, 0, strlen(user_name)); l = 0; while (*tmp_princ_name) { if ((*tmp_princ_name == '\\') && (*(tmp_princ_name+1) == '@')) { tmp_princ_name += 1; } else { *(princ_name + l) = *tmp_princ_name++; l++; } } memset(user_name, 0, strlen(user_name)); /*LINTED*/ sprintf(user_name, "%s", princ_name); } cleanup: if (tmp) { free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } if (princ_name) { free(princ_name); princ_name = NULL; } return st; } /* * Function: krb5_ldap_parse_principal_name * * Purpose: Inserts '\\' before every occurence of '@' * in the principal name component. * * Arguments: * i_princ_name (input) Principal name without '\\' * o_princ_name (output) Principal name with '\\' * * Note: The caller has to free the memory allocated for o_princ_name. */ krb5_error_code krb5_ldap_parse_principal_name(i_princ_name, o_princ_name) char *i_princ_name; char **o_princ_name; { char *tmp_princ_name = NULL, *princ_name = NULL, *at_rlm_name = NULL; int l = 0, m = 0, tmp_princ_name_len = 0, princ_name_len = 0, at_count = 0; krb5_error_code st = 0; at_rlm_name = strrchr(i_princ_name, '@'); if (!at_rlm_name) { *o_princ_name = strdup(i_princ_name); if (!o_princ_name) { st = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } } else { tmp_princ_name_len = at_rlm_name - i_princ_name; tmp_princ_name = (char *) malloc ((unsigned) tmp_princ_name_len + 1); if (!tmp_princ_name) { st = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } memset(tmp_princ_name, 0, (unsigned) tmp_princ_name_len + 1); memcpy(tmp_princ_name, i_princ_name, (unsigned) tmp_princ_name_len); l = 0; while (tmp_princ_name[l]) { if (tmp_princ_name[l++] == '@') at_count++; } princ_name_len = strlen(i_princ_name) + at_count + 1; princ_name = (char *) malloc ((unsigned) princ_name_len); if (!princ_name) { st = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } memset(princ_name, 0, (unsigned) princ_name_len); l = 0; m = 0; while (tmp_princ_name[l]) { if (tmp_princ_name[l] == '@') { princ_name[m++]='\\'; } princ_name[m++]=tmp_princ_name[l++]; } /* Solaris Kerberos: using strlcat for safety */ strlcat(princ_name, at_rlm_name, princ_name_len); *o_princ_name = princ_name; } cleanup: if (tmp_princ_name) { free(tmp_princ_name); tmp_princ_name = NULL; } return st; }