/* * WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING * * Openvision retains the copyright to derivative works of * this source code. Do *NOT* create a derivative of this * source code before consulting with your legal department. * Do *NOT* integrate *ANY* of this source code into another * product before consulting with your legal department. * * For further information, read the top-level Openvision * copyright which is contained in the top-level MIT Kerberos * copyright. * * WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING * */ /* * Copyright 1993 OpenVision Technologies, Inc., All Rights Reserved * * $Header$ * */ #if !defined(lint) && !defined(__CODECENTER__) static char *rcsid = "$Header$"; #endif #include #include #include "server_internal.h" kadm5_ret_t kadm5_free_principal_ent(void *server_handle, kadm5_principal_ent_t val) { kadm5_server_handle_t handle = server_handle; CHECK_HANDLE(server_handle); if(val) { if(val->principal) krb5_free_principal(handle->context, val->principal); if(val->mod_name) krb5_free_principal(handle->context, val->mod_name); if(val->policy) free(val->policy); /* XXX free key_data and tl_data */ if (handle->api_version == KADM5_API_VERSION_1) free(val); } return KADM5_OK; }