/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * ipcs - IPC status * * Examine and print certain things about * message queues, semaphores and shared memory. * * IPC information is obtained via msgctl64, semctl64 and shmctl64. * As of SunOS 5.8, the IPC identifiers are obtained from msgids(), * semids(), and shmids() rather than reading them from /dev/kmem. * This ensures that the information in each msgid_ds, semid_ds or * shmid_ds data structure that we obtain is complete and consistent, * and allows us not to be a setgid-sys isaexec process. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USAGE \ "usage: ipcs [-AabciJmopqstZ] [-D mtype] [-z zone]\n" static char chdr[] = "T ID KEY MODE OWNER GROUP"; /* common header format */ static char chdr2[] = " CREATOR CGROUP"; /* c option header format */ static char chdr3[] = " PROJECT"; /* J option header format */ static char opts[] = "AabciJmopqstD:z:Z"; /* getopt options */ static long mtype; /* -D: user-supplied message type */ static zoneid_t zoneid; /* -z: user-supplied zone id */ static int bflg, /* biggest size: */ /* segsz on m; qbytes on q; nsems on s */ cflg, /* creator's login and group names */ Dflg, /* dump contents of message queues */ iflg, /* ISM attaches */ Jflg, /* dump project name */ mflg, /* shared memory status */ oflg, /* outstanding data: */ /* nattch on m; cbytes, qnum on q */ pflg, /* process id's: lrpid, lspid on q; */ /* cpid, lpid on m */ qflg, /* message queue status */ sflg, /* semaphore status */ tflg, /* times: atime, ctime, dtime on m; */ /* ctime, rtime, stime on q; */ /* ctime, otime on s */ zflg, /* show only objects from specified zone */ Zflg, /* display zone name */ err; /* option error count */ static void hp(char, char *, struct ipc_perm64 *, int); static void jp(struct ipc_perm64 *); static void tp(ipc_time_t); static void dumpmsgq(int); static void dumpmsg(long, char *, size_t); static zoneid_t getzone(char *); static void printzone(zoneid_t); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static int *ids; /* array of IPC identifiers from *ids() */ static uint_t nids; /* number of entries in ids */ int o; /* option flag */ int id; /* IPC identifier */ int i; uint_t n; /* table size */ time_t now; /* date */ char tbuf[BUFSIZ]; char *dfmt; /* date format pointer */ char *endptr; /* terminator for strtol() */ (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); (void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN); (void) memset(tbuf, 0, sizeof (tbuf)); dfmt = nl_langinfo(_DATE_FMT); zoneid = getzoneid(); /* default zone id if -z and -Z not used */ /* Go through the options and set flags. */ while ((o = getopt(argc, argv, opts)) != EOF) { switch (o) { case 'A': bflg = cflg = iflg = oflg = pflg = tflg = Jflg = 1; break; case 'a': bflg = cflg = oflg = pflg = tflg = 1; break; case 'b': bflg = 1; break; case 'c': cflg = 1; break; case 'D': mtype = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == optarg || *endptr != '\0') { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("ipcs: invalid message type: %s\n"), optarg); err++; break; } Dflg = 1; break; case 'i': iflg = 1; break; case 'J': Jflg = 1; break; case 'm': mflg = 1; break; case 'o': oflg = 1; break; case 'p': pflg = 1; break; case 'q': qflg = 1; break; case 's': sflg = 1; break; case 't': tflg = 1; break; case 'z': zflg = 1; zoneid = getzone(optarg); break; case 'Z': Zflg = 1; break; case '?': err++; break; } } if (err || (optind < argc)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext(USAGE)); exit(1); } if ((mflg + qflg + sflg) == 0) mflg = qflg = sflg = 1; now = time(NULL); (void) strftime(tbuf, sizeof (tbuf), dfmt, localtime(&now)); (void) printf(gettext("IPC status from as of %s\n"), tbuf); /* * Print Message Queue status report. */ if (qflg) { struct msqid_ds64 qds; for (;;) { if (msgids(ids, nids, &n) != 0) { perror("msgids"); exit(1); } if (n <= nids) break; ids = realloc(ids, (nids = n) * sizeof (int)); } (void) printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", chdr, cflg ? chdr2 : "", oflg ? " CBYTES QNUM" : "", bflg ? " QBYTES" : "", pflg ? " LSPID LRPID" : "", tflg ? " STIME RTIME CTIME " : "", Jflg ? chdr3 : "", Zflg ? " ZONE" : ""); (void) printf(gettext("Message Queues:\n")); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { id = ids[i]; if (msgctl64(id, IPC_STAT64, &qds) < 0) continue; /* ignore zone if -Z was used and -z wasn't */ if ((zflg || !Zflg) && qds.msgx_perm.ipcx_zoneid != zoneid) continue; hp('q', "SRrw-rw-rw-", &qds.msgx_perm, id); if (oflg) (void) printf(" %6llu %5llu", qds.msgx_cbytes, qds.msgx_qnum); if (bflg) (void) printf(" %6llu", qds.msgx_qbytes); if (pflg) (void) printf(" %5d %5d", (int)qds.msgx_lspid, (int)qds.msgx_lrpid); if (tflg) { tp(qds.msgx_stime); tp(qds.msgx_rtime); tp(qds.msgx_ctime); } if (Jflg) jp(&qds.msgx_perm); if (Zflg) printzone(qds.msgx_perm.ipcx_zoneid); (void) printf("\n"); if (Dflg) dumpmsgq(id); } } /* * Print Shared Memory status report. */ if (mflg) { struct shmid_ds64 mds; for (;;) { if (shmids(ids, nids, &n) != 0) { perror("shmids"); exit(1); } if (n <= nids) break; ids = realloc(ids, (nids = n) * sizeof (int)); } if (!qflg || oflg || bflg || pflg || tflg || iflg) (void) printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", chdr, cflg ? chdr2 : "", oflg ? " NATTCH" : "", bflg ? " SEGSZ" : "", pflg ? " CPID LPID" : "", tflg ? " ATIME DTIME CTIME " : "", iflg ? " ISMATTCH" : "", Jflg ? chdr3 : "", Zflg ? " ZONE" : ""); (void) printf(gettext("Shared Memory:\n")); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { id = ids[i]; if (shmctl64(id, IPC_STAT64, &mds) < 0) continue; /* ignore zone if -Z was used and -z wasn't */ if ((zflg || !Zflg) && mds.shmx_perm.ipcx_zoneid != zoneid) continue; hp('m', "--rw-rw-rw-", &mds.shmx_perm, id); if (oflg) (void) printf(" %6llu", mds.shmx_nattch); if (bflg) (void) printf(" %10llu", mds.shmx_segsz); if (pflg) (void) printf(" %5d %5d", (int)mds.shmx_cpid, (int)mds.shmx_lpid); if (tflg) { tp(mds.shmx_atime); tp(mds.shmx_dtime); tp(mds.shmx_ctime); } if (iflg) (void) printf(" %8llu", mds.shmx_cnattch); if (Jflg) jp(&mds.shmx_perm); if (Zflg) printzone(mds.shmx_perm.ipcx_zoneid); (void) printf("\n"); } } /* * Print Semaphore facility status. */ if (sflg) { struct semid_ds64 sds; union semun { int val; struct semid_ds64 *buf; ushort_t *array; } semarg; semarg.buf = &sds; for (;;) { if (semids(ids, nids, &n) != 0) { perror("semids"); exit(1); } if (n <= nids) break; ids = realloc(ids, (nids = n) * sizeof (int)); } if (bflg || tflg || (!qflg && !mflg)) (void) printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", chdr, cflg ? chdr2 : "", bflg ? " NSEMS" : "", tflg ? " OTIME CTIME " : "", Jflg ? chdr3 : "", Zflg ? " ZONE" : ""); (void) printf(gettext("Semaphores:\n")); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { id = ids[i]; if (semctl64(id, 0, IPC_STAT64, semarg) < 0) continue; /* ignore zone if -Z was used and -z wasn't */ if ((zflg || !Zflg) && sds.semx_perm.ipcx_zoneid != zoneid) continue; hp('s', "--ra-ra-ra-", &sds.semx_perm, id); if (bflg) (void) printf(" %5u", sds.semx_nsems); if (tflg) { tp(sds.semx_otime); tp(sds.semx_ctime); } if (Jflg) jp(&sds.semx_perm); if (Zflg) printzone(sds.semx_perm.ipcx_zoneid); (void) printf("\n"); } } return (0); } /* * hp - common header print */ static void hp(char type, char *modesp, struct ipc_perm64 *permp, int slot) { int i; /* loop control */ struct group *g; /* ptr to group group entry */ struct passwd *u; /* ptr to user passwd entry */ char keyfield[16]; (void) snprintf(keyfield, sizeof (keyfield), " 0x%x", permp->ipcx_key); (void) printf("%c %10d %-13s", type, slot, keyfield); for (i = 02000; i; modesp++, i >>= 1) (void) printf("%c", (permp->ipcx_mode & i) ? *modesp : '-'); if ((u = getpwuid(permp->ipcx_uid)) == NULL) (void) printf("%9d", (int)permp->ipcx_uid); else (void) printf("%9.8s", u->pw_name); if ((g = getgrgid(permp->ipcx_gid)) == NULL) (void) printf("%9d", (int)permp->ipcx_gid); else (void) printf("%9.8s", g->gr_name); if (cflg) { if ((u = getpwuid(permp->ipcx_cuid)) == NULL) (void) printf("%9d", (int)permp->ipcx_cuid); else (void) printf("%9.8s", u->pw_name); if ((g = getgrgid(permp->ipcx_cgid)) == NULL) (void) printf("%9d", (int)permp->ipcx_cgid); else (void) printf("%9.8s", g->gr_name); } } /* * jp - project header print */ static void jp(struct ipc_perm64 *permp) { struct project proj; char buf[PROJECT_BUFSZ]; if ((getprojbyid(permp->ipcx_projid, &proj, buf, PROJECT_BUFSZ)) == NULL) (void) printf("%16ld", permp->ipcx_projid); else (void) printf("%16.15s", proj.pj_name); } /* * tp - time entry printer */ void tp(ipc_time_t gmt64) { struct tm *t; /* ptr to converted time */ time_t gmt = (time_t)gmt64; if (gmt && gmt64 <= UINT_MAX) { t = localtime(&gmt); (void) printf(" %2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); } else { (void) printf("%9s", gettext(" no-entry")); } } /* Round up to a sizeof (size_t) boundary */ #define SZROUND(x) (((x) + sizeof (size_t) - 1) & ~(sizeof (size_t) - 1)) /* * dumpmsgq - dump all messages on a message queue */ void dumpmsgq(int msqid) { static struct msgsnap_head *buf = NULL; static size_t bufsize; struct msgsnap_mhead *mhead; size_t i; /* allocate the minimum required buffer size on first time through */ if (buf == NULL) buf = malloc(bufsize = sizeof (struct msgsnap_head)); /* * Fetch all messages specified by mtype from * the queue while leaving the queue intact. */ for (;;) { if (msgsnap(msqid, buf, bufsize, mtype) != 0) { /* * Don't complain; either the user does not have * read permission on msqid or msqid was deleted. */ return; } if (bufsize >= buf->msgsnap_size) { /* we collected all of the messages */ break; } /* The buffer is too small; allocate a bigger buffer */ buf = realloc(buf, bufsize = buf->msgsnap_size); } /* * Process each message in the queue (there may be none). * The first message header starts just after the buffer header. */ mhead = (struct msgsnap_mhead *)(buf + 1); for (i = 0; i < buf->msgsnap_nmsg; i++) { size_t mlen = mhead->msgsnap_mlen; dumpmsg(mhead->msgsnap_mtype, (char *)(mhead + 1), mlen); /* advance to next message header */ /* LINTED alignment */ mhead = (struct msgsnap_mhead *) ((caddr_t)(mhead + 1) + SZROUND(mlen)); } } /* * dumpmsg - dump one message from a message queue. */ void dumpmsg(long type, char *msg, size_t msgsize) { size_t i, j, k; int c; (void) printf(gettext(" message type %ld, size %lu\n"), type, (ulong_t)msgsize); for (i = 0; i < msgsize; i += 16) { /* first in hex */ (void) printf(" %5ld: ", (ulong_t)i); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if ((k = i + j) < msgsize) (void) printf("%2.2x ", msg[k] & 0xff); else (void) printf(" "); } /* then in ascii */ (void) printf(" "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if ((k = i + j) >= msgsize) break; c = msg[k] & 0xff; if (isascii(c) && isprint(c)) (void) printf("%c", c); else (void) printf("."); } (void) printf("\n"); } } /* convert string containing zone name or id to a numeric id */ static zoneid_t getzone(char *arg) { zoneid_t zoneid; if (zone_get_id(arg, &zoneid) != 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("ipcs: unknown zone: %s\n"), arg); exit(1); } return (zoneid); } static void printzone(zoneid_t id) { char zone_name[ZONENAME_MAX]; if (getzonenamebyid(id, zone_name, sizeof (zone_name)) < 0) (void) printf("%9d", (int)id); else (void) printf("%9.8s", zone_name); }