Lines Matching refs:uint8_t

62 	uint8_t setClocking;	/* host requests baud rate be set */
63 uint8_t baudLo; /* host does baud divisor calculation */
64 uint8_t baudHi; /* host does baud divisor calculation */
66 uint8_t setLcr; /* host requests lcr be set */
67 uint8_t lcr; /* use PARITY, STOPBITS, DATABITS below */
69 uint8_t setRxMode; /* set receive mode */
70 uint8_t rxMode; /* RXMODE_DMA or RXMODE_BYHAND */
72 uint8_t setTxMode; /* set transmit mode */
73 uint8_t txMode; /* TXMODE_DMA or TXMODE_BYHAND */
76 uint8_t setTxFlowControl;
77 uint8_t txFlowControl; /* use TX_FLOW... bits below */
80 uint8_t setRxFlowControl;
81 uint8_t rxFlowControl; /* use RX_FLOW... bits below */
82 uint8_t sendXoff; /* host requests XOFF transmitted immediately */
83 uint8_t sendXon; /* host requests XON char transmitted */
84 uint8_t xonChar; /* specified in current character format */
85 uint8_t xoffChar; /* specified in current character format */
87 uint8_t sendChar; /* host requests char transmitted immediately */
88 uint8_t txChar; /* character to send */
90 uint8_t setRts; /* host requests RTS output be set */
91 uint8_t rts; /* 1=on, 0=off */
92 uint8_t setDtr; /* host requests DTR output be set */
93 uint8_t dtr; /* 1=on, 0=off */
101 uint8_t rxForwardingLength;
102 uint8_t rxForwardingTimeout; /* (1-31 in ms) */
103 uint8_t txAckSetting; /* 0=don't ack, 1=normal, 2-255 TBD... */
109 uint8_t portEnabled; /* 0=disabled, 1=enabled */
110 uint8_t txFlush; /* 0=normal, 1=toss outbound data */
111 uint8_t txBreak; /* 0=break off, 1=break on */
112 uint8_t loopbackMode; /* 0=no loopback, 1=loopback enabled */
121 uint8_t rxFlush; /* toss inbound data */
124 uint8_t rxForward;
125 uint8_t cancelRxXoff; /* cancel any receive XOFF state (_txXoff) */
126 uint8_t returnStatus; /* return current status NOW */
163 uint8_t msr; /* reports the actual MSR register */
164 uint8_t cts; /* reports CTS pin */
165 uint8_t dcd; /* reports DCD pin */
166 uint8_t dsr; /* reports DSR pin */
167 uint8_t ri; /* reports RI pin */
168 uint8_t _txXoff; /* port is in XOFF state (we received XOFF) */
169 uint8_t rxBreak; /* reports break state */
172 uint8_t rxOverrun;
175 uint8_t rxParity;
178 uint8_t rxFrame;
179 uint8_t portState; /* PORTSTATE_xxx bits (useful for debugging) */
180 uint8_t messageAck; /* message acknowledgement */
181 uint8_t charAck; /* character acknowledgement */
184 uint8_t controlResponse;