Lines Matching refs:test

50 	int test;  in main()  local
55 test = 1; in main()
60 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
63 test = 2; in main()
69 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
74 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
77 test = 3; in main()
82 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
85 test = 4; in main()
90 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
93 test = 5; in main()
98 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
103 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
106 test = 6; in main()
111 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
116 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
119 test = 7; in main()
125 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
128 test = 8; in main()
133 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
138 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
141 test = 9; in main()
149 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
154 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
159 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
164 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
167 test = 10; in main()
172 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
177 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
180 test = 11; in main()
188 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
193 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
196 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
201 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
204 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
209 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
212 test = 12; in main()
215 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
221 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
224 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
229 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
232 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, errno); in main()
237 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
242 test = 13; in main()
247 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
252 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
255 test = 14; in main()
260 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
265 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
270 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()
275 errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "test %d failed with %d", test, rc); in main()