Lines Matching refs:n

36 @ MSG_ELF_SHDR		"Section Header[%d]:  sh_name: %s\n"
40 @ MSG_DEBUG_S_OK "shdr[%d: %s].%s: value unchanged: %s\n"
41 @ MSG_DEBUG_S_CHG "shdr[%d: %s].%s: change from %s to %s\n"
42 @ MSG_DEBUG_LLX_OK "shdr[%d: %s].%s: value unchanged: %#llx\n"
43 @ MSG_DEBUG_LLX_CHG "shdr[%d: %s].%s: change from %#llx to %#llx\n"
44 @ MSG_DEBUG_D_OK "shdr[%d: %s].%s: value unchanged: %d\n"
45 @ MSG_DEBUG_D_CHG "shdr[%d: %s].%s: change from %d to %d\n"
49 module, and should otherwise be completely zero\n"
51 be 0, 1, or a power of 2: %s\n"
78 Interpret the sec argument as a section index rather than\n\
79 as a section name. section can be one of the well known SHN_\n\
80 symbolic constants, or any integer.\n"
83 Interpret the sec argument as a section type rather than\n\
84 as a section name. section can be one of the well known SHT_\n\
85 symbolic constants, or any integer.\n"
88 Interpret the name argument as a string table offset rather\n\
89 than as a string.\n"
92 Interpret the value argument as a section name rather than\n\
93 as an integer. The index of the first section with the\n\
94 specified name will be used as the value.\n"
97 Interpret the value argument as a section type rather than\n\
98 as an integer. The index of the first section of the specified\n\
99 type will be used as the value. value can be one of the well\n\
100 known SHT_ symbolic constants, or any integer.\n"
106 Section to examine or modify. By default, this argument is\n\
107 interpreted as the name of the desired section. The section\n\
108 index of the first section with the specified name is used.\n\
109 \n\
110 If -shndx is set, then sec is a section index, and is\n\
111 interpreted as an integer, or one of the well known SHN_\n\
112 symbolic constant names.\n\
113 \n\
114 If -shtyp is set, then sec is a section type, and is\n\
115 interpreted as an integer, or one of the well known SHT_\n\
116 symbolic constant names. The section index of the first\n\
117 section with the specified type is used.\n"
119 @ MSG_A2_DESC_SH_ADDR "Integer value to set for section address.\n"
122 Integer value to set for section alignment.\n"
125 Integer value to set for size of an individual element in\n\
126 a section of fixed-size entries.\n"
129 Section flags. SHF_ flag constants are accepted, as is\n\
130 any integer.\n"
133 Integer value to set for symbol sh_info field. The meaning\n\
134 of this value depends on the type of the section.\n"
137 Integer value to set for symbol sh_link field. The meaning\n\
138 of this value depends on the type of the section.\n"
141 Name to set for section. If the -name_offset option is\n\
142 used, this is an integer offset into the section header\n\
143 string table. Otherwise, it is a string, which will be\n\
144 looked up in the symbol table in order to obtain the needed\n\
145 offset value.\n"
148 Integer value to set for symbol sh_offset field. The value\n\
149 of sh_offset gives the byte offset from the beginning of\n\
150 the file to the first byte in the section. For SHT_NOBITS\n\
151 sections, this member indicates the conceptual offset in the\n\
152 file, as the section occupies no space in the file.\n"
155 Integer value to set for size of section, in bytes. Unless the\n\
156 section type is SHT_NOBITS, the section occupies sh_size bytes\n\
157 in the file. A section of type SHT_NOBITS can have a nonzero\n\
158 size, but the section occupies no space in the file.\n"
161 Value to set for section type. The value can be an integer,\n\
162 or one of the well known SHT_ symbolic constant names.\n"
169 The shdr:dump command is used to display section header\n\
170 information using the same style used by the elfdump program.\n\
171 \n\
172 If shdr:dump is called without arguments, information for every\n\
173 section header in the object is shown. If called with the shndx\n\
174 argument, the section header at that index is displayed.\n"
177 The shdr:sh_addr command is used to display or alter the\n\
178 starting virtual memory address of the section.\n\
179 \n\
180 If the section appears in the memory image of a process,\n\
181 this member gives the address at which the sections's\n\
182 first byte should reside. Otherwise, the member is expected\n\
183 to contain the value zero.\n\
184 \n\
185 If shdr:sh_addr is called without arguments, the value of\n\
186 sh_addr for every section in the section header array is\n\
187 shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
188 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
189 present, the sh_addr field of the section at the specified\n\
190 index is set to the given value.\n"
193 The shdr:sh_addralign command is used to display or alter the\n\
194 alignment constraint for the section.\n\
195 \n\
196 Some sections have address alignment constraints. For example,\n\
197 if a section holds a double-word, the system must ensure\n\
198 double-word alignment for the entire section. In this case,\n\
199 the value of sh_addr must be congruent to 0, modulo the value\n\
200 of sh_addralign. Currently, only 0 and positive integral\n\
201 powers of 2 are used in Solaris ELF files. Values 0 and 1\n\
202 mean the section has no alignment constraints.\n\
203 \n\
204 If shdr:sh_addralign is called without arguments, the value\n\
205 of sh_addralign for every section in the section header array\n\
206 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
207 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
208 present, the sh_addralign field of the section at the specified\n\
209 index is set to the given value.\n"
212 The shdr:sh_entsize command is used to display or alter the\n\
213 per-item entry size for the section.\n\
214 \n\
215 Some sections hold a table of fixed-size entries, such as a\n\
216 symbol table. For such a section, this member gives the size\n\
217 in bytes of each entry. By convention, the member is set to\n\
218 the value zero if the section does not hold a table of\n\
219 fixed-size entries.\n\
220 \n\
221 If shdr:sh_entsize is called without arguments, the value\n\
222 of sh_entsize for every section in the section header array\n\
223 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
224 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
225 present, the sh_entsize field of the section at the specified\n\
226 index is set to the given value.\n"
229 The shdr:sh_flags command is used to display or alter the\n\
230 flags that are associated with the section.\n\
231 \n\
232 \n\
233 If shdr:sh_flags is called without arguments, the value\n\
234 of sh_flags for every section in the section header array\n\
235 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of\n\
236 the section at that index is displayed. If one or more\n\
237 value arguments are present, the following steps are taken:\n\
238 \n \
239 o\tAll the value arguments are OR'd together.\n\
240 \n \
241 o\tIf the -cmp option has been specified, the new value\n\
242 \tis complemented.\n\
243 \n \
244 o\tThe sh_flags field of the section header is updated with\n\
245 \tthe new value. If -and is specified, the new value is\n\
246 \tAND'd against the existing value. If -or is specified,\n\
247 \tthe new value is OR'd against the existing value. If\n\
248 \tneither -and or -or are specified, the new value replaces\n\
249 \tthe existing value.\n"
252 The shdr:sh_info command is used to display or alter the\n\
253 sh_info field of the specified section.\n\
254 \n\
255 sh_info contains extra information, the interpretation\n\
256 of which depends on the section type.\n\
257 \n\
258 If shdr:sh_info is called without arguments, the value\n\
259 of sh_info for every section in the section header array\n\
260 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
261 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
262 present, the sh_info field of the section at the specified\n\
263 index is set to the given value.\n"
266 The shdr:sh_link command is used to display or alter the\n\
267 sh_link field of the specified section.\n\
268 \n\
269 sh_link contains extra information, the interpretation\n\
270 of which depends on the section type.\n\
271 \n\
272 If shdr:sh_link is called without arguments, the value\n\
273 of sh_link for every section in the section header array\n\
274 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
275 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
276 present, the sh_link field of the section at the specified\n\
277 index is set to the given value.\n"
280 The shdr:sh_name command is used to display or alter the\n\
281 name associated with a specified section.\n\
282 \n\
283 The sh_name field of a section header is an index into\n\
284 the section header string table section giving the location\n\
285 of a null terminated string.\n\
286 \n\
287 If shdr:sh_name is called without arguments, the name of\n\
288 every section in the section header array is shown. If called\n\
289 with the shndx argument, the name of the section at that\n\
290 index is displayed. If both arguments are present, the\n\
291 sh_name field of the section at the specified index is set\n\
292 to the given value.\n\
293 \n\
294 When changing the name of a section, you should be aware\n\
295 that the name selected must exist within the section header\n\
296 string table, as it is not possible to add new strings to\n\
297 this string table.\n"
300 The shdr:sh_offset command is used to display or alter the\n\
301 sh_offset field of the specified section.\n\
302 \n\
303 sh_offset provides the byte offset from the beginning of\n\
304 the file to the first byte in the section. For a SHT_NOBITS\n\
305 section, this member indicates the conceptual offset in\n\
306 the file, as the section occupies no space in the file.\n\
307 \n\
308 If shdr:sh_offset is called without arguments, the value\n\
309 of sh_offset for every section in the section header array\n\
310 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
311 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
312 present, the sh_offset field of the section at the specified\n\
313 index is set to the given value.\n"
316 The shdr:sh_size command is used to display or alter the\n\
317 sh_size field of the specified section.\n\
318 \n\
319 sh_size provides the section's size in bytes. Unless the\n\
320 section type is SHT_NOBITS, the section occupies sh_size\n\
321 bytes in the file. A section of type SHT_NOBITS can have\n\
322 a non-zero size, but the section occupies no space in the file.\n\
323 \n\
324 If shdr:sh_size is called without arguments, the value\n\
325 of sh_size for every section in the section header array\n\
326 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
327 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
328 present, the sh_size field of the section at the specified\n\
329 index is set to the given value.\n"
332 The shdr:sh_type command is used to display or alter the\n\
333 sh_type field of the specified section.\n\
334 \n\
335 The type of a section categorizes the section's contents\n\
336 and semantics.\n\
337 \n\
338 If shdr:sh_type is called without arguments, the value\n\
339 of sh_type for every section in the section header array\n\
340 is shown. If called with the shndx argument, the value of the\n\
341 section at that index is displayed. If both arguments are\n\
342 present, the sh_type field of the section at the specified\n\
343 index is set to the given value.\n"
357 @ MSG_STR_NL "\n"
370 @ MSG_FMT_WORDVALNL "%u\n"
371 @ MSG_FMT_WORDHEXNL "%#x\n"
372 @ MSG_FMT_XWORDHEXNL "%#llx\n"
373 @ MSG_FMT_STRNL "%s\n"