Lines Matching refs:Event

200     UINT8                   Event;  in CmDoCompile()  local
204 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Open input and output files"); in CmDoCompile()
205 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
207 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Preprocess input file"); in CmDoCompile()
222 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
227 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
232 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Parse source code and build parse tree"); in CmDoCompile()
234 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
262 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Flush source input"); in CmDoCompile()
277 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
281 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Parse tree transforms"); in CmDoCompile()
285 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
289 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate AML opcodes"); in CmDoCompile()
293 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
300 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Open AML output file"); in CmDoCompile()
302 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
311 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Constant folding via AML interpreter"); in CmDoCompile()
324 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
328 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Updating AML opcodes after constant folding"); in CmDoCompile()
333 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
337 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate AML package lengths"); in CmDoCompile()
341 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
364 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Create ACPI Namespace"); in CmDoCompile()
367 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
393 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Resolve all Externals"); in CmDoCompile()
406 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
415 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Analyze control method return types"); in CmDoCompile()
429 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
433 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate cross-reference file"); in CmDoCompile()
435 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
439 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Determine object types returned by methods"); in CmDoCompile()
443 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
447 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Analyze AML operand types"); in CmDoCompile()
455 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
459 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Miscellaneous analysis"); in CmDoCompile()
464 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
480 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Finish AML package length generation"); in CmDoCompile()
486 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
490 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate AML code and write output files"); in CmDoCompile()
493 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
495 Event = UtBeginEvent ("Write optional output files"); in CmDoCompile()
497 UtEndEvent (Event); in CmDoCompile()
749 ASL_EVENT_INFO *Event; in CmDumpAllEvents() local
756 Event = AslGbl_Events; in CmDumpAllEvents()
766 if (Event->Valid) in CmDumpAllEvents()
770 Delta = (UINT32) (Event->EndTime - Event->StartTime); in CmDumpAllEvents()
783 MicroSeconds, MilliSeconds, Event->EventName); in CmDumpAllEvents()
788 MicroSeconds, MilliSeconds, Event->EventName); in CmDumpAllEvents()
792 Event++; in CmDumpAllEvents()