Lines Matching refs:int32_t

229 	int32_t	version;	/* version of command structure */
230 int32_t handle; /* reference to filesystem to be changed */
243 int32_t cs_ndir; /* number of directories */
244 int32_t cs_nbfree; /* number of free blocks */
245 int32_t cs_nifree; /* number of free inodes */
246 int32_t cs_nffree; /* number of free frags */
261 int32_t fs_firstfield; /* historic filesystem linked list, */
262 int32_t fs_unused_1; /* used for incore super blocks */
263 int32_t fs_sblkno; /* offset of super-block in filesys */
264 int32_t fs_cblkno; /* offset of cyl-block in filesys */
265 int32_t fs_iblkno; /* offset of inode-blocks in filesys */
266 int32_t fs_dblkno; /* offset of first data after cg */
267 int32_t fs_old_cgoffset; /* cylinder group offset in cylinder */
268 int32_t fs_old_cgmask; /* used to calc mod fs_ntrak */
269 int32_t fs_old_time; /* last time written */
270 int32_t fs_old_size; /* number of blocks in fs */
271 int32_t fs_old_dsize; /* number of data blocks in fs */
273 int32_t fs_bsize; /* size of basic blocks in fs */
274 int32_t fs_fsize; /* size of frag blocks in fs */
275 int32_t fs_frag; /* number of frags in a block in fs */
277 int32_t fs_minfree; /* minimum percentage of free blocks */
278 int32_t fs_old_rotdelay; /* num of ms for optimal next block */
279 int32_t fs_old_rps; /* disk revolutions per second */
281 int32_t fs_bmask; /* ``blkoff'' calc of blk offsets */
282 int32_t fs_fmask; /* ``fragoff'' calc of frag offsets */
283 int32_t fs_bshift; /* ``lblkno'' calc of logical blkno */
284 int32_t fs_fshift; /* ``numfrags'' calc number of frags */
286 int32_t fs_maxcontig; /* max number of contiguous blks */
287 int32_t fs_maxbpg; /* max number of blks per cyl group */
289 int32_t fs_fragshift; /* block to frag shift */
290 int32_t fs_fsbtodb; /* fsbtodb and dbtofsb shift constant */
291 int32_t fs_sbsize; /* actual size of super block */
292 int32_t fs_spare1[2]; /* old fs_csmask */
294 int32_t fs_nindir; /* value of NINDIR */
296 int32_t fs_old_nspf; /* value of NSPF */
298 int32_t fs_optim; /* optimization preference, see below */
299 int32_t fs_old_npsect; /* # sectors/track including spares */
300 int32_t fs_old_interleave; /* hardware sector interleave */
301 int32_t fs_old_trackskew; /* sector 0 skew, per track */
302 int32_t fs_id[2]; /* unique filesystem id */
304 int32_t fs_old_csaddr; /* blk addr of cyl grp summary area */
305 int32_t fs_cssize; /* size of cyl grp summary area */
306 int32_t fs_cgsize; /* cylinder group size */
307 int32_t fs_spare2; /* old fs_ntrak */
308 int32_t fs_old_nsect; /* sectors per track */
309 int32_t fs_old_spc; /* sectors per cylinder */
310 int32_t fs_old_ncyl; /* cylinders in filesystem */
311 int32_t fs_old_cpg; /* cylinders per group */
313 int32_t fs_fpg; /* blocks per group * fs_frag */
324 int32_t fs_pad; /* due to alignment of fs_swuid */
326 int32_t fs_cgrotor; /* last cg searched */
330 int32_t *fs_maxcluster; /* (u) max cluster in each cyl group */
332 int32_t fs_old_cpc; /* cyl per cycle in postbl */
333 int32_t fs_maxbsize; /* maximum blocking factor permitted */
349 int32_t fs_save_cgsize; /* save real cg size to use fs_bsize */
351 int32_t fs_sujfree; /* SUJ free list */
352 int32_t fs_sparecon32[23]; /* reserved for future constants */
353 int32_t fs_flags; /* see FS_ flags below */
354 int32_t fs_contigsumsize; /* size of cluster summary array */
355 int32_t fs_maxsymlinklen; /* max length of an internal symlink */
356 int32_t fs_old_inodefmt; /* format of on-disk inodes */
360 int32_t fs_state; /* validate fs_clean field */
361 int32_t fs_old_postblformat; /* format of positional layout tables */
362 int32_t fs_old_nrpos; /* number of rotational positions */
363 int32_t fs_spare5[2]; /* old fs_postbloff */
365 int32_t fs_magic; /* magic number */
450 /* base cg */ (sizeof(struct cg) + sizeof(int32_t) + \
451 /* old btotoff */ (fs)->fs_old_cpg * sizeof(int32_t) + \
456 /* cluster sum */ (fs)->fs_contigsumsize * sizeof(int32_t) + \
474 int32_t cg_firstfield; /* historic cyl groups linked list */
475 int32_t cg_magic; /* magic number */
476 int32_t cg_old_time; /* time last written */
486 int32_t cg_old_btotoff; /* (int32) block totals per cylinder */
487 int32_t cg_old_boff; /* (u_int16) free block positions */
497 int32_t cg_sparecon32[2]; /* reserved for future use */
515 ((int32_t *)((uintptr_t)(cgp) + (cgp)->cg_clustersumoff))